After submitting soft copies, posting the hard copies will not be required. The applicant is liable for the truth of the data and certificates, even if he commissions an agency to submit his application. Looking at the current scenario for interns and graduates of the scientific engineering courses, the demand is greater than the supply. Wir verzichten auch daher bisher fast vollständig darauf, zulassungsfreie Master zu listen. Danny Many companies are engaged into the fields of metrology and sensors, optics, analytical techniques, micro engineering and medical engineering. Man hat aber bei Master-Angeboten immer die Einschränkung, dass diese nur bei einem fachlich passendem ersten Hochschulabschluss zugänglich sind. Please make sure to get good quality scans of your documents using a scan software (App) or a scanning device. ​Der zunehmende Mangel an hoch qualifizierten Fachkräften für den technisch-wissenschaftlichen Bereich bedeutet national wie international exzellente Berufschancen für die Absolventen des Masterstudiengangs Scientific Instrumentation. Nachweis ausreichender Deutschkenntnisse (außer bei englischsprachigen Masterstudiengängen) wie z.B. Fernstudium finden leicht gemacht: Alle Fernstudiengänge, Unis & FHs auf einen Blick Infos zu Kosten Voraussetzungen Ablauf uvm. Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2, 07745 Jena, Germany. Prepare a stack of your documents in the following sequence and send it by post or email. The research work for the internship and the master's thesis can be done in our university, in one of our partner universities, in a research centre or in a research department in industry. If there is something incorrect, your admission will be cancelled. The close contacts that the teaching staff possesses with the industrial firms and research institutes ensure that the training is practically oriented and is up-to-date with the course contents. Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena. The industries and research institutes in the region of Jena provide excellent employment opportunities for graduates in the particular specializations which they have opted for. That increases your chances of getting a place significantly and it might be possible to change for the summer term. Please send us a printout of this email confirmation with your documents (or a statement that you do not need a room from the Studentenwerk as you have organized a private accommodation). Aufbau und Inhalt des Bachelor-Studiums Medizintechnik. English proficiency is also mandatory. A good command of English, demonstrated either by a TOEFL or IELTS test. The Master’s degree in Scientific Instrumentation also qualifies its holder to pursue a PhD. You will receive a confirmation of receipt with your tenant number from the Studentenwerk by email. Depending on the prerequisites of each individual student the first semester includes postgraduate foundation modules on advanced topics of applied physics or precision engineering. Applications will be accepted until June 1st 2021. Make sure, files are not to large but good quality. Studienplätze Medizin gibt es an folgenden staatlichen Hochschulen. The online application platform is now open. Besonderheiten beim BAföG-Erstantrag. Please make sure to get good quality scans of your documents using a scan software (App) or a scanning device. Das 1805 gegründete Universitätsklinikum Tübingen (kurz: UKT) ist das Klinikum der Universität Tübingen.Gemeinsam mit der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität gehört es zu den Zentren der deutschen Hochschulmedizin und trägt zum Verbund von Hochleistungsmedizin, Forschung und Lehre in Deutschland bei.. Über die Aufnahme wird in einer Zulassungsprüfung entschieden. ​„Really liked the university staff, people in Jena and the cost of living is also much cheaper when compared to other cities in Germany.”, ​"Scientific Instrumentation ist ein sehr flexibler Studiengang, bei dem man nach dem ersten Semester gezielt vertiefen kann. Please do not staple the documents: Using this cover letter please send your application to University of Applied Sciences Jena: Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena University of Applied Sciences Jena Department of SciTec Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2 07745 Jena Germany We will send a confirmation by email after having received your application. From semester two the students choose four out of eight elective modules: Materials for Sensores and Electronics, Micro- and Nanotechnology, Optical Instruments, Gas Sensing and Aerosol Measurement, FEM and Simulation, Advanced 3D-Design, Precision Instrumentation and Scientific Computing. China or Vietnam: Copy of certificate APS of successful proof of university records (from German embassy in your country). Please consider that application might be possible starting April 1st only. Ein führendes Pluszeichen gibt an, dass das betreffende Wort in jedem zurückgegebenen Datensatz vorhanden sein muss. It is jointly supervised by the according institution and our university. Eignungsverfahren (siehe Bewerbung/Voraussetzungen), 07745 Application for a room (starting April 1st), Dr. Payment reference: Durch Leerzeichen getrennte Suchworte werden standardmäßig mit einem logischen ODER verknüpft. Signed printout of the filled online application form for the Master's programme, Certificate of the university degree (Bachelor’s degree), Certificate of university courses taken with marks (of all universities you studied at), Leaving certificate (diploma) of senior secondary school, Copy of passport (page with personal data), Printout of the confirmation of receipt of your room application from the Studentenwerk (as soon as available). as well. If send through post, items 4 to 7 should be certified by a German embassy or consulate. Auch bei Master-Studiengängen gibt es zulassungsfreie und zulassungsbeschränkte Angebote. 2. If there is something incorrect, your admission will be cancelled. In the actual scenario of the increasing shortage of highly qualified personnel in technical and scientific sectors, there are excellent career prospects for graduates of the Master’s degree programme in scientific instrumentation both nationally and internationally. Jena, Augenoptik, Optometrie und Vision Science, Optik, optische Messtechnik und Optik-Anwendungen, Werkstoffe, Werkstoffeigenschaften und Werkstoffanalytik, Energiefilter für Ionenimplantationsanlagen, Technology of semiconductor heterostructures for hot carrier solar cells. DSH-Prüfung (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) – Stufe 2 oder 3, Deutsche Sprachdiplom Stufe II der KMK (DSD II), TestDaF mind. Sind diese Vorkenntnisse nicht in vollem Umfang vorhanden, dann erteilt die Auswahlkommission die Belegung und erfolgreiche Absolvierung aller postgradualen Basismodule (Solid State Physics, Microsystems Engineering, Design of Precision Devices und Introduction to FEM) als Auflage. Die Nachfrage nach Praktikanten und Absolventen der ingenieurtechnischen Studiengänge übersteigt zur Zeit das Angebot. The entry requirement for the Master’s degree programme is a university degree with competent final degree grades in physics, science or a scientific engineering discipline whose curriculum covers the subject entry requirements (e.g. Optional only: Additional documents like recommendation letters etc. The curriculum has a modular structure. You may use the stack order published below (Application - Step by step, point 3). After submitting soft copies, posting the hard copies will not be required. Zahlreiche Firmen beschäftigen sich mit Mess- und Sensortechnik, Optik, Analysentechnik, Mikrotechnik und Medizintechnik. Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2, 07745 Jena, Germany. Solange der Bewilligungszeitraum läuft, besteht Verlass, dass das Geld auch weiterhin regelmäßig und rechtzeitig überwiesen wird. Beneficiary's address: Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2, 07745 Jena, Germany. A Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in a technical or scientific field, whose curriculum covers the special educational prerequisites for the Master's Programme in Scientific Instrumentation. The originals have to be provided upon enrolment, if admission is granted and accepted. The course is designed to provide the professional as well as the multidisciplinary competences which are required for a successful career. Please consider that despite choices there is a winter intake only! You may also send the documents certified by a local authority or a lawyer - in this case you are required to bring the originals or copies certified by a German embassy with you for the enrolment. Bernd There are students halls of residence (dormitories, Wohnanlagen) which are operated by the non-profit organisation "Studentenwerk". You may use the stack order published below (Application - Step by step, point 3). Der Masterabschluss in Scientific Instrumentation berechtigt zur Aufnahme eines Promotionsverfahrens an einer Universität. Credit points are granted following the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for every successfully finished module. In case the chosen complexes are completely filled already, you will receive an offer for another dorm. nat. BIC/SWIFT-Code: HELADEFF820. Entdecke unsere Einstiegsprogramme und -möglichkeiten, um eine Karriere bei Accenture zu starten. For students with a Bachelor's degree from a university outside of Germany: Printout of the confirmation of receipt of your room application from the Studentenwerk, Optional only: GRE test and, for students from India, GATE test, if available. Important: Due to the limited availability of postal services in some countries, it is now possible to apply with scanned documents at first. China or Vietnam: Copy of certificate APS of successful proof of university records (from German embassy in your country). Semester three includes a research internship and the fourth semester students the work on a master's thesis in which a research project or a high-tech development project is performed. The start of studies should therefore be chosen as Wintersemester 2021/22. Und du kannst dann auch noch per Ringtausch weitersuchen. Make sure, files are not to large but good quality. 01.04.2021 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena / Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) Jena PhD position (f/m/d) to simulate elevational treeline migration and its constraints 01.04.2021 Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) Potsdam The curriculum imparts to our students the knowledge and abilities for a future work in industry or research institutes. ), 07745 Item 6 can be sent later, if it has not yet been issued. Bank: Landesbank-Hessen-Thueringen (HELABA) Bank address: Bonifaciusstrasse 16, 99084 Erfurt, Germany. The test shall not date back more than two years. Applications will be evaluated after the fee has been fully paid. The language of instruction of the entire curriculum is English. von Nordheim, Prof. Dr. rer. The postgradual basis modules in semester one are assigned to the students depending on their Bachelor course to bring all the students with their different background to a comparable level. Otherwise, please name the documents using the given numbers, e.g. Physikalische Technik, Feinwerktechnik, Physik, Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Mechatronik, Medizintechnik) sowie gute Englischkenntnisse. Fill the online application form, print and sign the generated PDF-file. Prepare a stack of your documents in the following sequence and send it by post or email. You may also send the documents certified by a local authority or a lawyer - in this case you are required to bring the originals or copies certified by a German embassy with you for the enrolment. If send through post, items 4 to 7 should be certified by a German embassy or consulate. After submitting soft copies, posting the hard copies will not be required. You may send your soft copies to Die Medizintechnik arbeitet interdisziplinär an den Berührungspunkten von Medizin, Elektrotechnik und Informatik.Sie ist eine Ingenieurwissenschaft, die die Studierenden dazu befähigt, für medizinische Problemstellungen technologische Lösungen zu entwickeln.Die Bandbreite ist enorm und reicht von der Zahnspange bis zum Herzschrittmacher. Der Änderungsplan wird ab dem 12.04.2021 wieder geführt und entsprechend aktualisiert. The application for the room can be cancelled free of charge in case you should not come to Jena. Wer seine erste BAföG-Auszahlung erhalten hat, ist zunächst einmal auf der sicheren Seite. For applicants from Mongolia: Certificate of authenticity of proof from the office for university studies of the German embassy in Ulan Bator. Minimum levels of English: Paper-based TOEFL 550 points, internet-based TOEFL 79 points, IELTS overall band score of 6.0. Beneficiary's bank account number (IBAN): Bonifaciusstrasse 16, 99084 Erfurt, Germany, SI Appl 10204 - (Your application number) - (Your family name). Jena, Bewerbungshinweise für internationale Studierende, for graduates in e.g. Neither do we refund the application fee for rejected applications. This system facilitates the recognition of course modules studied at different universities. Physics Engineering, Recommended Elective Modules in 2nd semester, Engineering and Physics interdisciplinary, Research and development focusing on technical and scientific instruments or processes. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es in den näcshten Tagen noch vermehrt zu Änderungen kommt. For applicants from P.R. Lerne die Hochschule zu verschiedenen Veranstaltungen kennen! Die engen Kontakte der Lehrenden mit den Industriebetrieben und Forschungsinstituten garantieren eine praxisnahe Ausbildung mit aktuellen Lehrinhalten. The entry requirement for the Master’s degree programme is a university degree with competent final degree grades in physics, science or a scientific engineering discipline whose curriculum covers the subject entry requirements (e.g. As the number of rooms is very limited please apply for a room at the online platform of the Studierendenwerk immediately after you have filled the online application for the course. Please do not staple the documents: Please check the correctness of the data in your application sent to our university, in particular if you apply through an agency. In case you apply for our course earlier, please send us the proof through email. Beneficiary's bank account number (IBAN): Bonifaciusstrasse 16, 99084 Erfurt, Germany, SI Appl 10204 - (Your application number) - (Your family name). filename: 1_online_application_form.pdf, 2_curriculum_vitae.pdf and so on. filename: 1_online_application_form.pdf, 2_curriculum_vitae.pdf and so on. Items 6 to 9 should be certified by a German embassy or consulate. The test shall not date back more than two years. You can find information on the dormitories at the Studierendenwerk website. The originals have to be provided upon enrolment, if admission is granted and accepted. Beneficiary's bank account number (IBAN): DE25820500003004444331. For students with a Bachelor's degree from a university outside of Germany: Signed printout of the filled online application form for the Master's programme, Certificate of the university degree (Bachelor’s degree), Certificate of university courses taken with marks (of all universities you studied at), Leaving certificate (diploma) of senior secondary school, Copy of passport (page with personal data), Printout of the confirmation of receipt of your room application from the Studentenwerk (as soon as available). Such degrees should be, in particular, those awarded in physics engineering, precision engineering, physics, electronic engineering, mechatronics, medical engineering, mechanical engineering and comparable study programmes. Absolventen anderer Bachelorstudiengänge als Physikalische Technik oder Feinwerktechnik brauchen umfassende Vorkenntnisse in Engineering Design, Materials Science und Instrumentation. Item 4 can be sent later, if it has not yet been issued.