Bobo ist die Bezeichnung für die Ethnie, die hauptsächlich in Bobo-Dioulasso lebt, Dioula ist eine Mande-Sprache, ähnlich dem Bambara, und wird auch als … Free Wifi. It was brought to the area during the French colonial administration (1898–1960) by the government interpreters and by the soldiers of the colonial army, who were majority speakers of this language. Sia proper, which survives today as the Dioulasoba neighborhood, was partly spared this total destruction. With a population of more than half a million, Bobo-Dioulasso is the second largest city in Burkina Faso. In 1927 the French razed the old village of Tunuma and the other settlements; their population was relocated either to neighboring villages or to a previously farmed empty zone 3 kilometres (1.9 miles) away. A number of other independent villages in the surroundings (Bindogoso, Dogona, Kwirima, Kpa) have been absorbed by the developing city and are now within its municipal boundaries and incorporated as part of the city. Februar 2021 um 15:53 Uhr bearbeitet. People make offerings consumed by the giant, This page was last edited on 17 March 2021, at 07:14. It was dramatically modified in 1932 when a large road artery was built through it and by the widening of streets in successive urban renewal projects. Bobo-Dioulasso este un oraș din Burkina Faso, cu o populație de 537.728 de locuitori (2012). [11] The city is an important road junction connecting all of Southwestern Burkina Faso with the capital, Ouagadougou, via the N-1 roadway. Its capital is the town of Bobo-Dioulasso. This section is empty. [4][pages needed] A colonial military base was established in the southern sector of the city, adding to its growing importance. Urlaub in Burkina Faso Ein Urlaub in Burkina Faso ist eine Reise in ein spannendes und wunderschönes Land in Westafrika, in dem es viel zu entdecken gibt und das bleibende Eindrücke hinterlässt. Contact Infoshow Bobo.Info on Messenger. Contact Edmark Bobo Dioulasso on Messenger. Bobo-Dioulasso ist die zweitgrößte Stadt und ein dasselbe Gebiet umfassendes Departement des westafrikanischen Staates Burkina Faso, Hauptstadt der Region Hauts-Bassins sowie der Provinz Houet. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 7. Bobo Dioulasso Airport Bobo-Dioulasso; Über unsere im Folgenden aufgelisteten Partner finden Sie die preisgünstigsten Flugtickets nach Spanien. Residents have returned home following the internal crisis in neighboring Ivory Coast, and the economy has been stimulated by new demands for its goods. Racing Club Bobo-Dioulasso, Bobo Sports Bobo-Dioulasso und AS-Maya Bobo-Dioulasso tragen ihre Heimspiele entweder im Stade Omnisports de Bobo-Dioulasso (25.000 Plätze) oder im älteren Stade Wobi aus. Bobo Dioulasso used to be Burkina Faso’s economic capital until Ouaga replaced it. During the 1915-16 anti-colonial war, the population in the north and east of district Bobo-Dioulasso took up arms against the French colonial government. Monument. Bobo-Dioulasso is a city in Burkina Faso with a population of 903,887 (as of 2019[update]);[1] it is the second largest city in the country, after Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso's capital. Das Land grenzt an Mali, Niger, Benin, Togo, Ghana und die Elfenbeinküste.Das Land ist durch die Lage in der Sahelzone sehr arm, aber reich an Sehenswürdigkeiten. Sie hat es sich, gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann Pastor Moise Oubda, zur Aufgabe gemacht, Waisenkindern sowie Kindern und Jugendlichen aus schwierigen Verhältnissen eine Zukunft zu geben. Die Stadt liegt im Süden von Burkina Faso, in der fruchtbaren Gegend des Landes. Elisabeth Oubda gründete 2001 den Verein Association Dorcas de Lafiabougou in Bobo Dioulasso. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. « Fortsetzung von Seite 1 Von Madagaskar nach Burkina Faso: Schwester Hilaria Puthirikal leitet den Konvent in Bobo Dioulasso. The name means "home of the Bobo-Dioula." Free Wifi. Kontinent: Afrika: Rozloha: 274 000 km 2: Počet obyvatel: 17 322 796 (2013) Vznik státu: 5. Bobo-Dioulasso ist die zweitgrößte Stadt und ein dasselbe Gebiet umfassendes Departement des westafrikanischen Staates Burkina Faso, Hauptstadt der Region Hauts-Bassins sowie der Provinz Houet. A zoo and a pottery market are among the city's attractions. Erected: 15 December1927. Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 01 BP 1056 BOBO Dioulasso 01. I'm shocked at how calm and peaceful this country is. A huge statue of two people, Bobo-Dioulasso, 2006, Place in Hauts-Bassins Region, Burkina Faso, Laurent Fourchard, "Propriétaires et commerçants africains à Ouagadougou et à Bobo-Dioulasso, fin 19ème siècle-1960,", J. Gordon Melton, Martin Baumann, ‘‘Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices’’, ABC-CLIO, USA, 2010, p. 455, European Rail Timetable, Summer 2014 Edition, (journey time is 43 to 48 hours), Katja Werthmann, "Islam on Both Sides: Religion and Locality in Western Burkina Faso," in, West African Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bobo-Dioulasso, Association of Reformed Evangelical Church of Burkina Faso, "Bobo Dioulasso : École française André Malraux", Destinations Schedule "Air Brukina, March–October 2014 Timetable (flights on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday)", "World Weather Information Service — Bobo-Dioulasso", "Klimatafel von Bobo-Dioulasso / Burkina Faso (Obervolta)",, Populated places in the Hauts-Bassins Region, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2019, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from December 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2015, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Fô | Drei Fußballvereine aus Bobo-Dioulasso spielen in der höchsten Spielklasse des Landes. An early industrial center, Bobo-Dioulasso is also the hub of a rich agricultural zone, which produces food grains, fruits and seedlings (mangos, citrus), and export crops (cotton, cashews, and the gathered oil seed karite/shea). Get Directions +226 73 47 29 49. The city has a railroad station along the Abidjan – Ouagadougou Railway. Die Stadt liegt im Westen des Landes und ist vor allem durch die Lage im fruchtbaren Teil des Landes von großer wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung für Burkina Faso. Always Open. Ersteres wurde anlässlich der Fußball-Afrikameisterschaft 1998 errichtet. Bobo-Dioulasso, known as Bobo to everyone, is the second city of Burkina Faso with a population of about half a million people. Most people speak this Jula as a second language, after the official language of French. Little new industry arrived in the city during the 1980s and 1990s. Im Osten gibt es seit 2004 jährlich das Festival Dilembu au Gulmu (FESDIG). Das FESPACO (Festival panafricain du cinéma et de la télévision de Ouagadougou) findet seit 1969 statt und machte Burkina Faso zu … Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 00226. Größtes Gymnasium mit knapp 5000 Schülern ist das Lycée Ouezzin Coulibaly. Quel temps fait-il à Bobo-Dioulasso,(BURKINA FASO) le 20/01/2021 ? Among the places of worship, they are predominantly Muslim mosques. Bobo-Dioulasso unterhält seit 2005 mit Fès in Marokko und seit 2009 mit Saint-Etienne in Frankreich Städtepartnerschaften. 1960: Nejvyšší hory: masiv Banfora 733 m: Nejdelší řeky: Černá Volta (v zemi 525 km) Státní zřízení: pluralitní republika s jednokomorovým parlamentem: Největší města: Ougadougou (hl. Koundougou | Telephone: Bobo-Dioulasso unterteilt sich in drei Arrondissements, die in 25 Sektoren gegliedert sind: Daneben gehören 35 außerhalb der Innenstadt gelegene Dörfer zum Stadtgebiet: Satiri | Villa Bobo. Dafra, a sacred natural pond and the source of the We river, in its southern quarter. Latin Name: Bobodiulassensis. Bama | The central government has invested more development funds in the city; for example, the new West African Centre for Economic and Social Studies is a college intended as the first piece of development of the second university of the country. Der Name setzt sich zusammen aus den Wörtern Bobo, Dioula und Sô. Bobo-Dioulasso | Bobo-Dioulasso ist Sitz des Erzbistums Bobo-Dioulasso sowie Handels- und Industriezentrum der Region. #2 Best Value of 45 places to stay in Bobo Dioulasso. The city experiences its highest temperatures during the dry season with average highs routinely exceeding 38 °C (100 °F). Bobo-Dioulasso bedeutet in etwa „die Häuser, in denen die Bobo leben, die Dioula sprechen“. In der Altstadt von Bobo ist heute das älteste Haus Bobos zu besichtigen, welches im 11. In the city this dialect is called Kon-Jula; it is an ethnic marker of a particular community.[13]. Expresslieferung nach Burkina Faso, egal ob in Bobo-Dioulasso oder Koudougou, 72 H und Belgische Pralinen sind bei Ihnen! [9] There are also Christian churches and temples : Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bobo-Dioulasso (Catholic Church), Association of Reformed Evangelical Church of Burkina Faso (World Communion of Reformed Churches), Assemblies of God, Deeper Life Bible Church, International Evangelism Center). Karankasso-Sambla | Außerdem gibt es die Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Lourdes, den Bahnhof Bobo-Dioulasso an der Place de la Gare und einen 2001 nach einem Brand wieder eröffneten Markt (Grand Marché de Bobo-Dioulasso). Ein italienischer Pizza-Bäcker hat sich bereits an - geboten, die Frauen kostenlos im PizzabackenS zu unterweisen. Coordinates: 11°11′N 4°17′W / 11.183°N 4.283°W / 11.183; -4.283 Free parking. The city started expanding again after World War II. Between 1926 and 1929, the French colonial government constructed a typical European grid pattern of new avenues and streets in the city, intersected by diagonals radiating from a center, with square urban lots between them. Bürgermeister ist Salia Sanou, der Gemeinderat hat 154 Mitglieder. The pond is a site of pilgrimage. [7], The Nazi Boni University is located in the city and was founded in 1995.[8]. But the growth of the city as a colonial industrial center halted because of the world economic crisis during the Great Depression, as well as the suppression of the colony of Upper Volta in 1933. Reorganization of the colony of Upper Volta in 1947 attracted business to Bobo-Dioulasso, although Ouagadougou had been selected as the capital. Die Bevölkerung bekennt sich überwiegend zum Islam. Today Bobo-Dioulasso is ethnically and linguistically very diverse, due both to its position as an old trade town, and especially to its growth during the twentieth century as a colonial administrative and military center. Musik Sehenswert sind die alte Moschee (Mosquée de Dioulasso-Bâ), die 1880 im Stil der sudanesisch-sahelischen Architektur aus Lehmziegeln erbaut wurde, das gegenüberliegende Viertel der Schmiede Dioulasso-Bâ und das Grabmal der Prinzessin Guimbi Ouattara. Get Directions +226 66 48 41 48. Show Prices. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Open Now. Festivals. Padéma | Gegründet wurde Bobo, wie es von den Einwohnern oft kurz genannt wird, im 15. Zu Beginn der Ausbildung erhielten alle Mädchen ein Fahrrad, damit sie ohne In general, my time in Burkina Faso has been really nice. Bobo-Dioulasso zeichnet sich durch ein mildes Klima mit einer Regenzeit von Mai bis September aus. Jumping on our scooter from the bus station you can already see that it has such a different atmopshere to Ouaga. Vicariate Apostolic of Bobo-Dioulasso. Historical Details. This established the framework for the modern city center. Klicken Sie auf eines der Logos, um zur jeweiligen Website zu gelangen, oder sehen Sie sich die preisgünstigsten Flugtickets … Allerdings gibt es Anzeichen dafür, dass die Geschichte Bobos schon 1050 begann, als die ersten Bobo dort, wo sich heute Bobo befindet, ein Dorf namens Kibidoué gründet. Health/Beauty. Things to Do in Bobo Dioulasso During the Day . Nachts kühlt es dann oft nur auf bis zu 21 Grad ab, es … The local Bobo-speaking population (related to the Mande) refers to the city simply as Sia. Page Transparency See More. See Article History. While the term was likely coined by French colonists to reflect the languages of the two major groups in the population, it does not capture the complex identity and ethnicity of the location. Economic life was primarily reduced to commerce grounded in the agriculture of the region and services. Dating (according to tradition) from the 15th century, the city was engaged in continual conflict with Kong to the south, and in the 18th century it was occupied by the Kong prince Famara Wattara, who made it the capital of the surrounding region, Gwiriko. This became the headquarters of a district (cercle) of the same name, Bobo-Dioulasso. It is similar to that spoken in Ivory Coast, from where their ancestors are believed to have come. Bobo-Dioulasso Old Mosque – Right off of Place de la Revolution – there are probably many Faux Typey Types who will offer to take you there if you express interest – so finding it shouldn’t be hard. In Bobo Dioulasso, ... zweifelt das Ergebnis der Wahl allerdings an. Bobo-Dioulasso Grand Mosque Somebody once said that “Bobos,” or those Burkinabe who have spent a significant amount of time in Bobo, and have adopted some of the “Bobolaise” mannerisms – are the most hospitable Burkinabe, and perhaps one of the most hospitable groups of people, in the world. Die Hauptverkehrsstrecken der Stadt bilden die Bahnverbindungen über den Bahnhof Bobo-Dioulasso und die Abidjan-Niger-Bahn in die Landeshauptstadt Ouagadougou sowie nach Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). Associated with them were groups specializing in trade and warfare; they also speak Bobo, but identify as of distinct historical origin and ethnicity. Page Transparency See More. Von 1932 bis 1947 gehörte Bobo-Dioulasso zur Kolonie Elfenbeinküste. The name means "home of the Bobo-Dioula"; while it was likely coined by French colonists to reflect the languages of the two major groups in the population, it does not capture the complex identity and ethnicity of the location. Price Range $$$ Hours . Klimatabelle und Klimadiagramm aus Burkina Faso - Bobo Dioulasso mit einer Klimabeschreibung (beste Reisezeit), weiterhin finden sie hier über 2000 Klimadiagramme aus der ganzen Welt 1897 wurde es von den Franzosen erobert und dem Kolonialreich angegliedert. 8. Jahrhundert unter dem Namen Sya. Show Prices. Bobo-Dioulasso Old Mosque, possibly the largest example of Sudano-Sahelian architecture in the country, built in 1880 according to some, 1893 according to others as a part of political agreement between the king of Sya and Islamic religious leader Almamy Sidiki Sanou. They call themselves the Zara.[12]. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde. Bana, Baré, Borodougou, Dafinso, Darsalamy, Dindéresso, Dingasso, Dodougou, Dogotalama, Dofiguisso, Farakoba, Kékélesso, Kimidougou, Kokorowé, Koro, Kotédougou, Kouakoualé, Kouentou, Koumi, Léguéma, Logofourousso, Matourkou, Moamy, Moussobadougou, Nasso, Niamadougou, Noumousso, Oualokoto, Pala, Panamasso, Samagan, Santidougou, Sogossagasso, Tondogosso, Yéguéresso, In den drei Arrondissements der Stadt und den zum Stadtgebiet zählenden Dörfern leben 554.042 Einwohner (Zensus 2006).[5]. Dandé | Karankasso-Vigué | The École française André Malraux, a French international school, has maternelle (preschool) through collège served. Dann herrschen den Tag über durchschnittlich 38 Grad. You can help by adding to it. Media/News Company. [citation needed], Since 2000 the city of Bobo-Dioulasso has engaged in a new growth spurt, gaining in population and economic vitality. The two main villages were occupied by the French on September 25, 1897 after a brief but bloody confrontation. Die Moschee wurde 1880 aus Lehm erbaut. The city features historic buildings reflecting its complex past: Bobo-Dioulasso has well-preserved examples of the colonial-era architecture in what is called "neo-Sudanic" style (examples: the museum building, the train station). Stade omnisports Bobo-Dioulasso. A regional museum interprets the long history and artifacts recovered in archeological work. #3 Best Value of 45 places to stay in Bobo Dioulasso. The Konsa house which is the ritual cente of a senior house of the Zara (or Bobo-Jula) group Péni | Auf dem Foto links siehst du die große Moschee von Bobo Dioulasso. Bobo-Dioulasso besitzt außerdem einen international angebundenen Flughafen Bobo-Dioulasso sowie die Université polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso (UPB). Hours 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM. [10] As of August 2015 Bobo Dioulasso Airport had direct flights twice a week to both Abidjan and Ouagadougou. Bobo-Dioulasso is significant both economically (agricultural trade, textile industry) and culturally, as it is a major center of culture and music. Bobo ist die Bezeichnung für die Ethnie, die hauptsächlich in Bobo-Dioulasso lebt, Dioula ist eine Mande-Sprache, ähnlich dem Bambara, und wird auch als die Sprache der Kaufleute bezeichnet. Due to its strong economic contributions, following the nation's gaining independence in 1960, the city was called "the economic capital of the country" (as opposed to the administrative capital, Ouagadougou). The Abidjan Railway reached Bobo-Dioulasso in 1934, increasing its access to markets, transportation, and communications. Der Name setzt sich zusammen aus den Wörtern Bobo, Dioula und Sô. Bobo Dioulasso is a city in Burkina Faso. [citation needed]. [2] Three small satellite villages were located beyond this natural border. People of the city and region speak two distinctive dialects of Jula. Super-Angebote für Burkina Faso Dvd hier im Preisvergleich bei Burkina Faso (deutsche Aussprache: [bʊɐ̯ˌkʰiːnaˈfaːzo]), übersetzt Land des aufrichtigen Menschen, ist ein westafrikanischer Staat, der südlich des Nigerbogens liegt und an Mali, Niger, Benin, Togo, Ghana sowie an die Elfenbeinküste grenzt. Towns and villages. The people of Jula ethnicity, whether trader, Muslim-clerical, or warrior origin, speak a different dialect of Jula. Bobo-Dioulasso on average sees roughly 1,000 millimetres (39 in) of precipitation annually.