El Alto Intl is located at latitude -16.5133 and longitude -68.1923.The elevation above sea level is 13325ft (4061m).Local timezone at the airport is UTC/GMT -4:00 hours. Skyscanner allows you to find the cheapest flights to La Paz airport without having to enter specific dates or even destinations, making it the best place to find cheap flights for your trip to La Paz airport. General Manuel Marquez De Leon Intl is located at latitude 24.0727 and longitude -110.362.The elevation above sea level is 69ft (21m).Local timezone at the airport is UTC/GMT -7:00 hours. Airport El Alto Intl is located in Bolivia near the city of La Paz.The international codes of El Alto Intl airport are ICAO: SLLP and IATA: LPB. La Paz - Manuel Márquez de León International Airport is one of the most important airports in the north western Mexican state Baja California Sur. 04 Apr '21 09:27 . Get the latest flight status information from LPB including any delays or cancellations from Skyscanner. Switch between arriving and departing flights from La Paz and find the flight you are interested in by using the quick search to specify the airline, flight time, or the origin/destination. The Airport is administered by SABSA. Whether you have a layover, overnight sleepover or you are just quickly passing through, our La Paz Airport Guide is a great place to start planning your visit. Flug Ankünfte für Flughafen La Paz in Mexiko (IATA-Code LAP) können unten gesehen werden. Name: La Paz International Airport Identifier: LAP/MMLP Country: Mexico Owner: Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico Public/Private: Public Local Time: 18. Officially open for business in the 1960s, the La Paz International Airport (LPB) has been modernised several times, most recently in 2006. The El Alto International Airport (LBP), which serves Bolivia’s capital La Paz, has a couple claims to fame; it is one of the nation’s busiest transit hubs, and one of the highest airports in the world. The duration of the flight Boliviana de Aviación OB 624 is 30 minutes. La Paz (LAP) Arrivals and Departures Board Check the status of your domestic or international La Paz (LAP) flight with the help of our live arrivals and departures board. Manuel Marquez de Leon Int'l Airport (La Paz, Baja California Sur) LAP. Switch between arriving and departing flights from La Paz and find the flight you are interested in by using the quick search to specify the airline, flight time, or the origin/destination. At the table above you can find the latest La Paz International Airport arrivals or browse through older and upcoming flights' status using the date and time pull down menu. Switch between arriving and departing flights from La Paz and find the flight you are interested in by using the quick search to specify the airline, flight time, or the origin/destination. Hier finden Sie Informationen zu Flug Abflügen in Echtzeit für Flughafen La Paz in Bolivien (IATA-Code LPB). Der Flughafen La Paz - El Alto International gehört zu den drei wichtigsten Verkehrsflughäfen Boliviens und ist mit über 4000 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel auch der höchstgelegene internationale Flughafen der Erde und eine wichtige operative Basis der Amaszonas. La Paz (LAP) Arrivals and Departures Board Check the status of your domestic or international La Paz (LAP) flight with the help of our live arrivals and departures board. If you’re flying from or into La Paz airport or simply collecting someone from their flight to La Paz, discover all the latest information you need from La Paz airport. Track flight status and get flight information. Skyscanner allows you to find the cheapest flights to La Paz airport without having to enter specific dates or even destinations, making it the best place to find cheap flights for your trip to La Paz airport. Here, you’ll find information on services and facilities available inside the airport – including details about airport lounges, WiFi, mobile charging points, lockers, 24-hour food options, nearby hotels, and everything in between. Flughafen La Paz Ankünfte. La Paz (LPB) Arrivals and Departures Board Check the status of your domestic or international La Paz (LPB) flight with the help of our live arrivals and departures board. Upgrade to FBO Toolbox for a more complete view. Switch between arriving and departing flights from La Paz and find the flight you are interested in by using the quick search to specify the airline, flight time, or the origin/destination. Flughafen La Paz Abflüge. Live flight Departures today ⭐ flight status information ️ for La Paz International Airport, Mexico (LAP). Find directions, airport information and local weather for La Paz airport and details of airlines that fly to and from La Paz. Flight OB624 from Cochabamba to La Paz is operated by Boliviana de Aviación. Local time: Sun. La Paz International Airport or Manuel Márquez de León International Airport (código IATA: LAP, código OACI: MMLP), is one of the most important in Mexico and serves the state of Baja California Sur, is located at 11 km southwest of La Paz. This airport is in FlightAware's secondary service area. Are you an FBO at MMLP? Learn more about FlightAware's coverage. Alle Flüge werden nach der voraussichtlichen Ankunftszeit aufgeführt und die Flugnummer, der Carrier, der Ursprung, die Ankunftszeit und der Status werden angezeigt. Use the links below to read detailed information about La Paz airport: location, route maps, live departures and arrivals etc. If your wish is to search for a nearby hotel or within the airport check our information Item for Overnight Stay at La Paz airport (LPB) If you are a passenger with reduced mobility or a disability, coordinate your trip with your airline at least 48 hours in advance and check the Disabled Passengers facilities at the airport. Find directions, airport information and local weather for La Paz airport and details of airlines that fly to and from La Paz. I entered La Paz on April 16, arriving on a flight basically in the middle of the night. Directions from Terminal From baggage, the Alamo counter is located in front of the arrival gate. Tourismus La Paz Hotels La Paz Ferienwohnungen La Paz Pauschalreisen La Paz Flüge La Paz Reiseforum La Paz Sehenswürdigkeiten La Paz Fotos La Paz Karte La Paz Hotels Alle Hotels in La Paz Hotelangebote in La Paz Last Minute La Paz Nach Hoteltyp Nach Hotelklassifizierung Beliebte Ausstattungen & Services Beliebte Kategorien für La Paz In der Nähe von Flughäfen In der Nähe von … La Paz International Airport is a Mexico Airport located in La Paz. Sie können die Flugnummer, den ankommenden Flughafen, das Flugzeug, die Abflugzeit und den aktuellen Flugstatus jedes Fluges einsehen. A direct, nonstop flight between El Alto International Airport (LPB), La Paz, Bolivia and Berens River Airport (YBV), Berens River, Manitoba, Canada would travel a Great Circle distance of 5,062 miles (or 8,147 kilometers). La Paz (LPB) Arrivals and Departures Board Check the status of your domestic or international La Paz (LPB) flight with the help of our live arrivals and departures board. Includes airline, flight number, origin airport, destination airport, flight delays, flight status, and flight tracking. La Paz El Alto International Airport LPB - in use for Civil and military purposes - is one of the two Airports in the world with the highest altitude (at 13,323 feet), situated above the Bolivian capital the city of La Paz, on a high plane referred to as 'altiplano'.All Bolivian Airports were nationalized in early 2013. Switch between arriving and departing flights from La Paz and find the flight you are interested in by using the quick search to specify the airline, flight time, or the origin/destination. Flight Arrival information for La Paz Airport (SVPZ) located in La Paz, Apure, Venezuela. La Paz (Mexico) Airport. Scheduled time of departure from Jorge Wilsterman is 22:27 -04 and scheduled time of arrival in El Alto Intl is 22:57 -04. Live flight arrivals and departures for La Paz Airport. Airport General Manuel Marquez De Leon Intl is located in Mexico near the city of La Paz.The international codes of General Manuel Marquez De Leon Intl airport are ICAO: MMLP and IATA: LAP. Use the links below to read detailed information about La Paz airport: location, route maps, live departures and arrivals etc. Home Locations Mexico La Paz International Airport (LAP) La Paz International Airport (LAP) Car Rental Start a Reservation ... Get Directions Intl Arrivals Manuel Marquez INTERIOR 6, COL CHAMETLA,La Paz 23201 +52 612 124 6260 . I promised myself I would write a post on this topic when I returned from my trip, since I almost had a heart attack before the trip trying to find accurate, up-to-date info that would guarantee me entry to Bolivia when I arrived at the airport in La Paz.. Mar 03:39 MST Description: Manuel Márquez de León International Airport is an international airport located at La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, near the Gulf of California. La Paz (LAP) Arrivals and Departures Board Check the status of your domestic or international La Paz (LAP) flight with the help of our live arrivals and departures board. departures, arrivals and flight tracking for la paz el alto international airport(lpb/sllp) - flightera.net Departures Arrivals. Flughafen La Paz Bolivien. Live flight Arrivals today ⭐ flight status information ️ for La Paz Airport, Mexico (LAP). La Paz . Hope all went well if you left for your trip already. A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. If you’re flying from or into La Paz airport or simply collecting someone from their flight to La Paz, discover all the latest information you need from La Paz airport. Get live flight status updates on La Paz (LPB) Airport flight arrivals and departures for both international and domestic flights. The new bus station has access to a food court and the international arrivals and departures area, as well as a pedestrian bridge that connects to "The Peñón de los Baños" neighbourhood.