Just like all the dogs we own, he was truly an angel, who touched to many hearts, and thought us many lessons. Hi Jaimie. 3days later we took her to a better well-known vet in the city. both he and Daisy Mae don’t start their day using their hind legs, instead the lay them back and pull them along as they stretch and wake up. Besides my experience with my own 3 Dachshunds, I’ve momentarily “owned” at least 100 more through people sharing their stories with me and asking for my help with back injuries over the years. We opted for surgery Theough UGA Vet School and 6 weeks of crate rest. A couple weeks ago she was sick and listless, diagnosed with diabetes. Is it possible it came on so fast at this early age? We’ve a Tweenie, around 12 lbs. Pretty rough. The vet said cross breeding makes no difference, nor having a shorter back. As I said in this article, back injuries in younger Dachshunds are almost always caused by the IVDD disease. [30] He used three pipe-made bombs in his attack. Thank you very much for being such a great resource. A mini or “tweenie” Dachshund can product standard offspring and visa-versa (although reputable breeders do a pretty good job of knowing what their lines will produce). Some show immediate improvement after surgery while others slowly improve over the crate rest period. The bland food is sometimes more appealing because it’s less likely to upset their stomach. Be diligent about his crate rest. Hi Carol. It sounds like your vet determined that your best option for treatment at this time is strict crate rest. Guilt. I’m very thankful to you for writing this. I don’t know about this breed specifically but I know they would not be able to breed them at all if the results would be sick dogs. But don’t lose hope! There is no genetic test for IVDD so no breeder can absolutely certify that a dog does not have it. She walks with a waddle and runs again. I truly believe you did the best you could with the information and resources that you had. Thankfully, it sound like yours had a long, good life without spinal complications prior (caused by IVDD). I’m sorry to her about your pup. Your email address will not be published. Also, you can hope to lessen the chance of IVDD occurring in your Dachshund by getting one from a very responsible breeder (they will be able to tell you how many generations back there were no back problems). He has gotten even worse. Great article. How Trekkies are celebrating William Shatner’s birthday. Just be aware that those treatments will likely need to be used for a significant length of time to be effective and the cost of ongoing alternative treatments can be just as expensive as the surgery itself. As for the shaking itself, there could be several reasons. She had to have back surgery for a herniated disk. Hello?l! This is a really informative and important article, especially given the popularity of Dachshunds. Hi Lisa. My dog is incredibly fit and lean, but we never made much of an effort of keep him from jumping off of things and running up and down the stairs. Tell me, Striving for more and better is good but don't for, Get in loser, we're going muddin' She has the long doxie body but long legs. Thank you so much for the blog. I do apologize for not replying sooner. I’ve never heard of a Dachshund dying on their own from IVDD unless the ruptured disk was in the neck. This was heart wrenching to say the least and I was numb from shock. Where do you live? later…I thanked God I was married then…..jus for that moment….and 10 weeks of therapy with her….then I had to go for therapy with my back…she weighed 18 pounds. As far as 4 days being some kind of cutoff point, I can’t say. As for size, you’ll have to use your best judgement. Hi Eva. Recovery depends primarily on how bad the condition was to begin with (how bad the cause was), treatment, rehab and a little luck. Help worried about my poor puppy! I’m so sorry to hear about your pup. Be patient, be persistent and shower them with love. Still not sure what to do as I really want one. Was told to get rid of the step ramps that really hurts more than help! It does, unfortunately, sound like it could be a pinched nerve or IVDD though . He even met and hung out with celebrities. He does drink water. Below are some facts about IVDD-related back injuries. I had her in the smaller basket up top so she would stay closer to me but just decided to leap out of the cart, flipped and landed on her back onto tile floor from about 3-4 feet high! Have you ever seen a dog recover bowel and bladder control? They made a full, or almost full, recovery with crate rest and meds alone (the alternative treatments I list in my article are a huge help too). You may want to ask your vet about surgery. However I am also looking towards teaching her some more advanced tricks like roll over. Hi Deborah. She started bleeding from her rear uncontrollably, As we later found out it’s due to the steroids she was given. I liked to our favorite resource – the K9BackPack – in this article but Dodgerslist is also a great one for people to check out if they want to get more in-depth information. In total, I spent about $7,000 on her treatment, which is in-line with the approximate cost of spinal surgery. [10] The claim was removed as fake, and police also treated it as fake. He has had other back issues in the past but not that have affected his front leg. I did take him out for a short walk yesterday and he was not interested, halfway down the street he totally froze, I had to pick him up and carry him home. You can find them here: https://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/inervertebral-disk-disease-ivdd-resources/. Yes, it could be early stages of IVDD. Hi Jessica, I did get him into my vet . I’ve not owned any other breed of dog besides Dachshunds but it does seem that IVDD may happen more to them than the bad things to other breeds of dog. It mostly happens when I pick him up and/or put pressure around his bladder. It may prolong it though and help with your guilt if something does happen (see, I didn’t think we should have played ball so much vs. Well, there was nothing I could do since it happened while trying to get up off the dog bed). You need to stay strong and hang in there. Am I as terrible as I feel? That’s the scary part about IVDD-caused back injuries, there is almost always no warning It sounds like surgery was the best option for him. [1][2] They were packed with sharp metal pins and had a reach of about 100 meters (109 yards). Hi Joan. We found out my doxie’s spine is narrowing by accident when the VET took a x-ray of his heart (nothings wrong with his heart THANK GOD!). I’ve read your article on dachshunds and backs and found it helpful but thought I would ask about these habits and ask whether you thought I was worrying too much. I tried to give him nothing but an amazing life, traveled many countries, many US cities, even to company meetings. Nacho is at home now on crate rest with steroids and a pain med . Any suggestions would be great! The problem is primarily IVDD though. My friends advised me to cancel the trip but I went after consulting the vet and getting pain medication for my dog. However, Thomas Tuchel, the team's manager complained publicly that the decision was forced upon them. Your vet will recommend the best treatment. Heck, one of us was up and down all night every night. Is this true? Then one day the bar that went under his back end to hold up his legs apparently started pressing on a nerve or something. Hmm… well, that’s one solution I suppose. Called vet and she said to keep him in his crate and he needed rest for a while to tell if the rest will work. Time is of the essence. It it’s something that has been going on more than a year, the chances are slim though as I understand. She can use he back legs, so she is in her crate, on meds and receiving acupuncture and laser. I feel your pain and loss. Hi Diego. He caught a bought of pancreatitis and while recovering from that was put on pain meds and ended up injuring his back. Sincerely, Randall. Another great weekend on the German football beat leaves us with plenty to discuss. They are just so small and unstable. If your dog is struck by IVDD, there are two primary methods of treatment. Like I said above, most of the back issues in Dachshunds are genetic and linked to the drarfisim gene. [38] Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel expressed her appalled reaction to the attack. I’m glad my article gave you some hope. you’re a saint. We also used CBD oil and VetriScience Composure chews to help keep Gretel relaxed when needed. If they don’t have it, then repeatedly chasing the ball is not a high risk. Unfortunately, the dog didn’t make it. I have a question: our 4 year old teenie weenie stopped using her back legs, we didn’t get her to the vet for approximately 4 days. One of the team's players, Marc Bartra, and a policeman were wounded, but the strengthened windows of the bus prevented casualties. The German Federal Prosecutor's Office initially called the attack an act of terrorism with possible Islamist involvement. We have had 3 dachshunds and a dachshund mix. In other words, it does its job in offering support but then your dog doesn’t have to strengthen its muscles just support itself. I agree 1000%. I think you can prevent back problems. Took him to the vet the minute he became paralysed. Any answers would be greatly appreciated. I took Paisley to doctor yesterday for 3rd steroid. As I’m sure you know, doxie’s want to do everything themselves. The vets said the damage was very minimal and prescribed pain meds, a steroid and crating and had high hopes of recovery. Very worried. He was 6 1/2 years old at the time of his surgery. Whether you want to play ball with your other pup is a personal choice. I decided I didn’t want to take the risk of more back problems with a “long and low” dog. HI, just wondering if you recommend the dog back braces, if those help or not? Those are two of the best resources out there for information and support. In 2015 (March) my doxie X (Charlie) showed all the symptoms of IVDD, it was the first time this had happened. I noticed it on Friday night, had him at the vet Saturday morning and have had him confined. It wont stop it but I hope these measures delay a reoccurance as she has it in the whole of her spine. Make sure if you ever suspect your dog has an IVDD injury take them to the best that you possibly can. I’m no vet though, and don’t know Clyde’s current health, so you may want to ask yours. I need to buy or build ramps to couch and bed and back door. My friend uses it with her old dog that has IVDD and the compression helps her mobility. The info on dodgerslist is invaluable. My friend, who knows a lot about dogs, was the first one to tell me about the “smallness” of the breed. Good luck to you guys! Wire hairs (which are more closely related to terriers) are “spunky and clownish. The cost was over 5 times what his first one was! I’m glad the laser treatment has been helping Sadie. Sergej had tried to apologize to Bartra during the trial, however, Bartra would not acknowledge his attacker as he discussed how his life had been altered by the bombing of the team bus. Thanks bunches! As I said in the article, almost all Dachshund back problems are caused but the IVDD disease. Please if anything learn from my many many mistakes. He just developed neck pain which a myelogram showed a herniated disc in his C2 and C3 spine and C6 and C7 spine which we just finished surgery on 11/7/2017 at 11.30 am. Thank you for the informative article. I’ve also heard that cold laser treatments and acupuncture can be very helpful in some cases. I don’t think it would stop me in the future, it was just too soon after dealing with Lasya’s long decline and Freya’s sudden paralysis. You MUST know what is in the rest of this article if you own a Dachshund. Peppie le Pipsqueak is my first dachshund (by accident), so this is definitely good to know. Thank you for this amazing article you have written !!! Enjoy your new daschund. Take her back tomorrow as he has started treatment with a lazer and I thought it was heat not cold, Is the heat bad after one week..I just take it it is heat deep heat? If it’s been more than 5 weeks since his last incident (and hopefully he was on crate rest for that), it should be ok to start walking him again. You will find help there. My dog was thrown from my car seat(my fault 0 one week ago today Sunday 10 22 2017…she is 7 and weighs 8lbs. I’ve seen other people put their dog in a wagon (like a red kids wagon or cargo wagon) with sides so they can’t get out and bedding, or putting a small crate in/on the wagon, and pulling them around the house with them. She is not in pain, or doesn’t seem to be during the episode. We waited 8 to be sure the scar tissue has properly formed over her disk. Thank you for your article. After two days of medications, he seems to be a bit better, but I understand this is a long process and there is still a chance he may need surgery if medication doesn’t work out. We are also in Seattle and our 9 year old is showing a few of these symptoms for the first time. Can you help? Like I said though, I was clueless for 8 years. I have done a lot of research on this topic and talked with many veterinarians. Three of the Dachshunds I walked underwent surgery because of paralysis issues. Very appreciated! Hi Jessica . Hi Cindy. He did run with me but I’m sure that was not enough. Many more have milder symptoms that may not be obvious to the eye. You'll never miss an article from us about dog health, dog friendly travel, and camping and hiking with dogs. We had to manually press his bladder to make him pee and, since he couldn’t control his poop, we would help with that, too. I encourage all dachsund people to read the facts about degenerative disease. My 11 year old doxie experienced his first flare up of IVDD. (Again clueless to IVDD and the severity and the significance of every second counts) They were not hopeful of her making a recovery they let us know we could get her surgery for $3000 (not including medications) but there would only be a 5% chance that she would ever walk again. Two years later, we rescued Bailey. i rub his back a lot and he doesn’t bother him, he likes it a lot. Initially there were claims that the Borussia Dortmund supporter's groups were infiltrated by neo-Nazi sympathizers which in the beginning, people believed could have led to the terrorist attacks. But, she loved to jump down stairways. Not everyone can afford surgery and, honestly, it doesn’t work 100% of the time. We got back to town and the vet told us he had to be put down because of bladder stones which could not be removed since we had to manually express his bladder. I think I have told you about this before, but I was pretty set on a Dachshund or Corgi for my next dog until both of my previous dogs struggled with neurological issues. I think Muggie sent her to me. Hi Steven. Luckily my doxie is recovering well….Ive put stair gates in my house so no more stairs for her & a gate in my garden so she cant use the steps to & fro from the house. On 21 April 2017, German police arrested a man on suspicion of planting bombs to drive down the Borussia Dortmund share price and profit by put warrants he bought prior to the attack.[3]. I just can’t afford that and, given his age, I would have to be prepared for additional health issues to pop up (and need to treat those) as he aged. He immediately got his back legs paralyzed It was the most devastating moment in my life, I immediately rushed him to the hospital and he is in the surgery within the hour. Do you have any information about using a back brace as a prevention measure to help with alignment? I don’t know what to do. Thanks. We had to make the decision right then in there because she was on the operating table under anesthesia! Soccer is clearly the most popular sport in terms of fans. Out of town trips for the whole family were out of the question. I’m sorry to hear about Bitsy. I just want to help people understand why Dachshunds are prone to back problems, how they can recognize back problems, and what they can do to help prevent them. A dog can be perfectly fine one day and wake up paralyzed the next morning. Do you know of anybody or any organization or veterinary clinic in Seattle who can help in situations as mine. Good luck. [35] After consulting with the players, Borussia Dortmund CEO Hans-Joachim Watzke announced that the team had agreed to play. we have another check up in 5 days with the first vet, praying and hoping everything goes well and he is able to recover, he’s only 3 so i would hate to lose him so fast. 2 weeks later the doxie X (Charlie) became paralysed AGAIN! Hi my beautiful Abby just hurt her back on Monday. Also which is generally less active and more laid back? He has surgery at some place up in Everett. Please read Annie’s comment below for some encouragement. I pray a test is found soon for screening -its much needed so healthy daschund lines can be developed free of this awful genetic disease…..pleased to hear one is in the process at research stage. I don’t know though. It’s fairly common in French Bulldogs and can also affect Chihuahuas, Cocker Spaniels and a few more. I am able to rub her back and her legs and she doesn’t seem to be feeling pain. Your Blog couldn’t have been better timed, for me. The vet said it was too late for surgery and did manipulation treatment and a pulse treatment. Yeah. I’m sorry you are going through this. I was told, by the vet, when she first experienced spinal issues – 7 years ago – that she would require $1800 surgery which had an 80-90% chance of leaving her paralyzed for the rest of her life. She says the extra support and light compression seems to make her pup feel better. That’s a long road though. I wish the both of you the best of luck. About 6 months now. I’m sorry to hear about Lucy. If it’s conservative treatment, you can probably get buy just with strict crate rest and medication. It demanded that the US military base in Ramstein be shut down and the German Tornado jets be withdrawn from Syria. : Texas A & M, University of Wisconsin-Madison, etc), fees are somewhat cheaper. I’ve seen many Dachshunds after back surgery and almost all of them have a humped back after. Let me know what you find out. My Lula has a dachshund body but is a mix. I’m often contacted by people who can’t afford surgery for their dog who has become paralyzed from IVDD. That means your dog was born with it and whether your dog has no symptoms, mild pain, or becomes paralyzed is largely out of your control. I loved that little bitch. On another note, regarding the difficulty of keeping a dog crated and on bed rest in the early stages of healing a back problem, Oscar coincidentally had a back flare-up right when I was scheduled to drive with him cross country. I have an 8 year old dachshund whose back just went out. Thanks for sharing your story Liz. I’m glad you’ve been able to settle into a routine you will be able to stick with. NO insurance will cover pre-existing condition, which the back would become if the vet checks it out and makes any notes about pain. Please help!!!! My biggest concern is that her back is humped up. All of this information is not to make you sad. Otherwise she’s a sweetheart.. However, it might be possible that your vet considers IVDH and isolated incident while a dog can continue to have issues throughout their lifetime if they have IVDD. I would definitely take your pup to the vet to diagnose or rule out IVDD. [6] A policeman suffered blast injury and shock; he was escorting the bus on a motorcycle. Thanks, Bill. I can feel his ribs easily and he has the right hour glass figure. He never did. As you’ll read in the article I linked to, crate rest and meds is a very common treatment. [32] In November 2018, Sergej Wenergold was sentenced to 14 years in prison for his attack on the Borussia Dortmund team bus. She was completely unable to regulate her bladder. Yes, it is easier to do the full course of crate rest when they are already used to being in a crate. I’m guessing they won’t starve themselves but I don’t know. Is it ok if he snuggles with me instead of being in his crate? Thank you, Are you familiar with this procedure? There has been a ray of possibility through scientific research at UC Davis but it’s still in it’s early stages. You won’t know if they have it until something happens. When she was 6, her hind legs went out…her ears went back and just starred. I do have pads on a pillow. Thank you for your commitment to educate owners, Jessica. He is a lot better than what he was but I don’t think he’s as good as he was since this last incident. I’m sorry to hear about Cooper. Hopefully Jo Ann can chime in but in the meantime I wanted to. I was wondering if it would hurt him if I take him for a long walk(like a mile). Any advice is very much appreciated! The good news is, you can stop feeling guilty that it was “something you did” if your dog starts having back or neck problems. I would definitely keep an eye out for signs of pain or back problems though. What are the major differences (other than size) between regular and miniature dachshunds? Any neurological stuff is hard to go through. Other breeds include the French Bulldog and Chihuahua… although it’s not as common in these breeds. Honestly, there might be a less Dachshund owners if people knew the chances. I’m so sorry you and Bongo are going through this again. It is good to know from this page that there are other options. I complain and my partner says I am worrying too much. Good luck to you and Buttons. The Du-Pont: Economist Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours, arrived in the United States in 1799, escaping the French Revolution.He founded his company, which did not take long to establish itself as the main supplier of gunpowder of the government, and went on later to monopolize the dynamite market. [10][16] The letters were seen as unusual, as previous ISIS-linked attacks in Europe did not come with such confessions. . (Source) (note: there is some hope of a test being developed at UC Davis but it’s still in early research phases). I’m sorry that Paisley is having a hard time with recovery. Like hip dysplasia in German Shepherd, it’s just something you have to know is common in the breed and take a chance. I just need support! Getting a Dachshund is playing roulette. In my opinion, the risk is worth it because Dachshunds are so wonderful but it’s still a gamble. Shes gorgeous, funny, loving & devoted. I live in Latvia,Riga. His entire hindquarters are now paralyzed. | #83. any info on them is great. I am shocked that your vet did not mention that to you. Besides the crate rest, there is a lot you can do to help her. We let the vet keep him for a week of therapy but he ended up worse than where he started and we ended up having to put him down, not really knowing about crating at the time. Maybe this is not something exactly you are looking for but this is something that we always overlook. Does this problem seem to be more prevalent in dachshunds as compared with other breeds? I could use a mood boost and inspiration. Back injuries related to IVDD often happen suddenly – they go from fine to in great pain or paralyzed. If you are concerned, I would talk with your vet. We got her a wheelchair for daily walks and learned to live with a completely incontinent dog. That makes sense. Hello, my 10 and a half yo dachshund has just had his 2nd surgery. Sorry you had to go through that. Please let me know if I should proceed to teach her to roll over or if that would result in any further injury. The unusual transaction raised suspicion of money laundering with bank employees, prompting them to alert authorities and pass to them the identity of Wenergold, which led to his arrest. Thank you for posting this article. IVDD is a degenerative disease that causes the spinal disks to age faster than normal. Can you give us an update? I never knew of this sort of disorder, nor did I know it was genetic. Besides my own experiences, I’ve scoured online articles and resources and talked to several veterinarians about back issues with Dachshunds. Her new crate, her “safe house” arrived today. Considering the options of non-guarantee-able and very expensive surgery, and deciding not to put him through a difficult quality of life, we elected to put him down. At the time, the bus was on its way to the first leg of Borussia Dortmund's 2016–17 UEFA Champions League quarter-final against Monaco at the Signal Iduna Park; the match was rescheduled for the following day, which they lost 3-2. What size would she wear? One was lazy, the other was athletic. Der FC Liverpool kann zuhause nicht mehr gewinnen. Hi Candyce. Sone of the pieces of the disk were pressing on her spinal cord on the left so she is much weaker at this point on her left side. *Is she to old to get back to normal? Hi Grace. This is my first Dachshund, his name is Bug. The biggest tip I can offer is to just stay dedicated and strong. I am looking at the discharge notes, and the doctor states IVDH, IVD Hernia? Hi Teresa. Daug kas kiša CR, kad buvo UCL Realo titulų kalvis, bet visi pamiršta Navasą, šiandien vienintelis dega noru laimėti, ką kiti daro, nežinau, lyg pirmąkart kamuolį mato, suprantu barcai šikna ir spaudžia juos iš visų pusių, bet kai tokia komanda kaip psg nesugeba su tuo susidoroti, baisu. They then told us she would either need surgery, or she would likely die within a couple of days (wouldn’t be able to urinate. *And is there anything I can do to help her? He can go potty but I have to carry him in and out. I recently experienced IVDD with my 3-year-old pup Bitsy. That’s always the risk after paralysis. Hi Kayla. I wish that I had known sooner about the importance of taking care of their little backs. I wouldn’t call me a saint. As this article says, if your dog has Intervertebral Disk Disease, and genetic disease, you cannot 100% prevent a back issue from occurring. You won’t know your dog has it until something happens. I found out later that he twisted his body by trying to dig under the fence to get to bunnies next door. I hope your vet can give you some hope when you discuss her condition again. She is about 6 pounds if that help. It’s been found that most dogs who are going to develop back problems due to IVDD do so between the ages of 3 and 8 years old. I wish they would do that here in the US. ATTENTION: If you found this article because your Dachshund is suddenly having trouble walking and you need help, go read my article about what to do if your dog is suddenly paralyzed right away. Whaaaaaaaat!!? On 11 April 2017, the tour bus of the German football team Borussia Dortmund was attacked with roadside bombs in Dortmund, Germany. Baby steps, but I will take it a little at a time. We took him to the same vet that performed his first surgery and she recommended this time for him to be treated with medication for 2 weeks and to be crated. In football as in a rapidly re-opening world, the only path is forward; the only way is up! I hope it’s not IVDD when you take her in to get checked. Putting your dog on crate rest can be challenge. This definitely sounds like IVDD but it IS possible it’s just a severely strained muscle or tendon. My 15 year old, Oscar, is more than just “kinda cranky”. My vet didn’t sound enthusiastic about chiropractic medicine for IVDD. I worry for her everyday she’s five now. I try and apply pressure but it’s not happening. She feels her feet and can wag tail. I was so ashamed about the 3rd incident that I kept it quiet. The IVDD treatment ‘failures’ (who progressed to complete paralysis or became so painful their owners elected to euthanize) are usually ones who have never been in a crate before and either panic and thrash around or cry so their owners let them out. But anything and everything else I’m willing to try!! I’ve had two doxies and both went down hard. If you research pictures of our current breeds from 50 years ago you will see quite different dogs. We have two more this week I am looking forward to. Within about 4 hours, our 6 year old dachshund went from completely normal, to unable to walk, only standing for short periods of time. Have you tried that? That price range sounds like the standard for dog back surgery. I’ve been a bit angry and sad about the whole thing, thinking there was something else that could have been done. There were no dog-sitting options. Cost very little, but what it did for her Priceless!! I also understand that it’s expensive and not everyone can afford it. Either way, the medicine and crate restriction is among the best treatment. My husband says she may be ticklish (lol). I clip them every week and a half but her quicks grow fast and I’m not able to get the nails to get shorter. He is a lot calmer when he is sleeping with me on the couch which he has been doing, unless I get up I pick him up and take him with me. I carried her out to go potty and up to her bed (on the floor). It’s helpful for walks or play sessions where there is a chance of your pup twisting his spine. The last thing you want to do if you don’t know that they have it is weaken their back muscles. I read about it in your article. Hi Carrie. This article is very helpful… I recently brought home a chiweenie and she is about 6 months old. Any advice? I don’t have specific experience with only that issue (vs. IVDD as a whole) but I would talk to a holistic veterinarian if you can. I would definitely talk to your vet about this. She's since won several industry awards and become one of the premier blogging experts in the pet industry. In my case i don’t know any good or even caring vet’s. I don’t think she’s “too old” to get back to normal. He was part of the family and that’s what we do for family. I’ve seen many people go through IVDD with their dogs and it’s scary and heartbreaking. Our doxie Lucy was a jumping, running powerhouse. Is there a higher risk of back problems with standard size dachshunds? If you can afford it, you should do it. I now have a ramp to my bed and a ramp to his chair, no jumping off anything. He does pee and poop on his own. Our next door neighbor [who had two longhairs] just informed us that they had knowledge of this disease prior to the purchase of their dogs and that the breeder was able to check their up line ancestors and offer assurances that their dog’s ancestors were free from this disease.