Less than 8% of the population has received at least one jab. C’est pourquoi je vous conseille de miser sur une victoire par au moins deux buts d'écart de Barcelone contre Huesca! Salomon also said that the current 6 P.M. curfew "wasn't enough" … 676,861 talking about this. Before it's here, it's on the Bloomberg Terminal. BFM TV is an International news TV channel. BFM was launched in 2005 and its headquarter is based in Paris. Bienvenue sur la page Facebook de BFMTV ! Tous droits réservés. France is considering tougher restrictions for the economically-powerful Paris region to contain the coronavirus. Newsletters BFM Paris Inscrivez-vous gratuitement ! “The time has come to envisage measures,” he said in an interview on BFM TV. LG, SK Reach $1.8 Billion Settlement to End EV Battery Spat, Microsoft in Talks to Buy AI Firm Nuance Communications, U.K. France is considering tougher restrictions for the economically-powerful Paris region to contain the coronavirus. RER D: le trafic interrompu entre Gare de Lyon et Villeneuve-Saint-Georges. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. He pledged he would get inoculated with the Astra shot himself if the EMA finds it safe. Duel des extrêmes ce lundi en Espagne avec le FC Barcelone, 2e, qui accueille Huesca toujours dernier de Liga. Découvrez en images les prévisions météo complètes du jeudi 11 mars 2021 à Paris et en Ile-de-France sur BFM Paris, la première chaîne d'information de la région parisienne. Dernier succès en date, c’était contre Osasuna (2-0). Contexte forcément plus compliqué du côté de Huesca qui n’a remporté aucune de ses 5 dernières rencontres. The French capital has been under a nightly curfew since mid-January with cafes, restaurants, bars and theaters closed in an effort to contain a resurgence in the infection rate. Ousmane Dembélé - FC Barcelone - Iconsport. It is the most-watched news network of France. Aarhus s’impose contre les Randers (1.74), L’APEOL Nicosie bat le Karmiotissa Polemidion (1.27), Cote totale pour les trois paris sûrs: 5.66, OL-Angers en direct: Depay et Paqueta régalent, les Lyonnais restent dans le coup, © Copyright 2006-2020 BFMTV.com. Notamment au milieu de terrain avec un quatuor Alba-Pedri-Busquets et Dest qui s’entend de mieux en mieux. "If we have to lock down, we will do it," Jerome Salomon, head of the national health agency, said on BFM television Sunday. Site édité par NextInteractive. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. France’s vaccination campaign started at the end of December, focusing first on the elderly and most vulnerable citizens. France’s suspension followed a similar one by Germany and other EU countries to assess possible side effects, and came only hours after Castex himself had said to trust the vaccine. Suivez-nous sur. Have a confidential tip for our reporters? The country is ready to resume using the shot again if the European Medicines Agency advises that it’s safe, which could happen on Thursday. President Emmanuel Macron has previously said that all adults willing to get the vaccine would be able to do so by the end of the summer. Paris: Officials say the Paris region may be headed toward a new lockdown as new variants of the virus fill up intensive care units and limited vaccine supplies drag down inoculation efforts. Ce collectif peut aussi se rassurer en se disant qu’il n’a perdu aucun de ses 16 derniers matches. “The situation in the Paris region is at a very precarious equilibrium.”. "The situation is complex, tense and is worsening in the Paris region." More than 400 people out of every 100,000 people in the Paris region have tested positive over the past week, a threshold Castex has described as alarming. ... annonce la RATP sur Twitter. Read More: France and Italy Signal They’ll Allow AstraZeneca Vaccine Again. France, like other countries, is counting on vaccines to bring the pandemic under control, but the suspension of the AstraZeneca Plc shot after a health scare is raising doubts about the strategy. Le club catalan a quand même montré de très bonnes choses mercredi dernier malgré sa défaite à Paris (1-1). Duel des extrêmes ce lundi en Espagne avec le FC Barcelone, 2e, qui accueille Huesca toujours dernier de Liga. Michigan Urges Vaccine Surge; U.S. Cases Steady: Virus Update, Michigan Governor Whitmer Urges a ‘Surge’ in Covid Vaccine Doses, India Bans Exports of Covid Drug Remdesivir Amid Virus Surge, Growing Thai Outbreak Could Threaten Tourism Re-Opening Plan. Races Toward Elusive Milestone in Quest to Curb Covid, Vaccine Requirements Spread in U.S., Sowing Concern on Overreach. Intensive-care units in and around the capital are now nearly full, forcing the state to transfer patients to other hospitals around the country. Première chaîne d'info de France Despite delivery delays for the Astra vaccine, France will have given the first jab of one of the vaccines to 10 million people by mid-April, Castex said. But the infection rate has climbed all the same. Retrouvez toute l'actualité foot des paris RMC: dernières infos, pronostics et résultats des matchs avec RMC Sport. Castex said on BFM that he hopes the EMA will approve the Astra shot. The government will discuss possible restrictions at a cabinet meeting Wednesday, Castex said. France's health regulator said on Friday it had approved Johnson & Johnson's single-dose COVID-19 vaccine for use in France, a day after it was approved by the European Union authorities. "The COVID-19 Janssen vaccine can be used on people from the age of 18 ... within the framework of the French vaccination strategy, including for people aged 65 and older and who might have illnesses," … Speaking Tuesday, Prime Minister Jean Castex declined to be specific but said worsening indicators were pushing the government to work on a potential lockdown during weekends. Adds French vaccination targets and Castex vaccination pledge.

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