When following the tracks I realized it led me to the area used where the climbers relieved themselves. July 18th Descend to 4330m basecamp. Peak Lenin. Lenin Peak is an imposing 7,134-meter peak shared between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The weather was still good. I was able to retreat to my sleeping bag right after 18:00 h. The night was a lot more quite than the night before. The pictures shown from the summit bid are taken on the descent and are thus shown in the reverse order. In 2019, 2018 und 2017 haben ... der vermehrter Unfälle an der Ama Dablam in vergangener Jahre konnten wir bei SummitClimb schwere Unfälle oder gar Todesfälle ganz vermeiden. "This photo is of Luuk Karmarker (UWCSEA, 2020) and I, and was taken at the 7,134m summit of Pik Lenin at about 12:20pm on 12 August 2019. Early bird bonus 3% until 02.03.21. Einer der Schneeleoparden in der Trans-Alai-Kette, leichter 7000er. The mountain was repeatedly the arena for tragedies. Soon the full expanse of Lenin was revealed, towering nearly 2,500 meters above us. Kurz gefasst: Los geflogen um 14 Uhr in Dresden, am nächsten Tag 14 Uhr auf 3600 m im Pik Lenin Basecamp. I sincerely felt a bit stressed over this since I knew how bad a cold could impact my further ventures on the mountain. Back in 2013 Johan and I put up our big Hilleberg tent at the lower area. I tried to capture as much as possible of the view with my camera. Alle Teilnehmer sind gesund, wenn auch mit etwas Verspätung durch einen Reifenplatzer am Flieger in Frankfurt und einer unfreiwilligen Pause in Istanbul, mittlerweile in Bishkek angekommen. Hier gabs richtig fett auf die Schnauze. Oksana raced from ABC to the summit of Pik Lenin in 8 hrs and 10 minutes. Pik Lenin was lurking in the background. Watch Queue Queue This also applied to the food that had been deposited in the high camps. The night that Sophie left the winds indeed felt stronger and the notorious flapping sound of tent cloth kept me awake for many hours in my tent. andre hangaard. I knew the route and I knew what to look out for. All rights reserved. The second time around – Solo on Pik Lenin, Images I roped with other independent climbers while crossing the heavily crevassed lower glacier between 4400m Advanced Base Camp and 5300m Camp… The camp is at the foot of a huge rock wall and is spread out over a slope. Wolfgang Kristinus and 8 other climbers start the adventure to the fascinating Pik Lenin in Kyrgyzstan, which is 7.124 meters high. Tour drucken . As we descended from C3 I was almost sure that I one day would return and try this big mountain again. Der Pik Lenin (russisch Пик Ленина Pik Lenina, kirgisisch Ленин Чокусу Lenin Čokusu, tadschikisch bis 2006 Қуллаи Ленин Qullai Lenin, ursprünglich Pik Kaufmann oder Kaufmann-Spitze) ist der höchste Berg der Transalai-Kette im nördlichen Teil des Pamir (Zentralasien). At around 15.00 h I started to down climb the hill to reach the saddle. The “Knife” came closer, a perilous ridgeline with vertical drop-offs, which is considered to be the crux of the entire route and one of the important landmarks. Stamp of Kyrgyzstan 233.jpg 589 × 404; 57 KB. We others were not able to react because of the short rope connection and were also pulled down into the 20- meter-deep crevasse.” Three other members of the expedition, which had been organized by a Kyrgyz agency, were lucky enough to survive the accident. Soon it was pretty clear that Dominik and me played in different leagues. 1974 gerieten acht russische Bergsteigerinnen in einen Sturm und erfroren. Mik started the journey to Pik Lenin from the Åland Islands this past Saturday morning, taking a ferry to Stockholm and flying to Bishkek. Tragedies on Pik Lenin. Alternativ kann man auch den Weg bis Sary Mogul in einem offizielen Bus in Angriff nehmen. ** Oksana Stefanishina (Russia) summited on 5 August. In the UIAA climbing scale I think it would be AD-. Back in the Pamir. 43 climbers died, only two survived. Mik started the journey to Pik Lenin from the Åland Islands this past Saturday morning, taking a ferry to Stockholm and flying to Bishkek. Further up the big hill I saw distant flashes from other climbers headlamps and soon I could see silhouettes of people. They should be at Camp 2 (5,100m) today, with a summit attempt day day after tomorrow. Die Jahre 2019, 2018 und 2017 waren exzellent mit idealen Bedingungen für die Everest-Besteigung mit gut 80% Erfolgsquote über alle Teilnehmer unser Expeditionen. Cheers! Peak Lenin, near base camp.jpg 4,068 × 2,712; 3.17 MB Pik Lenin - ascent routes nord.jpg 2,409 × 1,091; 217 KB Pik Lenin from Sary-Mogol.JPG 864 × 648; 106 KB “If we had used the full length of the rope – we repeatedly dunned the mountain guide for doing so –, only one team member would have stood on the snow bridge and in case it broke, we would had a chance to stop the fall”, said the expedition member, adding that the equipment with which the Russian mountain guide set off was insufficient for the prevailing conditions at Peak Lenin. There is no more glaciated terrain between Camp 2 and the summit. Mit 7.134 m ist er hinter dem Pik Ismoil Somoni (früher Pik Kommunismus, 7.495m) und dem Pik Pobeda (Siegesgipfel, 7.439m) der dritthöchste der sogenannten fünf Schneeleoparden. Below is his first update. With a steady and continuous pace we moved up across the vast snow slopes of the huge Lenin Glacier and soon I saw the red and yellow dots which indicated todays goal; Camp 2 at 5.300 m. Drained on energy (me - not him) we pitched tents and unloaded our gear. Previous. On this trip I was accompanied by another climber. As the temperatures were below zero it was difficult to store water as it would freeze solid in my tent. It turned out that Dominik Salcher* was there to participate in the Pik Lenin Sky Marathon in the beginning of August. I roped with other independent climbers while crossing the heavily crevassed lower glacier between 4400m Advanced Base Camp and 5300m Camp… I knew I would need every bit of it in the days to come. “That was gross negligence”, said the climber. Although it was impossible to recognize anyone behind facemasks, helmets and goggles. In fact this was on day 12 and I was exactly in sync with my timetable. But apparently, he took the ascent across the glacier lightly. When our van turned north bound at Sary-Tash the sun came back and would certainly stay for a while. Ganz ehrlich: Die "Erfolgsquote" schwankt zwischen 0% und 100%. On the nearby slope below I saw a yellow dot approaching and I realized that soon I would share the summit with a fellow climber. souvenirs. Expeditionen führen weltweit in entlegene Gebiete und Gebirge ausserhalb der Zivilisation. Über den Versuch, sich einen Traum zu erfüllen. The moderate difficulties of this popular 8,000m peak make it accessible for many aspirants. In 1990 when Pik Lenin was the scene of the most fatal mountain accident of all times, an avalanche, triggered by an earthquake, swiped the entire Camp 2 away. Another team member was hit by the guide’s crampons and suffered serious cut injuries. That is why I’m convinced that I made the right decision to use one of my extremely valuable spare days just to lay flat and rest at Base Camp for one entire day. She was the female winner of the Lenin Peak Sky Marathon 2019. 1990 ereignete sich am Pik Lenin das Bergsteiger-Unglück mit den meisten Todesopfern überhaupt: Ein Erdbeben löste eine Eislawine aus, die ein Lager komplett verschüttete. My two Nalgene bottles I had put in my sleeping bag, but for the water used for my light breakfast I melted some snow I had collected the night before. A fixed rope was hanging from the top of the Knife but the snow was hard and firm and it was no problem to climb the ridge, which was 45°at the most. From Lhasa to the „Turquoise Goddess “ 26.08.2021 - 08.10.2021. Mouseover any coloured bar or line to view additional statistics. After getting some rest, I went out for a walk in the very hot and dry weather. Lenin peak is situated in frontier zone, that`s why you should formalize border permit for entering this territory in advanced. “It was happening so fast. Mountain photo from Karl Marx Peak: view of the valley , taken at 4:34 pm 1 Sep 2019 by Camille de Schoulepnikoff Alleine in ein Land wie Kirgistan zu reisen und mein Lieblingsstyl «Fast and light» an den hohen Bergen ausprobieren. Seitdem hat mich das ferne Bergsteigen in neuen Kulturen und fremden Länder in fester Hand. Due to the windy night, we delayed our start. Gipfel des Pik Lenins. Pik Lenin 2019. Later I found out that her name was Oksana Stefanishina** from Sotji. Taustalla itse Pik Lenin. However, somehow I realized that Rumen, the nice Bulgarian climber who joined us on the summit bid, was right. April 2017 16. After the Knife, tiredness kicked in and the plateau felt endless. Descending the snow fields went rather smooth and after a while I met the large group I encountered the same night. She was the female winner of the Lenin Peak Sky Marathon 2019. On the eleventh day I moved to Camp 3 at 6.100 m. If Camp 2 was a crowded and cramped dump, Camp 3 was much more airy and spacious. Outside the tent I was directed to, the Tyrolean flag was hanging and I soon found out that my tent buddy was a nice young Austrian guy from the slopes of the Grossglockner in beautiful Tyrol. “There are no easy mountains and certainly no easy seven-thousanders.” I remember very clearly these words of my Austrian expedition leader Herbert Wolf in 2011, on the 7,246-meter-high Putha Hiunchuli (Dhaulagiri VII) in Nepal. Some mountains act to certain people like magnets. At least one of the most nerve wracking moments of my upcoming adventure were eliminated: My 40 kgs of baggage got safely to my starting point. Publication Year: 2020. The rain was drizzling so it was nice to slip into the big two-man tent to get settled and sort gear. Many memories came back from 2013 when I was there with Johan the last time. Probably the batteries got too cold. Dave September 7, 2019 September 7, 2019 Bikepacking, Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan. * Dominik Salcher (Austria) summited on 5 August. (2), Peak Lenin - the North Face new ski climb and descend, 13/7                     Day 1:                   Transfer Osh-BC (7.5 hrs) cloudy, rain in the evening, 14/7                     Day 2:                   Rest day BC, hike up to 4.200m towards Pik Petrovsky, (total 4 hrs) cloudy, rain in the evening, 15/7                     Day 3:                   Load carry BC to ABC (3 hrs) and return to BC (3 hrs) sunny, rain in the evening, 16/7                     Day 4:                   Rest day BC (no activity) sunny and clear, 17/7                     Day 5:                   Load carry/move BC to ABC (3 hrs) sunny, light snow in the evening, 18/7                     Day 6:                   Rest day ABC, hike up to glacier 4.700m (total 3.5 hrs) sunny and clear, 19/7                     Day 7:                   Load carry ABC to C2 (4.5 hrs) and return to ABC (2.5 hrs) sunny and clear, 20/7                     Day 8:                   Load carry/move ABC to C2 (6.5 hrs) sunny, light snow in the evening, 21/7                     Day 9:                   Rest day C2, hike up to 5.700m, sunny/cloudy, 22/7                     Day 10:                 Load carry C2 to C3 (4 hrs), summit Pik Razdelnaya and return to C2, sunny and clear, 23/7                     Day 11:                 Load carry/move C2 to C3 (4 hrs), sunny and clear, 24/7                     Day 12:                 Rest day C3, sunny and clear, 26/7                     Day 14:                 C3 to C2, sunny and clear, 27/7                     Day 15:                 C2 to ABC, cloudy, 28/7                     Day 16:                 ABC to BC, cloudy, 29/7                     Day 17:                 Rest day BC, cloudy, 30/7                     Day 18:                 Summit Pik Petrovsky, cloudy, rain in the evening, 31/7                     Day 19:                 Transfer BC-Osh, cloudy, heavy rain, sun, Gore-tex shell jacket (Norröna Trollveggen) and shell pants (Mountain Hardwear), Thin synth long pants (Odlo) and merino long sleeve top (Devold), Thick long pants and long sleeve top * (Woolpower), Light jacket primaloft (Norröna) used a layer, Gloves (Black Diamond) and thick expedition down mittens* (The North Face), Expedition boots (La Sportiva Spantik), light boots for approach (Salomon) and sandals, Pad (Thermarest Prolite) and 2x foam mats, Sleeping bag (Western Mountaineering Puma, max -32°c), Stove (MSR Windburner) + 3 butan gas cartridges 230ml (bought in ABC). Because of the heavy weight of my pack, I was not able to move very fast. Die besten Bilder von meiner Expedition nach Pakistan sind jetzt online! The porridge was not as enjoyable though…. Pik Lenin in a storm up at 6.500 m is a very dangerous place to be. Anfrage. On day 19 the minivan rolled out of Base Camp. There was no activity. This video is unavailable. Zwei Franzosen berichten, wie der Sturm ihr Zelt mitsamt der Ausrüstung in eine Gletscherspalte geweht hat. Empi here. The following day I undertook a nice hike around the base of Pik Petrovsky, immediately to the west of the Base Camp. Click again to zoom out. He took a 40-meter rope, but insisted on paying out only 20 meters.” Later that proved fatal. When I came to the top of the gully where the terrain was flattening, I took a small rest, adjusting my headlamp and chatted briefly with one of the sherpa guides who sat on a rock and drank some tea. They should be at Camp 2 (5,100m) today, with a summit attempt day day after tomorrow. But even the young Tyrolean needed to acclimatize. Bring a VHF/UHF radio (Especially if you go solo) Make sure to get the correct frequency! Doesn’t look very good…” We were at around 6.400 m, the well-recognized ‘Knife’ ridge was not far away and we were both full of energy. After one full hour of breath-taking views it was time for decent. The rain turned into hail and the dirt road became even dirtier. I also managed to identify Pik Garmo east of Pik Ismoil Somoni. After having regained some strength I set off for the Advance Base Camp on my fifth day. After having scouted the beginning of the Lenin glacier the previous day I agreed. Micke’s first few photos sent from Pik Lenin. Anmeldung mit pdf-Datei. I climbed solo above 5300m Camp 2, using a basecamp support package for 3500m Basecamp and 4400m Advanced Basecamp ("Camp 1") from Central Asian Travel. A real challenge with breathtaking heights are awaiting them until they finish their extravagant journey. According to his words, the Russian mountain guide was an experienced man who had already summited eight-thousanders. With my entire equipment and garbage bag to be carried down, I guess my pack was between 25-30 kgs. Prices and download plans . The young woman didn’t speak much English but besides that, tiredness and the present cold didn’t invite to any extensive conversations. Despite my extra spare day I took while at Base Camp. It felt comfortable to hear is friendly voice, although most of the radio traffic was in Russian, which I didn’t understand. Among others, he scaled the 6,962-meter-high Aconcagua, the highest mountain in South America, and the seven-thousander Pik Lenin. Also it was already rather late. The Sunrise hotel is located about 3 km outside the city centre. The “main street” led south, crossing the border to Tajikistan. Only a few clouds. Messaging/positing worked excellent, Aeroflot airline ticket Stockholm-Moscow-Osh round trip. I realized that I would have not more than roughly 20 min more to climb and that I was actually finally about to reach the summit of Pik Lenin! Der Pik Lenin zeigt sich jetzt, nach einer Woche am Berg, von seiner unwirtlichen Seite. Add Images to Pik Lenin: Upload New Attach Existing. I climbed solo above 5300m Camp 2, using a basecamp support package for 3500m Basecamp and 4400m Advanced Basecamp ("Camp 1") from Central Asian Travel. Heutzutage ist der Pik Lenin (7.134,3 Meter ü. d. M.) einer der populärsten und meist besuchten Siebentausender im Pamir-Gebirge. Soon I would spend some days in Osh with temperatures of above +35c. In the literature I’ve come across, this route is graded 5a in the Russian grading system. (18), Comments Memorial stone for the victims of the ice avalanche in 1990. Gib hier deinen Kommentar ein ... Trage deine Daten unten ein oder klicke ein Icon um dich einzuloggen: I didn’t really mind, since Osh is a rather busy town with a lot of traffic and noise. After a long day of almost 25 km of hiking I arrived back in Base Camp. He enjoys special love among experienced climbers and skiers. Start. The Zaalaysky Range, which includes Peak Lenin (7,134m), forms a border between Kyrgyzstan in the north and Tajikistan to the south. Three items that proved very handy and convenient for me on the mountain. Genauer gesagt nach Kirgisistan, um den 7.000er Pik Lenin mit Skiern zu besteigen und zu befahren, leider ohne Gipfelerfolg (siehe Blog). For the third time, the German top climber Ines Papert traveled to the 5842-meter-high mountain to try to climb a new route via the difficult Southeast Face, which she just couldn’t get out of her mind. But then, at about 5,000 meters, the team reached a big crevasse, into which the wind had blown a lot of snow. Pik Lenin 2019 gut unterwegs! Pferdefestival Redefin - 2019 - watch our live stream and ondemand videos on ClipMyHorse.TV. Ziel war es, nun endlich einmal die 7000er-Marke am Pik Lenin zu knacken. Ich persönlich würde jedoch mit viel Gepäck und Jetlag lieber ein paar Dollar mehr ausgeben, denn die Busse sind meist recht voll gestopft. Die Wolken hängen tief. Du kannst uns gerne anrufen: +49 (0)30 774 9034. Pik Lenin Expedition 2019. Mit 7134 m ist er hinter dem Pik Ismoil Somoni (früher Pik Kommunismus, 7495m) und dem Pik Pobeda (Siegesgipfel, 7439m) der dritthöchste der sogenannten fünf Schneeleoparden. They seemed to move slow but steady and I guessed they all would make the summit. It had taken me 3 hours with my backpack full of freeze dried meals, stove and cloths. 24. After having digested this very positive information, I started with my preparations with the aim to set off for the summit during the night to come at 3:00 h. I carefully prepared my backpack with the items I needed for the climb, stuffed the pockets of my down jacket with power bars, boiled my two litres of tea and double and triple checked my batteries for my headlight, camera, GPS and satellite responder. Obwohl die klassische Route technisch nicht kompliziert ist, gehört die Besteigung des Pik Lenin zum Höhenbergsteigen und fordert von den Bergsteigern eine gute körperliche Vorbereitung, psychische Gesundheit, entsprechende Ausrüstung und richtige … food & drinks at checkpoints. Sophie was an acquaintance of my Swiss friend Andrej Gerber with whom I’ve been on several climbing trips with. ... Gescheiterter Gipfelversuch am Pik Lenin. Départ cette nuit pour 4 jours d'acclimatation jusqu'à l'installation du camp 3 à 6100m, puis retour à l'ABC. My Garmin InReach Mini. Other rope teams realized that the group had suddenly disappeared in the crevasse. Pik Lenin. Now it all begun and everything was now entirely up to me. Expedition Cho Oyu. Der Pik Lenin (früher auch Pik Kaufmann, heute auch Pik Abuali Ibni) ist der höchste Berg der Transalai-Kette im nördlichen Teil des Pamir. The reason why is that my initial plan was to add a day by putting a tent at Camp 4, doing an high camp at around 6.400 m on the plateau, which would cut time on summit day. Still we had a great adventure and the scenery was magnificent. I guess they were primary there to aid the porters who soloed the routes in the afternoon and occasionally clipped in. The food was very fresh and tasted good. Er verteidigt in einer sehr prägnanten Form fundamentale Prinzipien des Marxismus und zeigt, wie die Kommunisten in der Welt konsequent in Rechte innerhalb der IKB bekämpfen. Moving there felt good and I felt reasonably recovered. In the upper section of the camp, most tents are placed, but it’s hard to find a flat spot there. The Pamirs with Lenin Peak from Sary-Tash.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 852 KB. “In the morning of 7 August, we were the first group to climb via the normal route from Camp 1 at 4,400 meters across the snow-covered and crevassed glacier to Camp 2 at 5,300 meters“, a member of the rope team of four told me. 24. Your equestrian sports TV. 1 Termin á 22 Tage Termine anzeigen. Peak Lenin can be a tough and physically demanding mountain but we have achieved summit success on four previous expeditions due to our unique itinerary that includes a camp 4 at 6400m to shorten the summit day by at least 2-3 hours to less than eight hours compared to other operators (avoiding the normal 10-13 hr. Eine privat organisierte Reise kommt nicht billiger, im Gegenteil: Die Zeit, die man sich. Besides that, it’s possible to find running water during day time on the upper area. Thanks! For all you aspiring high altitude mountaineers, our High Altitude Mountaineering Course July 7th - August 1st, 2019 at Peak Lenin, Kyrgyzstan is filling fast! On my acclimatisation hike 16 days ago, a lot more snow was up on the slopes. Kommentar verfassen Antwort abbrechen. However, at this point the weather was still good and it was not close to the cold I experienced six years ago, so due to these two facts, I was pretty convinced that I could aim for a very early start from Camp 3 straight to the summit. Lenin Peak is one of the most popular peaks among beginner climbers-athletes, and those who want to try their hand at high-altitude mountaineering. In diesem Jahr wollte ich einmal ein spezielles Abenteuer wagen. Seit 1998 bis heute (= 0 , Stand 10.11.2019… When I was called up I told him about my plans for the following day, Zdravko encouraged me, and told me the weather would be good and wished my good luck. Expedition Pik Lenin, 7134 m - Ein Gipfel des Schneeleoparden-Ordens. Ann wird in eine Gletscherspalte fallen. “-You should have a partner when crossing the glacier” Zdravko said. Climbing harness (Black Diamond) some carabiners and 1 icescrew 15cm, GPS (Garmin eTrex20) with BirdsEye subscription, Iphone6 with MapsMe app used as backup GPS, VHF/UHF radio (Baofeng) to connect to Ak-Sai frequency 153.625, Satellite/text communication (Garmin Inreach mini), Solar panel (Gozero) and powerbank 20'000 mAh (not used on the mountain), Camera (Canon EOS 1200D) with 35-70mm lens, The luxury of having a 2 person tent. Sign in Sign up for FREE Prices and download plans Peak Lenin - Razdelnaya route Images : SummitPost.org : Climbing, hiking, mountaineering Due to the fact that I had catered for some extra spare days, I now unexpectedly had some extra time to kill. “Due to the short rope distance between us, two climbers were simultaneously crossing the snow bridge when it broke”, said the climber. Nikolai Petrovich Gorbunov, Chief of the Executive of the Soviet of People's Commissars (at one time personal secretary and scientific adviser to Vladimir Lenin himself), lead multiple expeditions in the Western Pamirs between 1928 and 1932, including the first ascent of Pik Lenin. I was glad that I soon could leave the rather exposed place. Meanwhile I had called ABC over my VHF radio. Arriving to Advanced Base Camp (ABC) felt good. © 2019 by Deutsche Welle. In the Aru Range in northwestern Tibet a whole glacier tongue broke off and tumbled down into the valley. Now a lot of snow had melted away and on the steep icefield I had to cross to gain the ridge, there was only a thin cover of snow on some sections. Soon I thought I needed to pay the price since I felt the good weather window was very much getting overdue. Tour drucken . Lenin Peak (7134m) is considered to be one of the most popular, easily of accessed and hence most frequented summits among 7,000m peaks of the Pamir.It’s a common belief that the Lenin Peak (Pik Lenin) is one of the easiest of the CIS’s four 7,000m-odd peaks to climb, a statement which is true to a certain extent but is far from representing the whole story. I just asked myself; when is it going to change? © 2006-2021 SummitPost.org. Pik Lenin. Tired after her attempt she was going down to rest and later return for a second attempt. Wir steigen ins Basislager ab, wo wir am zweiten Morgen in einem eingeschneiten Hochtal erwachen. The weather was excellent. Juli - 31. During dinner I made friends with some other climbers at my table from Canada and Russia who I would expect to bump into every now and then during the weeks ahead. He was the male winner of the Lenin Peak Sky Marathon 2019. “This is the same recipe I cooked for two decades at the base camp of Pik Lenin. Pik Lenin 7134m . Behind the next corner another snow filled valley opened up just to be followed by the next hill which was followed by another snow field. He was part of a large group of around 12-14 climbers, many of which I had met in Base camp before. Reports from various expeditions say that the weather conditions in recent weeks have been unusually bad: Heavy snowfall, wind and cold made the success rate on the mountain decrease from about 20 percent to two percent in July. Below is his first update. This continued for a long time but when I came around the last corner, a huge snow field was folding out in front of me and behind it I saw the base of the summit, building up over some rocky sections. Mountain weather forecasts for over 11300 mountain summits around the world. It made a good ending to my adventures in the Pamir. It didn’t look promising with those thick threatening dark clouds starting to build up around us. The small statue of Vladimir Lenin, which I had seen on so many summit pictures actually stood there too. I had managed to install myself with all my gear and I had plenty of food and enough gas. Camp 2 is not my favourite camp on Pik Lenin. 7:30 a.m. depart Pik Chetyreh basecamp, 10:00 a.m. arrive Moskvina. The climbing community is small. I can literally hear the beaming face of the 42-year-old German top climber on the phone when we talk about her success at the 5842-meter-high Kyzyl Asker in the border area between Kyrgyzstan and China. A few days around Pik Lenin. The trail was well beaten and I quickly reached the bottom of the saddle and started the switchbacks in a slow but steady pace. Climb Year: 2019. Seit 1998 bis heute (= 0 , Stand 10.11.2019). If an official +6000 m mountain summit happens to be within a 20 minutes snow hike, it would be a crime not to summit it. In 1990, the mountaineering accident with the most fatalities ever occurred on Peak Lenin: An earthquake triggered an ice avalanche that buried a high camp completely. I had to turn around 150 meters below the summit because the weather conditions were deteriorating and I was too late. About two hours later, all were recovered from the crevasse and flown out by helicopter. Sign in Sign up for FREE Prices and download plans Oder uns eine Mail senden: info@summitclimb.de. Excess luggage 1 extra piece on all 4 flights: Ak-Sai Travel, Pik Lenin “Full package Osh-Osh” (full board BC/ABC). When it was time to pack up for the final departure from ABC I told Dominik I wanted to go by myself. Click to view the full resolution link. In 2019, 2018 und 2017 haben ... der vermehrter Unfälle an der Ama Dablam in vergangener Jahre konnten wir bei SummitClimb schwere Unfälle oder gar Todesfälle ganz vermeiden. It’s never fun to turn around on a mountain, especially not after so many days of preparing and anticipation. 5:30 a.m. start, 2:30 p.m. at 6230m Pik Chetyreh summit (likely main summit, possibly a sightly lower sub-summit; see trip report), 7:00 p.m. back in tent. The trail was still good and route finding was easy. Pik Lenin (7134m). En direct de l'Advanced Base Camp à 4400m ! Suddenly I walked up to the odd looking heap of items which marked the highest point of Pik Lenin.