Privacy - Print page. Learning German Derogatory Slang. basilgg. 3. Ja, Militär technisch heißt es vielleicht “leichte beute” aber sitting duck kan mann auch anders verwenden/bewerten etc. Accessibility links. Expatica helps make your expat journey the experience you've always wanted. to be the only rooster in the yard. Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. basket noun. High German ch = Low German k: machen maken moake(n) מאַכן machn maken to make High German t = Low German d: tun doon doone(n) טון tun doen to do Teil Deel Deel טײל teil deel part (compare "dole", "deal") High German b = Low German w, v, f: Leben Leven Läwe(n) לעבן lebn, חיים chajim leven life Korb Korf Korf קאָרב korb, קויש koisch Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. German Esperanto; Korb: korbo: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1. Basket definition: A basket is a stiff container that is used for carrying or storing objects . Which cookies and scripts are used and how they impact your visit is specified on the left. There are many districts in Berlin whose names include the word Kiez: from Bergmankits to Nollendorfkits, there is even Wrangelkitz. :), A sitting duck is an easy target or victim, not "jemand der sich als einziger mann in gesellschaft meherer frauen findet", -> Sie müssen es metaphorisch annehmen/ansehen. 3 comments. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Lingoda is an innovative online language school that brings native speaking teachers into your living room. Germans disapprove of a lot of things, “meckern”, or “complaining”, is a national pastime. Baskets are... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples A German doesn’t “turn you down” if you ask for a date…he will “give you a basket” (Einen Korb geben). Your choices will not impact your visit. You have searched the German word korb meaning in English Basket Hilt. English Translation. FEBRUARY 21, 2015. If a German ‘gets on your cookie’, it’s probably because they have ‘hair on their teeth’ – but is it really worth making an ‘elephant out of a mosquito’? Germans don’t ‘turn you down’ if you ask for a date but they will ‘give you a basket’. The Alternative Swiss German Dictionary. Germans don’t ‘commit a blunder’ – they ‘step in a bowl of grease’. Jemandem einen Korb geben Literally: To give someone a basket. As you can see from the various answers, this could be interpreted as something positive from the man's perspective, or negative. Copyright © 1999-2021 - All rights reserved. ('She gave me a basket! Germans disapprove of a lot of things, “meckern”, or “complaining”, is a national pastime. Germans don’t have to ‘chose between the devil and the deep blue sea’ but they might have to ‘chose between pestilence and cholera’. Germans don’t ‘turn you down’ if you ask for a date but they will ‘give you a basket’. '): This is equivalent to 'He gets on my nerves!' Germans are not told to ‘go jump in a lake’, they are told to ‘go where the pepper grows’. Have a cookie 2. 19 German slang phrases you need to master. Fox in a chicken coup is also a real expression, and helps capture the colloquial nature of hahn in korb by virtue of being a common turn of phrase. Germans don’t make ‘a mountain out of a mole hill’, they make an ‘elephant out of a mosquito’. 4. Explanation: The expression is literally different, but the idea of an animal in an enclosed space potentially up to mischief is well captured by this. Learning German Online. Hahn im Korb … Selected automatically based on peer agreement. Ger Hahn im Korb is likely cognate to coop, possibly also related to ab in's Körbchen, but that's not enough to compare Schlaf to Schloss, or anything like that. It’s not “all Greek to a German”…he “only understands train station” (Nur Bahnhof verstehen). Read more.. Minor corrections are still wanted, please use the feedback form. General Resources. While some words that happen to be made out of several other words can be found in the dictionary - like “Wörtebuch” (book of words, dictionary) or Hochwasser (high water or an inundation) - the German language allows almost any two words to be combined into a new one. BBC Languages: German - A comprehensive and lively collection of free audio and video courses for both beginners and intermediate learners.. German Language - This website, maintained by's German Guide, features a variety of language lessons, commentary on traveling and teaching skills, and several interactive elements … 6. Germans are not ‘blind’, they have ‘tomatoes on his eyes’. Germans are not ‘slow on the uptake’, but they could have ‘a plank in front of their heads’. volume_up. When a boy is courting a girl (or, perhaps more realistically, he just asked her to join him for a Döner after they stumbled out of the techno club at 8 am) but she refuses his advances, she “gives him a basket.” I grew up near Stuttgart, Germany, a child of a Schwabe (Swabian) as the locals are called, and a Reing’schmeckter (newcomer), someone not from the Schwabenland. Hahn im Korb sein {vb} [coll.] im Korb definition,meaning, German dictionary, examples,see also 'Korb',jdm einen Korb geben',Korb',Korn', Reverso dictionary, German definition, German vocabulary Translation for 'Blätter' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. German don’t ‘overcome their weaker self’, they overcome their ‘inner pig-dog’. Whatever you want to learn, simply choose the right time and ability level for you and join one of Lingoda’s classes from the comfort of your home. ... Einen Korb geben (**) To reject someone. Lit. Your Recent Searches . Expatica uses technology such as cookies and scripts to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic. If you don’t understand German slang, don’t fret; this guide to the most important phrases that you need to know. Translated [DE] Help, I know it's an Austrian slang but I can't find it anywhere. A German doesn’t “cut school or work…he “makes blue” (Blau machen). A German doesn’t have “a skeleton in his closet”…he has “dirt on the stick” (Dreck am Stecken haben). Hello Barbara - please could you provide some more context? warning Request revision. More meanings for Körbchen. 7. '): This means 'She turned me down!' Sie hat mir einen Korb gegeben! It’s not ‘all Greek’ to a German if they don’t understand – instead they ‘only understand train stations’. Ketika belajar berbicara menggunakan bahasa Jerman, tentu Anda akan berusaha untuk mengucapkan setiap kalimat bahasa Jerman dengan baik dan benar.Tetapi begitu Anda berkunjung ke Jerman, Anda akan dihadapkan dengan bahasa gaul dalam bahasa Jerman atau yang biasa disebut "Umgangssprache".. Bahasa memiliki banyak variasi di tiap daerah, dan juga ada “Jugendsprache”, … Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Look it up now! When you ask someone out on a date and they turn you down, they give you a basket - “einen Korb geben”. A German doesn’t “turn you down” if you ask for a date…he will “give you a basket” (Einen Korb geben). korb meaning has been search 2825 (two thousand eight hundred and twenty-five) times till 3/29/2021. 3. Hopefully you will never need this phrase, but if so, this is how to tell your buddies. (or are passionate about them). One who partakes in it might be called a “Meckerfritz” (complaining Fritz) or a “Miesepeter” if he ruins everyone’s day with his pessimism.. An idiot will be called an “Idiot” or a “Penner” (a homeless person). A German husband is not ‘henpecked’, he is a ‘slipper hero’. Considering that my father didn’t speak any Schwäbisch, our family language was standard German, and so I grew up not really learning any dialect at all. Reviewing applications can be fun and only takes a few minutes. It’s not “all Greek to a German”…he “only understands train station” (Nur Bahnhof verstehen). 4 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer, I'm sorry, sibsab, but I have to differ with you. punnet noun. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. This thread is archived. Pending context. [idiom] more_vert. 4. Körbchen. to be the only rooster in the yard. From Middle High German korp, from Old High German korb, chorp, from Proto-Germanic *kurbaz, possibly a borrowing from Latin corbis. Er geht mir auf den Keks! What does Körbchen mean in German? Spinner, spinnen: another slur of similar shape, without any obvious connotation. Login or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question. Mann kann auch mit Wörtern schießen! So: “Schuster, bleib bei deinem Leisten” (shoemaker, stay with your last) and mind your own business or your neighbour will give you a basket when you ask him out - that is, “er wird dir einen Korb geben”, or turn you down. A German doesn’t have “a skeleton in his closet”…he has “dirt on the stick” (Dreck am Stecken haben). Compound nouns are the plague of anyone studying the German language. You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs 100% Upvoted. hide. Spanish Translation of “basket” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Alternatively, they might just ‘hand in the spoon’. You can request verification for native languages by completing a simple application that takes only a couple of minutes. Archived [German (Austrian slang) > English] Puh kein Korb. The KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases. 7. :), For another site operated by for finding translators and getting found, go to, General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters. Korb, Krätze. NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. share. Their learning platform will ensure you’re speaking like a German before you know it. Germans don’t have ‘a skeleton in their closet’ – they have ‘dirt on the stick’. basket. To give someone a basket. Translated [DE] Close. Compare Dutch korf, English corf, Danish kurv, Swedish korg, Icelandic karfa . Germans don’t ‘cut school or work’, they ‘make blue’. See also the German dictionary. Einen Korb geben. One who partakes in it might be called a “Meckerfritz” (complaining Fritz) or a “Miesepeter” if he ruins everyone’s day with his pessimism.. An idiot will be called an “Idiot” or a “Penner” (a homeless person). With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer Click below to consent to the use of this technology on our website – and don’t worry, we respect your privacy. Learning German slang is never easy, but it is always entertaining. [German (Austrian slang) > English] Puh kein Korb. 'Cock of the walk' = hero, winner (, i'm afraid the dictionary is wrong in this context - cock of the walk just means a winner, someone better than the rest, Yes a spare part not happy with lacking attention or a sitting duck who might be hoping he will not be the center of it! Start studying D 3/4 German Slang #2. German: from Middle High German kolbe in various meanings. open_in_new Link to Germans don’t have a ‘sharp tongue’, instead they have ‘hair on their teeth’. Learning German Derogatory Slang. EUdict (European dictionary) is a collection of online dictionaries for the languages spoken mostly in Europe. Germans don’t ‘make fun of you’, they ‘pull you through the cacao’. Participation is free and the site has a strict confidentiality policy. 1. But in Hamburg and Hanover, this word refers to red light districts adjacent to … 5. The Best Way to Learn German Compound Nouns. Germans don’t ‘bite the dust’ – they ‘bite the grass’. Learn the translation for ‘korb\x20hahn\x20im’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. A German won’t ‘beat someone up’, but instead ‘mixes someone up’. British Broadcasting Corporation Home. Germans don’t ‘get on your nerves’, but they might ‘get on your cookie’. The Best Way to Learn German Compound Nouns. While some words that happen to be made out of several other words can be found in the dictionary - like “Wörtebuch” (book of words, dictionary) or Hochwasser (high water or an inundation) - the German language allows almost any two words to be combined into a new one. save. TAD is being reconstructed - input is disabled! Corf definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Quite apart from such single German slang words, there are typical German expressions that get quite lost in translation. a If you are living in Germany and want to fit in like a German local, there’s not better way than learning the local lingo. 5. The main sense is ‘mace’ or ‘cudgel’, which was both a weapon and part of an official’s insignia, in some cases the insignia of a jester. Short Guide to German slang BY BARBARA LITZLFELLNER MATADOR Network . Posted by 1 year ago. ('He gets on my cookie! You may change your settings at any time. 6. Swiss German slang - a part of The Alternative Dictionaries collection. Review native language verification applications submitted by your peers. According to others - the old German Kietz, that is, Korb (German basket). It may also be a house name: there is also record of a house named ‘zum Kolben’ in Strasbourg. Compound nouns are the plague of anyone studying the German language. report. An essential guide to young German people's slang. A German woman does not have a ‘nice rack’, she has ‘a lot of wood in front of her shack’. English-German Dictionary: Translation for basket [Br ] [slang] You can also find korb meaning and Translation in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, French and other languages. You can of course change your mind and withdraw your consent at any time, by returning to this site after clearing the cookies on your computer or device.