Then Senka and Spomenka come to Izet to be with him, but at the same time and they go around and around the house until they meet each other and run away from Izet. Nije mudro organizovati rodjendan bez slavljenika, niti sahranu bez pokojnika (If your friends and family does not expect you to come back, then your immovability can easily get legs.Its not wise to organize a birthday without the celebrant, nor a funeral without the dead.)". Faruk will accidentally rip off Ajna's doll which Ajna's mother gave to her before Ajna's mother's death, while Šukrija will break a bottle full of precious Izet's maksuzija. Dino screws everything up. Next Article Lista Kanala Uživo. (The root cause of divorce is marriage.If there weren't marriages, there would not be a divorce.When you already belong to a better looking gender, what drives you to be uglier. Ne kaze se u narodu dzaba: jednom kenjac, vazda magare", "Dobro otvori oci ako koristis slusalice sa wireless kablom. "Kupoprodaja slike i Folcike (Buying and Selling of the Painting and Volkswagen)". After they demolished San Remo, they were arrested. Faruk wants to make a video featuring their housemaid, Sanela, but Damir wants her to himself. ", This page was last edited on 10 August 2020, at 16:13. Marija starts to make Mamur Čorba, which everyone likes. Because of it, Faruk destroyed Izet's picture of Tito, then Izet has thrown Damir's new LG phone from window, thinking that it is Faruk's thing for music. "Kada si u autu, pravi se Englez. Lud, zbunjen, normalan (transl. Iako je prošlo 10 godina, oni i dalje dvogledom gledaju susjede. Ajna is thrilled that his idea, and when Faruk motorcycle vessel Čombe will turn out that he has been right. He lets Izet know who ends up going crazy and wants to kill him. Meanwhile Damir and Izet are at San Remos drinking suddenly Faruk enters the door and thanks them for bailing him out of prison, which confuses they since they didn't have the money after it got stolen. Izet calls Refija to look after Dzema (Damirs son). Lud, zbunjen, normalan, 11. travnja. Izet, Faruk and Damir get scabies because of Čombe's "happy shirt". Izet's painting is vandalized. Ali ako su medicinske sestre svedjanke, onda treba preferirati svedsku bolnicu", "Scenarist, glumci i vjetrovi (Screenwriters, actors and winds)", "Pijanac, ubistvo i pas (A drunkard, murder and a dog)", "Avion, pištolj i banka (Airplane, gun and a bank)", "Drama, fotografija i raskid (Drama, photo and a breakup)", "Most, matura i alarm (Bridge, prom and an alarm)", "Advokat, odvjetnik i zanovjetnik (Lawyer, lawyer and a lawyer) (All words mean lawyer)", "Poštar je doneo paket, ali niko ne zna za koga je poklon", "Faruk jo totalno puk'o, a Izet i Damir pokušavaju da mu pomognu", "Faruk je prolupao i više nego u predhodnoj epizodi, a Izet ganja puha", "Damir doneo iz podruma projektor, a Faruku je u posjetu došao stari drug", "Kada Izet folira da snima seriju, a Refko se bori sa veličinom organa", "Izet ne bi da se Damir ženi, a fufe ulazi u turizam na velika vrata", "Mada njihov život jeste reality show, Faruku realno prijeti godina robije", "Faruka se namjerio na doktorku, a Izet na sač", "Izet je u ratarskom biznisu, a Faruk se navukao na lijepak", "Faruk je konačno doguran do psihijatra, a Izet do dobitne kombinacije", "Faruk je u potrazi za prijateljima, a Izet za preljubnicima", "Faruk se potvrđuje kao ekspert za žene, a Izet za kućne pomoćnice", "Dupla votka sa jednom kriškom limuna, dve kocke leda i malo badema da se zamezi". Izet helps him, by giving him his legitimation. Schneller Zugriff als Browser! Reader Rating: (2 Rates) 10. But Ajna remembers how they ended up on the bed with moans. Moj brajko, snimati pilot epizodu nije maciji kasalj", "Ako laze koza, ne laze DNK. Izet has potency issues, but the Viagra given to him by the doctor ends up being taken by Dino and Faruk as well. Damir and Marija are led to believe that Faruk is in love with a man named Vanja, speculating that Faruk is gay. Stjepan and Marija are getting a divorce. Ako nisi siguran da li si u snu ili na javi, nazovi Pamelu Anderson i pitaj je da ima seks sa tobom. Damir meets a girl in the library, but Izet scares her away after she comes to his apartment to rent a room. After Izet collects the insurance money he promises the money to his children if he gets the premium of the lottery. "Prvi put sa pradedom u školu (First Day of School, with Great-Grandfather)". Izet prokocka Damirov novac, a za razliku od njega Zgembo, sasvim slučajno, osvaja veliki dobitak na ruletu. "Fotografija Ričardsa Kejta (Keith Richard's Photograph)". The motorcycle will be stolen and this will lead to a number of interesting twists. Mesić je bio zastupnik u Hrvatskom saboru u 1960-ima, a nakon toga van politike do 1990.-e kada je postao član Hrvatske demokratske zajednice (HDZ), a potom i … He realized that he wants to be killed by Fadila the asks Izet to help him save his head. Combe and Dino get involved in the lesbian couple's plan to promote sexual equality in Bosnia while Faruk is exposed to some disturbing sexual situations. Izet accidentally becomes a Russian doctor in a gathering at Damir's and Inese's college. Rocker Đenis Đenis comes to Faruk's studio to record a song, but Faruk caught in his Brotti phase. The child is kidnapped and Izet will use this fact to gain confidence in their teacher education work. Lud, zbunjen, normalan je bosanskohercegovačka serija u režiji Elmira Jukića i Feđe Isovića. Izet has to go to the hospital for an analysis. The police arrests Faruk for a car-steal. Refko has to go to the dentist. Share: Lud, zbunjen, normalan je bosanskohercegovacka humoristicna serija u režiji Elmira Jukica i scenarista Fede Isovica. Izet has set on fire Faruk's picture of Keith Richard, which was important to Faruk. Faruk gets a goldfish from his girlfriend Tanja which Izet believes to be a magic fish granting him three wishes. "Umro Predsjednik, Živio Predsjednik (The President Is Dead, Long Live The President)", "Prepotentna Situacija (The Overbearing Situation)". Izet's father Muharem returns to Sarajevo to give Izet's family a lot of money and properties. Profile von Personen mit dem Namen Lud Zbunjen Normalan anzeigen. The president of the apartment complex died, so Izet goes up for elections in order to become the new president, but someone is standing in his way. Faruk gets married with a woman which Izet and Damir don't like. Ajna's ex-boyfriend escapes from prison and flees to Izet's house. Mada semanticki vuku isti korjen, polaganje vozackog i polaganje kamen temeljca, nemaju nikakve veze", "Ne treba vjerovati rodjacima, narocito kada lazu. U obitelji Fazlinović nastaje totalna pomutnja kada djed Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) iz unukove torbe izvuče promiskuitetnu video-kasetu, koja je tu dospjela greškom djelatnice u videoteci. Faruk tells the story of how his studio "Accord" came about. Shares . LUD ZBUNJEN NORMALAN , LZN , SVE EPIZODE , SVE SEZONE , HD , BESPLATNO GLEDANJE , SEZONA 1 , SEZONA 2 , SEZONA 3 , SEZONA 4 , SEZONA 5 , SEZONA 6 , SEZONA 7 , SEZONA 8 , SEZONA 9 , SEZONA 10 , SEZONA 11 , HD , BESPLATNO GLEDANJE , ONLINE , ONLAJN lzn sve epizode cijele epizode cele epizode hd online onlajn free besplatno HD lud zbunjen normalan nove epizode 265, lud zbunjen normalan … But since Bosnia is recovering still from war, there are no jobs for her, but gets Ivana's job because Ivana went to Germany for a month (but she remained there forever). Faruk and Damir need money and in order to get it they steal Izet's car and ask for ransom. Utjerivanje dugova je legalan posao, jedini je problem sto nije zakonit", "Osnovni uzrok za razvode je brak. 4 talking about this. 6.4.2021 / 09:02 / Zanimljivosti Ne propustite pogledati kakve zgode i nezgode čekaju ovu netipičnu obitelj! Pravni sustav je nakaradan - lakse je izaci iz zatvora, nego uci u njega". Nove epizode hit serije ''Lud, zbunjen, normalan'' od 10. travnja na Novoj TV! 1 Personen sprechen darüber. The whole male crew: Izet, as the couch and the players Faruk, Damir, Samir, Dino, Stjepan and Dr.Džidimilovićes nephew, Srečko (who plays professionally in the Netherlands) make a team for a tournament where Izet bet a lot of money on, but there is a big twist that only Izet knows and the others do not. Izet organized the birthday of the formation of their military company. Meanwhile, Ivana is in love with Srećko, a man which Faruk does not like. Guinness-Buch der Rekorde. Meanwhile, Izet tries to break his leg in order to get the insurance money. Meanwhile, Faruk tries to hook up Ivana with his cousin Samir. "Ljubavni Jadi Mladih Fazlinovića (Love Pains)", "Kralj Je Umro - Živio Refko (The King is Dead, Long Live Refko)". Sumnja je sasvim dovoljan povod da se nekoga proglasi homoseksualcem, pa makar je to on i stvarno", "Tacno je da plasticna operacija moze podmladiti zenu, ali je isto tako istina da nakon plasticne operacije zena moze biti cak i ljepsa. Izet and Faruk think that someone is taking drugs and both try to get to the bottom of it while Damir tries to hide a secret of his own. Because of that 'turkey'. A new woman shows up and Dino hits it off with her, but there is something that Faruk knows about her that Dino does not. But everything will change when Zumreta from walking back without Dzema. Faruk wakes up one morning speaking Italian and presents himself as a famous painter named "Brotti". Izet and Faruk talk about what happened to Damir's mother and how the crew met each other in Stjepan's cafe in 1985 with Faruk and Izet telling two different version of how things were. After that, Nevena and Izet met in the hotel and Nevena left Izet a lot of money before she went back to London. Dr. Điđimilović comes to cure Faruk, while Izet has to go on pretending to be Faruk in order to keep the business Đenis Đenis came to offer. Ako covjeku uvrijedis ono njemu najvrjednije, niko ti ne moze oduzeti samar koji ti pripada", "Ako imas problema sa memorijom, jedi sto vise bijelog luka. Izet saves them by when he discovers that the rifle that is abomination took only one shot, and the abomination of anger fired a bullet into the ceiling after Izet tried to escape. But before it, he dies. But, before dinner with Izet, the flusher fell on Dino's head and he became stupid again. Meanwhile, Izet and Đuro find out that there are two treasure chests (the one that Čombe found in episode 74 was filled with treasure) and the one Izet and Đuro find is filled with cans of ham. The Netherlands donated some domestic animals to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Faruk is arrested for tax evasion concerning radio station Accord. Damir found Faruk drunk and he granted him Izet's wishes. Laden Sie Unionpedia auf Ihrem Android™-Gerät herunter! There is a review of the past season and some major changes in the lifes of the Fazlinovic clan. The hole Sarajevo listens to the station because the sex Faruk and Ajna are having. In jail he is desperate to get out after another inmate wants to have sexual relationship with him. December 5, 2020. Uzgred, dzeparenje je trka na 400 metara sa preponama, nikad ne smijes stati", "Ako je dijete agresivno, to ne mora biti veliki problem, mozda samo uziva kada nanosi bol drugima. She replies "When i always make up, you read news. Izet wants the child to be a military man, Faruk wants to be a Rock n' Roll singer, Marija wants to be a nice barman and Damir wants to be a doctor as him. Izet kocka, Damir i dalje pije. Izet and Đuro are trying to solve the problem about the land which Đuro bought from Čombe. Izet and Điđimilović both want to have woman, so they went on cemetery to get widowed woman. A man named Jovan Belajbej seeks out to find Izet, so he can make an artistic sculpture for money. Za lihvarenje je potrebno dvoje, a pozeljno je da bar jedno bude tokmak", "Iako je imenica "salo" semanticki korjen muskog imena "Salko", neko ko se tako zove ne mora biti debeo. Izet bought himself chickens in order to get eggs for free because the price of eggs went up, so he would sell the eggs too. The three generations of Fazlinović find themselves in the same restaurant with their dates after all of them lie about where they are in order to go to a date, but a problem occurs which requires one of them to go. They name him Dražen but Izet named him Džema Branko. Izet and his communist friends are trying to cause the revolution, but the leader (not Izet) was arrested because of some fake euros. "Moral Prije Svega (Morals, Before Anything)". Damir comes back to the suitcase finds it empty with note written thanks. bivši predsjednik Republike Hrvatske i bivši predsjednik predsjedništva SFRJ.,_zbunjen,_normalan_episodes&oldid=972174893, Lists of Bosnian television series episodes, Lists of comedy television series episodes, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The next day, Izet destroys their bed and there is no other place than the radio station. The following is an episode list for the Bosnian television series Lud, zbunjen, normalan, which airs on FTV and Nova BH. Dzebra is now 18 and studying medicine. Dino goes to a police station for questioning about a crime he committed, but ends up doing something worse. Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) je u novom iskušenju, jer pokušava prestati pušiti što mu teško polazi za rukom. Fights ensue between Damir and Izet, when Izet finds out Džebra is registered for a religious class. Damir has a problem with his computer; it is always broken, and while Izet eavesdrops he thinks that there is a problem with Damir not being able to perform sexually, which Izet ties to fix with the help of his doctor. The series premiered on 2 September 2007. Dino buys Izet's Volkswagen Beetle. I zapamti da je spasavati propao brak, isto kao ozivljavati les (Never escape from jail, that is the best way to end up in jail again.And remember that saving a failed marriage, is same as reving a corpse. Faruk, also learning its value, tries to steal it back. Faruk, Damir, Izet and Čombe want to give a perfect present for their girlfriends. Izet wants to call upon his dead wife in order to tell him where she put the secret savings. Mozda kontejneri za smece izgledaju neprizorno, ali to ne znaci da ih je lijepo vidjeti", "Muskarci lakse podnose porod nego hemeroidne tegobe. Izet must paint a theme for a gay community poster, led by Belajbeg. U pokušaju da obogati kućni budžet, Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) tajno daje oglas da iznajmljuje sobu s kupaonicom. Barbara and Damir hired Zumreta to guard small Dzema, and it is allowed that the child is only in the presence of a parent. Ako znas gdje se krije, onda nije problem pronaci osobu koja je nestala", "Ako imas odnos sa snahinom majkom, to nije incest, ali je ipak ugodno. Related articles More from author. Actually, Faruk is in love with woman with the same name. Samir has stolen left shoes from the shop and sold it to Izet because he hadn't got any place in his garage. U obitelji Fazlinović nastaje totalna pomutnja kada djed Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) iz unukove torbe izvuče promiskuitetnu video-kasetu, koja je tu dospjela greškom djelatnice u videoteci. "Estrada i Showbiz (Stardom and Showbiz)". Dino thinks he is confusing people with other people. Ako nista, bar ce ti smrditi iz usta. HR_FLOWPLAYER_VERSION = "/static/shared/app/flowplayer/13-flowplayer.commercial-3.1.5-20-001.swf"; Uskoro se na Novoj TV počinju emitirati novi, još zabavniji i smješniji nastavci hit serije ''Lud zbunjen normalan''. Samir finds Fazlinovics a new housekeeper which turns out to … This is the last episode for season 2011. Frei. A new tenant moves in next to Izet, Enes Hadžiethemćumurović. Rabija went to village for a short time and Fazlinovići are trying to find a replace for her. Izet becomes a fake police officer in an audition for a movie, but then wanders off into the city and acts as a real police officer. "Dobar, loš, zao (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)". Later because of an accident the entire city loses power. Izet changes their minds so he is Džema Branko's nanny. 17.2.2020 / 10:48 / Zanimljivosti Ne propustite prvu epizodu serije Lud, zbunjen, normalan. Izet does not want to be in relationship with Ana anymore. Izet calls upon all his old colleges for a reunion in San Remo, but Faruk invites Izet's old enemy who tries to steal his girlfriend. Spomenka's daughter, Vedrana, arrives from America and Dino confuses her with her mother and sleeps with her but the real problems appear when Spomenka catches them. 0. Emitovanje Bosna i Hercegovina. 0. By admin. "Kupoprodaja Folcike (Buying and Selling of the Volkswagen)". Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys Women's History Month STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events The bird flu goes around the city. Faruk and his love interest Bojana have birthday on the same day. Šukrija wants the Maksuzija rakija but he gets it when he sends Džema Branko to a playground to get some Maksuzija and make Izet miserable. Izet bought a new roofing tile for a roof of the building, because old one has collapsed. Džema is left alone in the elevator. In the Fazlinovic household democracy came. It was actually mine field. Damir finds an abandoned dog which Izet gives to Senka as a gift. Damir and Barbara are at war because of Džema. Da nema brakova, ne bi bilo ni razvoda. In this episode, Izet gets Makzusija's in Herzegovina, from Ante. Izet was caught while driving his Lada 2105 drunk. Izet's school rival, Atif Đukelić, appears, and Izet wants to make him pay. Lud, zbunjen, normalan (Fou, confus, normal) est une série télévisée humoristique bosnienne qui a commencé à être diffusée en début septembre 2007.Elle est diffusée en Croatie (Nova TV) en Macédoine et en Serbie (sur Radio télévision de Serbie depuis septembre 2008).. Histoire. "Ginekologija i Pita Od Višanja (Gynecology and Cherry Pita)". Zadnja epizoda druge sezone je emitovana 12. aprila 2009. Izet starts to talk to a woman over the internet and it turns out to be someone he already knows, one of the cast members. Richman named Mahmut came to Faruk's studio to record several muslim religious songs. Spomenka's cousin Senka comes and lives in her apartment. Without Fazlinovic knowledge, Maria, the owner of San Remo, is the one that paid for Faruk's fine. ", "Neke odluke u zivotu je najbolje presjeci nozem. "Ako prijatelji i rodbina ne ocekuju tvoj povratak, onda tvoje nepokretnosti lako mogu dobiti noge. LUD ZBUNJEN NORMALAN. While this is going on scene Damir's wife is shown in bed with another man as she tells him she wants to go with him to Hollywood. Izet tries to stop smoking, and he has gone to the hypnotist in Dubrovnik. This was supposed to be the last episode of the series in which Izet`s twin brother buys him three airplane tickets to Sweden (one for him, Faruk and Damir). 0. Meanwhile, Čombe and Refko are trying to get some money, so they have founded hidden camera, and later hidden microphone. "Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego golub na balkonu", "adava je dobro sjeme, kad je rđavo oranje", "Osveta je najbolja kada se servira vrela", "Ako žive skupa, životinje se zavole, a ljudi se zamrze", "Dobro je teško vidjeti, a lako se pozna", "Kad čovjek tone i za vrelo gvožđe se hvata", "Žena treba da je što gluplja, a drvo što tvrđe", "Bogatstvo mijenja ćud, rijetko na bolje", "Mali će položiti anatomiju, to je računaj završeno", "Nisam ja nervozan, ja samo unosim nervozu", "Pijan u Busovači, isto trijezan u Hanoveru", "Može misionarski, a može i neka druga pozicija", "Šta ti je vrijeme uradilo, pa njega ubijaš? 0. U pokušaju da obogati kućni budžet, Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) tajno daje oglas da iznajmljuje sobu s kupaonicom. Damir's wife is shown at airport with unknown guy waiting for flight to Los Angeles. His driver license is deducted, but later is given back to him. ! Die Serie ist auf dem ganzen Balkan beliebt und gilt als erfolgreichste Serie seit dem Zerfall Jugoslawiens. Izet suspects that Damir wife is sleeping with someone else and goes to Damir to confront him and in turn they start drinking very late in the morning. video_player_type = 'flowplayer'; Trois générations de la famille Fazlinović vivent dans un appartement à Sarajevo. Đuro has bought some land from Čombe. U pokušaju da obogati kućni budžet, Izet (Mustafa Nadarević) tajno daje oglas da iznajmljuje sobu s kupaonicom. "Brotijev Identitet (The Brotti Identity)". Izet's old vacuum cleaner explodes, and Rabija quits her job. It's like the 80's" then Damir takes her out to dinner. Lud, zbunjen, normalan (dt. Lud, zbunjen, normalan, 11. travnja.