Pero dichas apreciaciones desaparecerán cuando la posterior evolución le permita a Bismarck cifrar de nuevo sus esperanzas en Prusia. [77]​ En 1859, sin embargo, contrajo una grave enfermedad; durante largo tiempo padeció sus secuelas, lamentándose por no restablecerse completamente. Un representante de esta última potencia calificó una de sus conversaciones con Bismarck con los adjetivos "miserable y apenas creíble". 48. [53]​ Era el típico orgullo del Junker frente a la sociedad burguesa de una antigua ciudad imperial carente de nobleza cortesana. Authors; Otto von Bismarck The editorial produced a war scare, with Britain and Russia warning that they would not tolerate a preventive war against France. However he changed, broke with the liberals, and adopted tariffs to win Catholic support and shore up his political base. He insisted on being treated as an equal by petty tactics such as imitating Thun when Thun claimed the privileges of smoking and removing his jacket in meetings. Bismarck had first made this famous comment to the Reichstag in December 1876, when the Balkan revolts against the Ottoman Empire threatened to extend to a war between Austria and Russia: Only a year later [1876], he is faced by the alternative of espousing the cause of Russia or that of Austria. Furthermore, Austria had to promise not to intervene in German affairs. [81]​ La negativa del príncipe heredero a aceptar en septiembre de 1862 la proyectada abdicación de su padre, se debió en primer lugar a consideraciones humanitarias, aunque quizá le influyera también la sensación de tener que afrontar una tarea irresoluble. Fue precisamente esta precaución frente a la carrera colonial la que le enfrentó con el nuevo emperador, Guillermo II (1888-1918), partidario de prolongar la ascensión de Alemania con la adquisición de un imperio ultramarino, asunto que provocó la caída de Bismarck en 1890. It made possible the post-Bismarckian crisis of leadership, both real and perceived, that had Germans seeking the strongest possible leader and asking, "What Would Bismarck Do?" In domestic policy, Bismarck pursued a conservative state-building strategy designed to make ordinary Germans—not just his own Junker elite—more loyal to throne and empire, implementing the modern welfare state in Germany in the 1880s. [124], The final break came as Bismarck searched for a new parliamentary majority, as his Kartell was voted from power as a consequence of the anti-socialist bill fiasco. Legislation was the responsibility of the Reichstag, a popularly elected body, and the Bundesrat, an advisory body representing the states. En esos días, nadie era capaz de imaginar ni por lo más remoto que semejante nombramiento iniciaba una colaboración de casi tres décadas entre el monarca y su nuevo primer ministro. In the elections of 1866 the liberals suffered a major defeat, losing their majority in the House of Deputies. 9. Bismarck became a hero to German nationalists; they built many monuments honoring the founder of the new Reich. The goal was to end the pope's control over the bishops in a given state, but the project went nowhere. To facilitate this, Bismarck arranged for the administration of this program to be placed in the hands of Der Arbeitgeberverband in den beruflichen Korporationen (the Organization of Employers in Occupational Corporations). [73][74] With the founding of the German Empire in 1871, Bismarck emerged as a decisive figure in European history from 1871 to 1890. El dualismo alemán, desde hace un milenio en ciertas ocasiones, pero desde Carlos V cada siglo, ha regulado metódicamente las relaciones entre las partes por medio de guerras interiores radicales; en nuestro tiempo, también es éste el único método para poner en su hora justa el reloj del progreso. [77]​ Enjuiciaba con resignación sus propios actos y la situación de su país. With the strategic genius of Moltke, the Prussian army fought battles it was able to win. [84]​ A esto se le debe añadir la oposición a la política exterior de sus amigos conservadores y hasta del rey. He outwitted the parliamentary parties, even the strongest of them, and betrayed all those ... who had put him into power. In the midst of this disarray, the European balance of power was restructured with the creation of the German Empire as the dominant power in continental Europe apart from Russia. Feuchtwanger, E. J. Este análisis captaba muy acertadamente la actitud de la Dieta; por otro lado, Bismarck deseaba actuar con contundencia contra los diputados de la oposición. Bismarck estaba fuertemente en desacuerdo con la política de Guillermo y trataba de evitarla. Mommsen, Wilhelm, “Pensamientos”..., pág. [75]​ El regente, no obstante, se resistía a dar ese paso, pues recelaba de Bismarck: "Me consideraba más fanático de lo que era en realidad". A pesar de todo, la carta refleja fielmente la evolución de Bismarck, que de aliado de Austria pasa a ser su más enconado opositor y muestra al mismo tiempo la superación de cualquier política expansionista rígida y cerrada en sí misma. Highly detailed diplomatic history of all major European powers. En el mismo discurso llegó a afirmar que el "águila prusiana" debía extender sus "alas protectoras y dominar el espacio desde el Niemen inferior hasta las Donnersberge". Bismarck pensaba que las exigencias prusianas debían ser satisfechas mediante pactos individuales "dentro del ámbito geográfico que la naturaleza nos ha destinado". To achieve this he kept Napoleon III involved in various intrigues, whereby France might gain territory from Luxembourg or Belgium. After Russia's victory over the Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78, Bismarck helped negotiate a settlement at the Congress of Berlin. The world saw Bismarck as a typical backwoods Prussian Junker, an image that he encouraged by wearing military uniforms. Bismarck proposed that Prussia should exploit Austria's weakness to move her frontiers "as far south as Lake Constance" on the Swiss border; instead, Prussia mobilised troops in the Rhineland to deter further French advances into Venetia. Tampoco cabía suponer que ese hombre, al que el pueblo tachaba de Junker por su comportamiento durante el año 1848, conseguiría en un plazo relativamente corto la unificación de Alemania. Para Gerlach, Napoleón representaba el fermento revolucionario y en consecuencia cualquier tipo de negociación con él suponía una acción diabólica. [citation needed] The first monument built in his honour was the one at Bad Kissingen erected in 1877. [43]​ Bismarck aún no había oído cantar a ningún soldado alemán ¿Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland? [35]​ Horrorizado por las muestras de debilidad del monarca, pretendió llevar una columna de campesinos armados a Berlín,[34]​ y cuando la reina excusó a su esposo, alegando que dormía muy poco, Bismarck contestó en tono grosero: "¡Un rey tiene que poder dormir! A devout Lutheran, he was loyal to his king, Wilhelm I, who argued with Bismarck but in the end supported him against the advice of his wife Queen Augusta and his heir Crown Prince Frederick William. [35], In 1866, Austria reneged on the agreement and demanded that the Diet determine the Schleswig–Holstein issue. "The German Bishops, who were politically powerless in Germany and theologically in opposition to the Pope in Rome, have now become powerful political leaders in Germany and enthusiastic defenders of the now infallible Faith of Rome, united, disciplined, and thirsting for martyrdom, thanks to Bismarck's uncalled for antiliberal declaration of War on the freedom they had hitherto peacefully enjoyed. However France complicated Berlin's plans when it became friends with Russia. Bismarck no pretendía eliminar el dualismo, sino poner en hora el reloj del progreso. A finales de marzo de 1858, Bismarck presentó al príncipe Guillermo un extenso memorándum conocido como el Librito del señor Bismarck,[66]​ que no debió de impresionar demasiado al regente, en el improbable caso de que llegara a leer sus prolijos argumentos. [29], Bismarck, Roon and Moltke took charge at a time when relations among the Great Powers (Great Britain, France, Austria and Russia) had been shattered by the Crimean War and the Italian War. Provoked, Austria called for the aid of other German states, who quickly became involved in the Austro-Prussian War. No obstante, en el plano político, la evolución personal de Bismarck se enriquecería con nuevas experiencias fuera del reducido escenario de Fráncfort del Meno y sería consecuencia directa de su nombramiento como embajador de Prusia ante la corte de San Petersburgo.[62]​[n. [115], The first successful bill, passed in 1883, was the Sickness Insurance Bill. "¡Prusianos somos, y prusianos queremos seguir siendo! 27. Bismarck se veía obligado a bailar el rigodón con las esposas de sus proveedores, pero al menos "la gentileza de tales damas me hacía olvidar la amargura por las desorbitadas facturas y malos géneros que me proporcionaban sus maridos". El cargo era elegido por el rey de Prusia en su calidad de presidente de la Confederación. Prince Wilhelm became King of Prussia upon his brother Frederick Wilhelm IV's death in 1861. 1827 June 29, 1827. Durante los primeros meses en San Petersburgo, Bismarck, al igual que había hecho durante la guerra de Crimea, centró todos sus esfuerzos en impedir una intervención de Prusia en favor de Austria,[69]​[70]​ consciente de que Rusia no lo toleraría. Bismarck se sabía miembro de la nobleza; su formación, no obstante, respondió en las líneas esenciales a los deseos de su madre y fue muy diferente de la que se acostumbraba entonces en los círculos de la nobleza rural prusiana. Bismarck recomendaba con ahínco una política exterior más independiente cada día de simpatías dinásticas. [43] Still, however, Bismarck believed that if the German states perceived France as the aggressor, they would then unite behind the King of Prussia. [65]​ El conde de Rechberg, interlocutor austríaco de Bismarck, afirmaba en 1862: Rechberg ya no se recataba en afirmar que Bismarck no parecía dispuesto a someterse a los dictados superiores de una política gubernamental conservadora: Prokesch, otro de los oponentes de Bismarck, lo reafirmaría más adelante en Fráncfort con mayor contundencia. [50] The new German Empire was a federation: each of its 25 constituent states (kingdoms, grand duchies, duchies, principalities, and free cities) retained some autonomy. Despite these efforts, the socialist movement steadily gained supporters and seats in the Reichstag. Esta declaración de Bismarck se ha interpretado, erróneamente, en sentido pangermanista;[50]​ sin embargo, su concepción estaba en clara oposición a la situación entonces imperante: Austria era un Estado cuyo rasgo fundamental no era el estar habitada por población alemana, sino su carácter de gran potencia que había blandido a menudo y con éxito la espada alemana. His health rallied momentarily on the 28th, but then sharply deteriorated over the next two days. He was soon elected to the Reichstag as a National Liberal in Bennigsen's old and supposedly safe Hamburg seat, but he was so humiliated by being taken to a second ballot by a Social Democrat opponent that he never actually took up his seat. Todos estos proyectos e insinuaciones políticas surgieron en un momento histórico en que Prusia tenía dificultades crecientes en el interior. La ciudad en un principio le causó una impresión muy grata: "Lo único que me saca de quicio es no poder fumar por la calle".[69]​[70]​[n. However, Wilhelm II intended to govern the country himself, making the ousting of Bismarck one of his first tasks as Kaiser. [7] Historian Robert K. Massie has noted Bismarck's popular image was as "gruff" and "militaristic", while in reality "Bismarck's tool was aggressive, ruthless diplomacy. He also published the text of the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia, a major breach of national security, for which an individual of lesser status would have been heavily prosecuted. Prusia seguiría siendo siempre lo "suficientemente poderosa como para dejarle a Austria la libertad de movimientos que ambiciona. Napoleon III was taken prisoner at Sedan and kept in Germany for a time in case Bismarck had need of him to head the French regime; he later died in exile in England in 1873. Bismarck dirigió con decisión y firmeza sus ataques contra cualquier tentativa liberal o democrática. [27] In theory, this was a promotion, as Russia was one of Prussia's two most powerful neighbors. Aus Fraktur übertragen: von Bismarck, Hedwig: Libros en idiomas extranjeros He then switched positions, winning Catholic/Centre support and opposing the liberals. )[87] Germany's foreign policy fell into a trap with no exit. Steinberg, 2011, pp. After his wife's death on 27 November 1894, his health worsened and one year later he was finally confined to a wheelchair.[130][131][132][133]. [23]​[24]​[25]​ Su dedicación a la agricultura se complementó con una abundante lectura de obras históricas, filosóficas y literarias. Fearing the opposition of the other German princes and the military intervention of Austria and Russia, the King renounced this popular mandate. The National Liberals refused to make this law permanent, while the Conservatives supported only the entirety of the bill, threatening to and eventually vetoing the entire bill in session because Bismarck would not agree to a modified bill. "[149] British historians, including Steinberg, Evans, Taylor, Palmer and Crankshaw, see Bismarck as an ambivalent figure, undoubtedly a man of great skill but who left no lasting system in place to guide successors less skilled than himself. His extraordinary double ability to see how groups would react and the willingness to use violence to make them obey, the capacity to read group behavior and the force to make them move to his will, gave him the chance to exercise what [Steinberg has] called his "sovereign self".[148]. To provoke France into declaring war with Prussia, Bismarck published the Ems Dispatch, a carefully edited version of a conversation between King Wilhelm and the French ambassador to Prussia, Count Benedetti. Although he never personally commanded troops in the field, he usually wore a general's uniform in public for the rest of his life, as seen in numerous paintings and photographs. This conversation had been edited so that each nation felt that its ambassador had been slighted and ridiculed, thus inflaming popular sentiment on both sides in favor of war. Some in the German military clamored for a preemptive war with Russia; Bismarck refused, stating: "Preemptive war is like committing suicide for fear of death. Reaction to Danish and French nationalism provided foci for expressions of German unity. : mezquinos y hediondos. En un Estado parlamentario, el jefe de gobierno depende de la confianza de la mayoría parlamentaria y tiene el derecho a formar coaliciones para lograr una mayoría para sus políticas. Durch seine kriegerische Politik, die von „ Blut und Eisen “ geprägt war, verhalf er Preußen zur Vormachtstellung auf dem europäischen Kontinent. In 1905 a German plan for an alliance with Russia fell through because Russia was too close to France. This myth proved to be a weapon against the Weimar Republic and exercised a destructive influence on the political culture of the first German democracy. To solidify Prussian hegemony, Prussia forced the 21 states north of the River Main to join it in forming the North German Confederation in 1867. Bismarck, who by now held the rank of major in the Landwehr, wore this uniform during the campaign and was at last promoted to the rank of major-general in the Landwehr cavalry after the war. Bismarck's government had to submit three draft bills before it could get one passed by the Reichstag in 1884. 345. [39]​ En esta época, Bismarck pronunció su famoso discurso sobre el Tratado de Olmütz, que constituía el punto culminante de su actividad parlamentaria. Bismarck sent Prussian troops to occupy Holstein. A este respecto, Bismarck defendió, el 3 de diciembre de 1850, el tratado preliminar de Olmütz (firmado el mes anterior),[46]​ por el cual Prusia renunciaba a su política de unificación y llegaba a un acuerdo con Austria, cediendo a las presiones de Rusia. "[95], Bismarck realized that both Russia and Britain considered control of central Asia a high priority, dubbed the "Great Game". 24. [66]​ De todos modos, dos hechos coartaban la libertad de acción de Prusia: la enfermedad del rey Federico Guillermo IV y el no establecimiento de la regencia hasta 1858, que proporcionaría al futuro rey Guillermo la libertad de acción política. 50. With support from Austria, he issued an ultimatum for Christian IX to return Schleswig to its former status. That Germany was France's enemy became the basic fact of international relations. En Aquisgrán también se consagró por entero a los placeres de la vida y durante meses y sin permiso viajó siguiendo los pasos de una joven inglesa. To historian Eric Hobsbawm, Bismarck "remained undisputed world champion at the game of multilateral diplomatic chess for almost twenty years after 1871, [and] devoted himself exclusively, and successfully, to maintaining peace between the powers". Bismarck had originally proposed that the federal government pay a portion of the accident insurance contribution. Bismarck was the dominant figure in the new arrangement; as Foreign Minister of Prussia, he instructed the Prussian deputies to the Bundesrat. [48]​ Bismarck se oponía a la calificación de Austria como país extranjero,[48]​ y de hecho llamaba a su monarca heredero de una larga serie de emperadores alemanes. Mommsen, Wilhelm, “Embajador en Frankfurt, San Petersburgo y París”..., pág. Pflanze, Otto, “La unificación de Alemania”, pág. [77]​ En aquellos años, Bismarck no ambicionaba el cargo de ministro y de hecho insistió en varias ocasiones en que prefería la embajada, puesto que le parecía un paraíso en comparación con el enloquecedor trabajo ministerial: "No obstante, si me apuntan con una pistola pidiéndome que responda sí o no, tendría la sensación de cometer cobardía si en la situación actual, tan intrincada y difícil, respondiera con un "no". La familia Bismarck era de una familia de la antigua nobleza que antes de Otto von Bismarck no había dado ninguna personalidad relevante. He was also promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general, and bought a former hotel in Friedrichsruhnear Hamburg, which became an estate. Molesto y resentido se retiró a sus tierras a Varzim, en la actual Polonia. Im Deutschen Reich nach 1871 entwicke… Langer, however, argues that this episode played a minor role in causing the war. Bismarck believed that as long as Britain, Russia and Italy were assured of the peaceful nature of the German Empire, French belligerency could be contained. After a heated argument in Bismarck's office, Wilhelm—to whom Bismarck had shown a letter from Tsar Alexander III describing Wilhelm as a "badly brought-up boy"—stormed out, after first ordering the rescinding of the Cabinet Order of 1851, which had forbidden Prussian Cabinet Ministers from reporting directly to the King of Prussia and required them instead to report via the Chancellor. Muchas de sus aventuras, de mayor o menor gusto, en ocasiones le crearon conflictos con las autoridades académicas. Para Bismarck un judío dejaba de serlo en cuanto se convertía a uno de los credos cristianos. [56]​ Bismarck fue siempre un abierto partidario de defender los intereses del propio Estado, pero también es verdad que presupuso en los demás la misma actitud. The Queen and the Royal Family hated him and the King, emotional and unreliable, would soon have his 70th birthday. [61]​ De todos modos, estas palabras no quieren decir que Bismarck se aventurara por el camino que iniciaría más tarde, en 1866. En aquella época, Bismarck se defendía de los continuos ataques que le dirigía la prensa,[73]​ recriminándole su mezquina concepción de la política exterior. [citation needed] Executive power was vested in a president, an hereditary office of the kings of Prussia, who was assisted by a chancellor responsible only to him. Al igual que otros muchos nobles, Bismarck dirigió sus ataques contra el absolutismo y contra la opinión manifestada por Federico Guillermo I: "Concibo el poder comme un rocher de bronze".[39]​.

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