We advise organisations on IT strategy, implement the most appropriate technology, optimise its performance, and manage our customers’ infrastructures. The 480-hectare Leverkusen site offers excellent opportunities for all kinds of companies – from chemical and pharmaceutical industries to the high-tech sector. Products are manufactured and supplied with concentrations of up to 50% of SiO2, depending on the type. Offered are consulting (e. g. explosion protection), safety reviews / HAZOP, expert safety assessments and safety related calculations (e. g. design of pressure relief devices, dispersion calculations) and laboratory services. Nationwide, more than 660,000 insured persons already trust us with their health. chempark.de at Press About Us. Waterway: Rhine. We are already familiar with local conditions on site. CHEMPARK LeverkusenBuilding G 7D-51368 Leverkusen. More about our Companies and our competences and as well about our extensive range of services and our area-wide network of sites under www.kiel.com. 4815D-51373 Leverkusen. Exyte is a global leader in the design, engineering, and delivery of facilities for high-tech industries. H4:+49 214 30 75991 (Ralf Maassen)DormagenBldg. Today we advise - then as now - after the "Best Offer" principle. INVITE is involved in contract research, public funding projects, work for the owners and selected research projects. Meanwhile, almost all areas are covered in various industries from standard to special container. The TH Köln is the largest University of Applied Sciences in Germany with more than 26 000 students and about 430 professors. 4,076 check-ins. From here Baumann controls 365 days round the clock transport and loading of bulk materials and packaged goods within the Chemparks. LANXESS is listed in the leading sustainability indices Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World and Europe) and FTSE4Good. We achieve this with our energy transportation expertise and cost-effective manufacturing at the highest technological level, and with the regeneration of the environment in sharp focus. The decision to locate to CHEMPARK Leverkusen was preceded by a long term cooperation. Suggest as a translation of "chempark partner" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. Atos is focused on business technology that powers progress and helps organizations to create their firm of the future. As a leading industrial services provider, YNCORIS is the partner of choice for chemical companies. LANXESS is a leading specialty chemicals company with sales of EUR 9.7 billion in 2017 and about 19,200 employees in 25 countries. uwe.menzen@ausbildungsinitiative-rheinland.de, consilab - Gesellschaft für Anlagensicherheit mbH, Impuls Fitness- und Gesundheitssport GmbH, www.international-office.fh-koeln.de/english/, https://karriere.bayer.de/de/working-at-bayer/functional-areas/travel/, Weber Industrieller Rohrleitungsbau & Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Christian Katzbach, Branch Manager Leverkusen, Michael Schmalholz, Head of Bertschi Cologne Site, +49 221 / 539 707 10 / Mobil: +49 178 600 28 00, Dr. Udo Niesten-Dietrich, Dr. Jörn Winkler, Jürgen Nisius, CEO; Andreas Watterlohn, CEO; Frank Nisius, Managing Director; Christian Schmitz, Managing Director; Patrick Victor, Managing Director; Benjamin Wöppel, Managing Director, Hans-Jürgen Theus, Executive Board Member, Claus Zemke, Head of Corporate Communications, Managing directors: Ingo Notz, Jens Becker, Marco Trost, head of Distribution for Industrial and Chemical Parks, Employees at the chemical park: more than 31,500, sfrength training designed to help with orthopedic injury led by sports therapists, two levels of cardiovascular and lactate-controlled endurance training, selected testing systems to examine condition and capabilities, targeted programs for beginners and advanced users (e.g. of plants: ca. Our company is worldwide for about 30 years in technical glass plant in laboratory, pilot plant and production operations, as well as for about 16 years in general plastic piping and plant engineering, working for our satisfied customers. In the area of plastic plant, we process in addition to the usual plastics and m-PTFE (TFM), and E-CTFE and ETFE in the lining and coating of system components. CURRENTA GmbH & Co. OHG CHEMPARK Leverkusen.Kennzahlen - chempunkt.de.Unter Beobachtung - PuA24.net The range of services offered by these companies encompasses the full lifecycle of process machinery. Bilfinger has three operating entities at CHEMPARK Leverkusen: Bilfinger arnholdt, which focuses on scaffolding and corrosion protection, Bilfinger OKI Isoliertechnik, which specializes in insulation technology, and Bilfinger Maintenance. With around 2,800 employees and a history stretching back over 175 years, BUCHEN is one of the leading industrial service providers in Europe. The core activities of HDE embrace precious metals and non-precious-metal materials used in the automotive, semiconductor, electronics, medical, and photovoltaic industry. From our earliest beginnings to modern times, KRONOS continues to lead the industry in both process innovation and product quality. All telephone and written inquiries, offers and orders are handled exclusively through this sales office. Tectrion customer center Tectrion GmbHCHEMPARK LeverkusenBldg. back clinic, cardiovascular training and stress management etc.) The Optical Brighteners that are produced in the CHEMPARK in Leverkusen are mainly used for the brightening of cellulose fibers. The company Echoes Industrieservice was founded in November 2011 and has established itself in Leverkusen, Monheim, Dormagen and Krefeld-Uerdingen. In the applications mentioned above, silica sol is used as a binding agent, as a flocculant in colloidal chemical reactions, as a polishing agent for various substrates, e.g., silicon wafers, and for surface modification. Pallas Versicherung AG is a subsidiary of Bayer AG, responsible for the management of all insurable risks of the Bayer Group worldwide. Around 1,000 employees work towards defining content-related territories for companies and their brands, continuously enlivening them with content, campaigns and services and attaining relevance and awareness. 200. One example is its cooperation with a number of European partners to create a standardized, modularly built ‘factory of the future’. Telefon +49 214-6786-0: Fax +49 214-6786 184: E-Mail: info@babcock-ip.de: Internet: www.babcock-ip.de K9+49 214 30 44516 (Thomas Ciupek, Head of CHEMPARK branches)+49 214 30 47086 (Petra Stüsgen), Bldg. CHEMPARK Leverkusen is one of the world’s most versatile locations for the chemical industry, producing more than 5,000 chemicals across an area of 480 hectares. Users Postal City Street No. 261 people like this. Reliability, quality and adherence to schedule provide the basis of our success. In addition to providing synthesis services at CHEMPARK, the company now wishes to offer more R&D in the area of structural polymers and plastics formulations. Ingenieurbüro Grobecker GmbH – DIE INGENIEURE - is a successful and advanced engineering company established for planning and supervision of industrial and commercial construction projects. This CHEMPARK site focuses on the development and manufacture of crop protection agents, polymers, plastics and rubber. Computacenter’s ambition is to be the preferred IT provider to enable users and their business in a digital world. Rooted in core European countries Computacenter combines global reach with local expertise. Since 1916, KRONOS Worldwide, Inc. has been producing titanium dioxide pigments (TiO 2), the world's primary pigment for providing whiteness, brightness and opacity. This was founded by Bayer and Lanxess in 2004, and in legal terms is a subsidiary of CURRENTA GmbH & Co. OHG. We employ approximately 3,400 people, and realized a 2016 revenue of EUR 1 billion. The Faculty offers two Bachelor’s programs, one in Applied Chemistry and one in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and two Master’s programs, one in Applied Chemistry and one in Drug Discovery and Development. Airports: Dusseldorf, Cologne/Bonn *As at: 5/2020. Specializing will focus on modular building systems, from planning to transportation and turnkey installation. CHEMPARK LeverkusenBuilding D 500D-51368 LeverkusenGermany. Both cities are important media centers and exhibition venues. The company is currently represented at 74 production sites worldwide. Über siebzig Unternehmen aus Produktion, Forschung und Dienstleistung bilden im CHEMPARK Synergien. Wherever content has a decisive impact on company success, we are the best partner. It is named after the nearby Bayer chemical production plants. CHEMPARK Leverkusen, σελίδα 1 από 5 (έκδοση: 01.09.2015) úΣΚ - ΠΤ ΛΥ úΛΥΤ ú ,Λ ÿΤ úΣΚ - ΠΤ ΛΥ úΛΥΤ ú ,Λ ÿΤ Π ΛΚ ÿΥΠ ΥΜ ýα Π 01 5 30 99399 Ατυχήματα θα πρέπει να δηλώνονται στα κεντρικά γραφεία ασφαλείας. The invention of the Optical Brighteners dates back more than 70 years. TÜV SÜD Chemie Service GmbH holds an array of recognitions and accreditations, including accreditation as Notified Body, ZÜS (approved body under the German Industrial Health and Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV)), expert organization according to AwSV (German Administrative Regulation on the Handling of Water-Polluting Substances), and testing laboratory as per DIN EN ISO/ IEC 17025. CHEMPARK Leverkusen branch:Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 50Bldg. We stand for sincerity and flexibility. The Krefeld-Uerdingen CHEMPARK site has established itself as a leading location for polycarbonates and polyamides in western Europe. G 751368 Leverkusen Germany. As a partner in the field of plant services, TECTRION also offers installation and transport services, along with on-site maintenance. The company is ideally positioned to further strengthen its market leadership with its broad industry insight and its exceptional talents. With a history of more than 100 years, the company has developed a unique expertise in controlled and regulated environments. From here, around 350 million consumers are reachable within one day’s journey by truck. Powder Tec GmbH is a toll manufacturer who operates classical spray driers in the site Leverkusen. Our customers benefit from this holistic approach and consistent quality management. Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG, the assembly specialists, offer screws, screw accessories, fastening and assembly technology, chemical products, hand, electrical and pneumatic tools, electrical and sanitary products, occupational safety materials, small automotive parts, furniture and construction fittings, dowel technology, direct assembly, fire protection systems and storage and retrieval systems. Bertschi employs world-wide in 38 countries 2,800 people at 75 different sites and has more than 33,000 of its own container units (as of: August 2018). The continuous improvement of quality and productivity requires conscious commitment and active cooperation with our customers for every single order. Other sectors include sports and leisure, cosmetics, health and the chemical industry itself. The study courses are designed for persons in employment or trainees and last seven semesters. Connected freeways: A1, A3, A59. This logistics facility and the associated infrastructure is available to all interested production companies at CHEMPARK. CHEMPARK LeverkusenKaiser-Wilhelm-AlleeBuilding B 407D-51368 Leverkusen. Young people are trained in metalworking, electrical, IT, scientific and commercial occupations in the company's own pilot plants, workshops, training laboratories and vocational school.
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