We repeat, almost mantra like, that we want a strong UN as the beating heart of the multilateral system. At a formal sitting before the Court, all Commission Members gave the solemn undertaking prescribed by the Treaties. 15/01/2020 - On Monday 13 January, I took part in the Pau Summit together with the Heads of State of the G5 Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad) and French President Emmanuel Macron. That is why we must continue to mobilise international support for the Syrian people. De son nom complet Josep Borrell i Fontelles, c’est le Haut Représentant de l’Union Européenne pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité : autant dire qu’il occupe un poste éminemment stratégique à Bruxelles, où … The US-China economic and geopolitical rivalry is making ASEAN increasingly uncomfortable. We have to understand these different positions if we want to look for a common ground. In the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, the European Union decided to open accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania. To summarise, while others choose to undercut multilateralism, ASEAN – like the EU – wants to ensure that trading systems and security are governed by rules and based on international agreements, not on the idea that “might makes right”. 22/09/2020 - On Tuesday, I was in Ukraine for my first visit as High Representative. 14/06/2020 - The coronavirus crisis is creating a more competitive global environment, with confrontation growing faster than cooperation. It’s been a quotation cited repeatedly to describe the difficulties faced by western policy-makers towards Russia. 27/08/2020 - Several outlets - To avoid becoming entrenched between the US and China, the EU should deal with them in its own way: it should look at the world from its own point of view, defending its values and interests, and using the instruments of power available to it. 30/04/2020 - This interview has been published in various countries and languages. And that means relearning the language of power and combining the European Union's resources in a way that maximizes their geopolitical impact. 21/01/2020 - My first visit outside the European Union in my capacity as High Representative took me to India. 26/08/2020 - Foreign policy never stops. 06/05/2020 - High Representative Borrell on the EU-Western Balkans Summit, the challenges presented to the European Union by the coronavirus, and international affairs. “Dinanzi a certi comportamenti dobbiamo ricorrere alla nostra cassetta degli attrezzi, cioè rapporti commerciali e sanzioni” (Behind Paywall), 05/09/2020 - Vodja evropske diplomacije Josep Borrell o trenjih med ZDA in Kitajsko, globalnem pozicioniranju EU ter napetostih v soseščini. And he sets out the European agenda for a new, revived multilateral system fit for the 21st century. This book ‘European foreign policy in times of COVID-19’ tells the story of the main events until the end of 2020. In an unusual choice of language, the bloc’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called on EU countries to stand ready for a “struggle for influence” in a “global battle of narratives”. 26/03/2021 – HR/VP Blog – Despite initial setbacks, the EU is working hard to accelerate the internal roll out of COVID-19 vaccines. The European Union shares many common views with this organisation. The ASEAN countries have benefited in particular from the growing desire of many economic actors, whether Chinese or Western, to find places outside China, but in its vicinity, to set up production facilities or to find subcontractors in sectors such as textiles, electronics or automobile equipment. HR/VP Josep Borrell explained us why this partnership matters so much to the EU. A substantial political change is a precondition for further development of the relations between the EU and Belarus. Josep Borrell, el Alto Representante para la Política Exterior de la Unión Europea, concede entrevistas horas después de un bronco debate en el Parlamento Europeo. 06/05/2020 - Josep Borrell, haut représentant de l’Union européenne pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité, explique à Jeune Afrique la nouvelle stratégie de l’Europe à l’égard du continent. Because solidarity cannot be an empty word and also because for as long as the virus will not be eradicated everywhere, it will remain a threat to all of us. Despite India dropping out the agreement, the signing of RCEP will be for ASEAN a major statement in favour of its own “centrality” and of an open multilateral trade system. I fully agree: since the beginning of the mandate of this Commission, we have placed our Common Security and Defence Policy at the very heart of the EU’s external policy. (available in Arabic and English). The economic, social, ecological and security challenges facing the region have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is both urgent and feasible to strengthen Europe’s international clout. In addition to my blog posts, you will also find here a repository of interviews, speeches, opinion pieces and videos. E l'Europa cosa fa? This was also much needed because the region has lately not been high enough on our agenda: we must reverse this trend. 20/09/2020 - On September 12, I had a videoconference with my fellow foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). He call on the country’s political leadership to take its share of responsibility and implement much-needed political reforms and reconciliation, for the benefit of citizens. How to Kick-Start a New Trans-Atlantic Era, Versuchen wir es noch einmal: Europas außenpolitisches Angebot an die USA. 20/09/2020 - On September 12, I had a videoconference with my fellow foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). 27/05/2020 - In 2019, I visited as Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs the Simon Bolivar bridge, a 300 metres long bridge spanning Venezuela and Colombia. 04/08/2020 - Several outlets - History does not always repeat itself but for Europe it does usually rhyme. 03/04/2021 – HR/VP Blog - The humanitarian situation in the Ethiopian Tigray region remains very serious. The EU was represented by the Secretary General of the EEAS and the EU Special Representative for the Middle East. Dennoch sind die USA für die europäische Sicherheit unverzichtbar. Im Gespräch erklärt er, warum. Here’s why. We want to engage Africa’s youth are determined to build their own future, ideally in partnership with others. 17/12/2019 - At the beginning of this week, I had the honour of chairing in my capacity as High Representative the ASEM, the “Asia-Europe Foreign Ministers Meeting”. 31/10/2020 - HRVP Blog - Since the beginning of my mandate, I have been working on a new EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime. Many events seem to indicate the often-announced confrontation between democracies and authoritarian regimes. EU leaders are ready to engage on important avenues of cooperation including the modernisation of the Customs Union, the relaunching of high-level dialogues and people-to-people contacts, plus strengthened cooperation on migration management. The responsibilities of the HR/VP do not always allow me to speak out as clearly as I would like. He highlights the key achievements of FPI of helping to turn EU foreign policy into action on the ground and sketches the future prospects for FPI in the coming decade. 06/10/2020 - We need to strengthen our ties with Africa, a young and dynamic continent. This is good news for the two countries, the Western Balkans and for all of Europe. On closer inspection, however, they all bear witness to the emergence of powers intent on reviving memories of great empires of the past. Given our different histories, this will take time. 21/03/2021 – HR/VP Blog – It has been one year since the launch of the EU’s naval Operation IRINI. For Josep Borrell, Russia will remain a ‘mystery inside an enigma’ By Johanna Ross | February 9, 2021. But I will try to present here my personal views, looking through the glasses of a convinced European, on the main issues at stake for Europe and its global role. Therefore I gave to my counterparts and to the public in the region the strong message that they will always find in the European Union a trustworthy, reliable and predictable partner. After Brexit, how can the EU and UK best cooperate on foreign policy? Mr Borrell notes that whilst the UK declined a proposal to establish a legally binding framework on foreign policy cooperation, with regards to sanctions, the UK and EU should be able to work together as mutual interests are at play. In a world hit by the pandemic and characterised by power politics, we have a lot in common. For me, for instance, it is a longstanding one. In an extensive interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, he said the Europeans have provided some 20 billion euros to Syria since the eruption of its crisis in 2011. A devastating conflict that led to genocide, more than 100,000 deaths, and over a million refugees. What might seem to be a rather bureaucratic acronym, actually is a politically highly relevant event for our continents. 04/07/2020 - We need to build a common strategic culture in Europe. "There was silence [in Friday's press conference] from the high representative [Borrell] because he was very vocal in the negotiations with Mr. Lavrov", which included "high levels of tension", the spokesman told media. However, I will continue to work for a democratic solution which is the only way out. 31/03/2021 – HR/VP Blog – The Syria conflict has wreaked havoc for ten years and it is still going on. 21/09/2020 - Terranova - Nous sommes très heureux d'accueillir aujourd'hui Josep Borrell, Haut représentant de l’Union Européenne pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité et Vice-Président de la Commission européenne, pour rouvrir la série de contributions extérieures "Coronavirus : regards sur une crise" de Terra Nova lancée en mars. 07/02/2021 – HR/VP Blog – I went to Moscow this week to test, through principled diplomacy, whether the Russian government was interested in addressing differences and reversing the negative trend in our relations. 20/12/2020 - HR/VP video blog - Latin America & the Caribbean is a part of the world with which we have great political, historical and cultural affinity, and with which we are united by very important institutional and economic ties. He stresses how Africa is changing and how the EU and the African Union can be strong partners for multilateralism. 25/05/2020 - I was glad that my friend Heiko Maas asked me to speak at the opening of the annual German Ambassadors’ conference, together with Chancellor Merkel. Water is also the basic ingredient, essential to the production of all kind of food, whether vegetable or animal. From the start, we, as EU, have clearly chosen a multilateral approach. We have multiple crises burning in our neighbourhood and further afield. This was a good opportunity to take a step back and reflect on what has been achieved and where we go from here. If we do not act, others will and not always in a way that corresponds to our interests. It was a great honour to appear in Spain’s parliament for the first time since my appointment as High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. At the informal Gymnich meeting in Berlin (27-28 August) we must forge a common way forward. Borrell's spokesman repeated the blog claims in Brussels on Monday. 02/03/2021 – HR/VP blog – The last European Council discussed the renewed partnership with our Southern Mediterranean neighbours that I proposed together with the European Commission as High Representative of the European Union. The agreement would be the first of its kind, creating the world's biggest aviation market for over one billion people. However, even if Russia and China seem to join forces to face the “Western world”, the future geopolitical landscape of a multipolar world is not simple. 18/09/2020 - Several outlets - On 12 September I had the pleasure to discuss with my ASEAN counterparts how we can strengthen cooperation between the EU and ASEAN. The EU’s corona marathon: moving on all tracks, “Team Europe” - Global EU Response to Covid-19 supporting partner countries and fragile populations, Europe’s military and civilians working together against the coronavirus, A new EU military operation in the Mediterranean: Irini is born to enforce Libya arms embargo, Accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia and the EU’s commitment to the Western Balkans, The Coronavirus pandemic and the new world it is creating, A visit to camp Zamzam – Home of 120,000 displaced people in North Darfur, Europeans who make a difference and inspire us all, The EU and Africa: Our meeting of the European Commission and the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa, A joint effort and clear direction for European defence, Why the EU has a stake in the stability of the Horn of Africa, Taking risks for peace: EU crisis management in action, Shaping the future: space as strategic issue for Europe, European Commission solemn undertaking before the Court of Justice of the European Union, International Migrants Day – The way forward to better manage global migration, Asia and Europe: Together for effective multilateralism, Thirteen French servicemen killed fighting for peace and stability in the Sahel, A stronger European Union within a better, greener and safer world - key principles that will be guiding my mandate, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. The main parameters of the geopolitical landscape of the 21st century are being drawn. 11/07/2020 - Several outlets - In Srebrenica, 25 years ago, the darkest page of Europe’s modern history was written. 30/03/2021 - In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, stressed that the political leadership in Damascus must take clear steps to “end the repression of the Syrian people.” He added that the regime must engage “meaningfully” in UN-led negotiations to make a clear decision “to change the way Syria is governed and the way it relates to the rest of the world” before a conference on its reconstruction can be held. 22/08/2020 - HR/VP Josep Borrell on the situation in Belarus, EU-Russia relations, the EU recovery fund, European strategic autonomy and other foreign affairs issues. We are at a crossroads. It is to help the cause of young girls like Awa that the European Union supports this committee and many other projects in this area around the world. 25/05/2020 – German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin While every day we work flat out to address the crisis in all its aspects, it is good to step back and reflect on what living with COVID19 means, for our daily lives, for Europe, for the wider world and how it will affect our society. We are now at the final stage of a long and complex process to establish it. And in particular the will not to align with China or the US in the growing strategic rivalry between them. 14/07/2020 - Several outlets - Five years after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was concluded, it is on life support, following the US's reinstatement of sanctions and Iran's return to enrichment activities. We have already brought together counter-terrorism experts from Europe and India to exchange experiences and best practices. Debt: the urgent need for a global recovery initiative, We need straight-talk and determined action on democracy, Defence cooperation: How strategic perseverance will pay off. Blog de Josep Borrell sobre sus actividades y la política exterior europea. With this blog, I intend to take a step back and contribute to building a European common strategic culture. HR/VP Josep Borrell analyses the causes behind the current crisis in multilateralism. 24/04/2020 - RFI - Josep Borrell, haut représentant de l’Union européenne pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité, vice-président de la Commission européenne, souhaite une réponse globale à la crise économique que traverse l'UE. And while we have a long way to go, there is now an increased momentum to strengthen our collective capacity for action. The frontline in eastern Ukraine has been calm for almost two months now, the longest period since the war started. Meanwhile the disruptions of the global value chain heavily hit manufacturing in ASEAN countries, forcing them to reflect on their positioning. 18/10/2020 - HR/VP blog - At our last Foreign Affairs Council, we took stock of our relations with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) at a time when this region is going through a dramatic crisis because of COVID-19. “The EU looks forward to the conclusion of the talks on a substantive and legally binding Code of Conduct in the South China Sea between ASEAN and his neighbours.”. 22/02/2020 - The European Union's high representative for foreign affairs and security policy on building a common foreign policy. Blog "Una ventana al mundo" - Blog del Alto Representante de la UE y Vice-presidente de la Comisión Europea. 15/01/2021 – HR/VP Blog – For more than two months, conflict has been raging in the Tigray region in Ethiopia. 17/05/2020 - Today is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT). En el informativo 14 horas Fin de Semana hablamos con Josep Borrell, alto representante de la UE para Asuntos Exteriores y Política de Seguridad. La UE se estrella contra Rusia. There is ambition to lift our partnership to another level. 28/03/2020 - HR/VP Josep Borrell on the European Council meeting and what the EU will do to overcome the coronavirus crisis - in solidarity and for the benefit and protection of EU citizens to limit the spread of the virus and to provide urgent assistance to those in need. EU-Russia relations have been deteriorating over the past decade and we have strong disagreements when it comes to the conflicts in our immediate neighbourhood. 08/10/2020 - Las cristaleras de la planta 12 del Berlaymont, zona noble de la sede central de la Comisión Europea en Bruselas, dejan pasar los primeros rayos después de días de lluvias y vientos. 13/11/2020 – HR/VP Josep Borrell closes the annual EU Ambassadors’ Meeting. The country suffers from a deep political crisis with enormous humanitarian consequences. These developments also overshadowed an important decision that did not receive the attention deserved. In 2021, as global cooperation should make a strong comeback, the EU should continue to pursue “strategic autonomy” so that it can safeguard its citizens and interests in the years and decades ahead. The only viable exit strategy of the health crisis is a vaccine and that is the reason why vaccine security has become a new battleground for influence in the region. (with Michel Barnier), The EU and Central Asia: new opportunities to work together for a green future, Strengthening the Asia-Europe partnership, Es hora de convertir el poder de Europa y Asia en una asociación real, France24 - The international affairs that drive European Union's external agenda, Enab Baladi - Presidential elections will not lead to international normalization with Damascus, Asharq Al-Awsat - Reconstruction of Syria Hinges on Change in Regime’s Behavior, Le Soir - Josep Borrell: «L’Europe ne peut pas se permettre une fatigue syrienne», CNA - "Τhe solution to the Cyprus issue cannot come from outside", Der Spiegel - "I Should Have Indulged My Desire To Argue a Little More", Interfax - EU foreign policy chief on EU-Russia relations, EFE, Europa Press y varios periódicos - El Alto Representante Borrell, sobre una amplia gama de cuestiones: la presencia de la Unión Europea en América Latina, la situación en Venezuela, y el acuerdo de Mercosur, SER - Borrell pide a EEUU su colaboración inmediata para distribuir vacunas a los países que no pueden pagarlas, RNE - Josep Borrell: "Esperamos que Estados Unidos vuelva a ser un socio fiable", Reuters - HR/VP Borrell on new US administration and transatlantic relations, Iran, China and Russia, LUSA - HR/VP Borrell on foreign policy challenges and plans at the beginning of the Portuguese EU Presidency, EFE y varios periódicos – El Alto Representante Borrell, sobre una amplia gama de cuestiones de política exterior europea, una cultura estratégica común y desafíos geopolíticos, Rai Radio 1 - La pandemia da Covid19 cambia anche la geopolitica, Euronews - EU will lose supremacy unless it invests more, diplomacy chief tells Euronews, Euronews - Scientist killing will not help bid to revive Iran nuclear deal, says EU's foreign affairs chief, El Diario - Josep Borrell: "Los movimientos populistas de derechas en Europa pierden una referencia con la marcha de Trump", Several Outlets - We will not allow Bosnia and Herzegovina to be a failed state, The Time - 'Trump Has Been a Kind of Awakening.'
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