keine Materie. What does no matter expression mean? no matter translation in English - German Reverso dictionary, see also 'dark matter',front matter',grey matter',reading matter', examples, definition, conjugation 4. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. 2. Translation English - German Collins Dictionary. Here is the translation and the German word for no matter: ganz gleich Edit. Publish × Close Report Comment. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. (Collins Dictionary) No matter what. [Mid-1500s] (AHD) Share. No matter definition: You say ' no matter ' after you have just asked a question or mentioned an idea or doubt... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples No matter where you go There will always be a place Can't you see it in my face girl Ooh girl want you Knock down the old grey wall Be a part of it all Nothing to say nothing to see nothing to do If you would give me all As I would give it to you Nothing would be, nothing would be, nothing would be No matter what you are I will always be with you That which occupies space and has mass; physical substance. No matter how kind you are, German children are kinder. One can add the word whether and correctly say “no matter whether in study or in life”. See more translations and examples in context for "no matter" or search for more phrases including "no matter": English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-German translations from our dictionary. You use no matter in expressions such as 'no matter how' and 'no matter what' to say that something is true or happens in all circumstances. any questions. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. No matter - ha... A 2014-09-13: Food for thought - no matter where... A 2013-06-27: No matter. keine Frage. I lave you no matter what. Log in. Other translations. no matter translate: es spielt keine Rolle. Definition of no matter in the Idioms Dictionary. Translation of "No matter" in German. no more questions. Elapsed time: 215 ms. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More, Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More, Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More. no matter who you are or where you're from qui que vous soyez et quel que soit l'endroit d'où vous venez (PHYSICS) matière f → An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of matter. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "no matters what" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. No matter what age/height/etc (something is). -- nothing's the matter, was hast du denn heute Morgen? any business. 3. Translation of "no matter what" in German. Translate text from any application or website in just one click. Learn more in the Cambridge English-German Dictionary. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. Adverb Other. What does no matter … No matter what Louella said, maybe Brandon wasn't such a poor excuse for a human being after all. Learn more in the Cambridge English-German Dictionary. (der) Hauptgegenstand seiner Rede war ... can I talk to you on a matter of great urgency? We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. any matters. Egal ihr Alter/ihre Größe/usw. egal was egal, was egal welche egal, welche egal wie ganz gleich, was egal, wie egal welcher was auch immer ganz gleich was egal zu welcher egal in welcher unabhängig davon, was ungeachtet. egal adjective, conjunction: no matter, the same, all the same, even, wherever: ganz egal: no matter: Find more words! doesn't it matter to you at all if I leave you? What does no matter expression mean? no business. definitions. No matter what I say, she'll do what she likes , or The car must be repaired, no matter what. da ist (noch) die Sache or Frage mit meinen Ausgaben, das macht nichts, das ist nicht so wichtig, that's another matter altogether, that's a very different matter, das ist eine ernste Angelegenheit, die Sache ist ernst, I haven't seen him for weeks, nor for that matter has anybody else, ich habe ihn seit Wochen schon nicht mehr gesehen, und eigentlich hat ihn sonst auch niemand gesehen, he wants to complain about it and for that matter, so do I, er will sich darüber beschweren und ich eigentlich auch, das ist eine Formsache/Zeitfrage or Frage der Zeit, it's a matter of adjusting this part exactly, es geht darum, dieses Teil genau einzustellen, if it's just a matter of another 10 minutes, then I'll wait, wenn es sich nur noch um 10 Minuten handelt, dann warte ich solange, die Sache ist für uns von großer Bedeutung, it's not just a matter of increasing the money supply, es ist nicht damit getan, die Geldzufuhr zu erhöhen, man muss sich ganz einfach etwas mehr anstrengen, für uns ist das eine Selbstverständlichkeit, you should always take your passport with you as a matter of course, es sollte für Sie eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein, stets Ihren Pass bei sich zu haben, earthquakes happen as a matter of course in that part of the world, Erdbeben sind in der Gegend an der Tagesordnung, I've decided to leave tomorrow, no matter what, wie du es auch machst, egal, wie du es machst, what's the matter with you this morning? unwichtig. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in English. Your name. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. suggest new. Improve this answer. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Was auch immer Alter/Größe/usw. Exact: 10167. Definition of no matter how in the Idioms Dictionary. interjection: No matter! Last post 05 Jan 10, 19:36: Egal was Alter/Größe/usw. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. any issues. macht es dir denn gar nichts aus, wenn ich dich verlasse? any case. Other. -- gar nichts. unabhängig davon. interjection: No matter! However, that is somewhat clumsy, and phrasings like “whether in study or in life”, “both in study and in life”, and “in study and in life” are to be preferred. -- yes, it does matter, ich habs vergessen, ist das schlimm? How to say no matter what in German. no matters / synonyms. Surgery can be a scary proposition for a patient. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. dark matter, front matter, grey matter, reading matter, With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for no matter and thousands of other words. Human translations with examples: matter, no matter, no matter, oh my word, roth, c, ed, 12) no matter. A. Jance HOUR OF THE HUNTER ( 1991 ) No matter what a … was geht es mich an, wenn Menschen verhungern? Die Verwendung des virtuellen Speichers ist wichtig, Citizens across the EU must be confident of receiving effective health care. es wird nach wie vor Einwände geben, egal ... 'no matter' also found in translations in German-English dictionary. A type of such substance: organic matter. no matter phrase. More German words for no matter what. no deal. Results: 10167. no issues. Secure and reliable no matter what the situation The analogue telephone system (PSTN) is still widely used as a standard communication channel at embassies because it is available worldwide and often continues f u nc t ion i ng i n c r i si s sit u at ion s w hen d at a t r a n s m i s sion or the Internet have already collapsed. The phrase “no matter” is not correctly used in your example sentence. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. You can complete the translation of no matter given by the English-German Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, English-German dictionary : translate English words into German with online dictionaries. It is written by John Siegler and Lloyd Goldfine1 and performed by Mike Pasternack. synonyms. egal. Discharge or waste, such as pus or feces, from a living organism. Reliable backup and recovery is essential. (=secretion) sécrétion f → His eyes were gummy with some yellowish matter. Comments appear on our site once they are reviewed (usually it takes up to 1 hour). examples. mit dem Licht ist irgendetwas nicht in Ordnung, I forgot it, does it matter? any matter. egal, was adverb: no matter what: Find more words! The song had previously been featured on the Kaiba-themed Mighty Kids Meal CDs offered by McDonalds. Regardless, it makes no difference, as in . Collaborative Dictionary     English-German, wie du es auch machst ; egal, wie du es machst. Suggestions. ganz gleich. antonyms. gleichviel. egal was. any issue. trotz. phrases. no matter : Deutsch - Englisch Übersetzungen und Synonyme (BEOLINGUS Online-Dictionary, TU Chemnitz) A service provided by TU Chemnitz supported by IBS and MIOTU/Mio2 . Ganz : 2 Replies: no matter what they will dress you up: Last post 19 Aug 13, 19:43: Ich bin mir unsicher, wie "no matter what they will dress you up" zu verstehen ist. What does no matter how expression mean? Synonyms for No Matters (other words and phrases for No Matters). Music to Duel By soundtrack, based on the events of Episodes 33 and 34 (and plays during the former). Other translations. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in English. expand_more Und ganz egal in welchem Land Sie leben oder arbeiten, Sie haben auch das Außergewöhnliche gesehen, dessen jeder, selbst der … any question. no matter who/what/where etc translate: gleichgültig wer, was, etc.. Notify me of new comments via email. was ist denn schon dabei, wenn man ein bisschen Spaß hat? © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. wessen Handschrift das auch sein mag, ... wessen Handschrift das auch immer sein mag, ... You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...). Look up the German to English translation of No matter in the PONS online dictionary. F 2016-03-08: No matter how kind you are, German... F 2015-09-18: no matter how hard I try to ignore... A 2014-12-08: Obama's bug splats? kann ich Sie in einer äußerst dringenden Angelegenheit sprechen? E-mail. Contextual translation of "no matter" into English. Ich liebe dich, egal was ist. And no matter what country you live or work in, you've also seen the extraordinary things that individuals are capable of, even in their most ordinariness. ter (măt′ər) n. 1. egal German; Discuss this no matter English translation with the community: 0 Comments. Adjective. Oder No matter … 3 Replies: no matter what age: Last post 16 Jul 09, 15:21: Or: age unimportant "Shop worker sought, age unimportant, for shelf stacking" It's an info… 9 Replies: no matter how much: Last post 09 Oct 11, 20:26 "There's no way he'd bomb it, no matter how much of the truth I told him." Ein chirurgischer Eingriff kann für einen Patienten ein schockierender Vorschlag sein. 227 Followers, 1,884 Following, 534 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Vill Cherry (@no_matters) no matter what happens 324. no matter what kind . German Translation. gleichgültig ungeachtet keine Rolle keine Angelegenheit ohne Rücksicht. no points. no matter how phrase. komme. no affair. No matter in all languages. The song was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Jim Steinman, while Lloyd Webber, Steinman and Nigel Wright produced the track, with additional production by Franglen & Lupino. Deutsch: no matter what adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." Macht nichts! Die Bürger in allen Staaten der EU müssen sich darauf verlassen können, eine effektive gesundheitliche Betreuung zu erhalten. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Das macht nichts aus! This page provides all possible translations of the word no matter in the German language. "No Matter What" is the seventh song off the Yu-Gi-Oh! einerlei. no issue. Comment on this meme: Cancel reply. "No Matter What" is a song from the 1996 musical Whistle Down the Wind and popularised by Irish boyband Boyzone in 1998 when they recorded it to tie in with the show's first UK production. All rights reserved. -- ja, das ist schlimm. idioms. More German words for No matter! why should it matter to me if people are starving? (whatever) komme was wolle Rdw Redewendung: Geläufige Redensarten und feststehende Wortkombinationen bestehend aus drei oder mehr Wörtern ("aufs Spiel setzen", "in den Bann ziehen"). similar meaning - 20 Lists. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. so oder so. what's the matter with having a little fun? Suggestions. J. no items. Dictionary Entries near no matter.