Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. Feb 06, 2021 06:31 UTC. Iran, Austria confer on JCPOA Joint Commission meeting, US vows to ‘return to compliance’ with Iran nuclear deal, lift sanctions, Iranians humiliated US point man by shunning him in Vienna: Israeli analyst, Two-week restrictions imposed in Iranian capital to curb new COVID surge, Iran’s economy of resistance against sanctions bearing fruit, Syria intercepts Israeli missiles near Damascus, US, Iraq ‘agree on American combat troops withdrawal’, Amnesty censures Israel’s ‘wanton disregard’ for human rights in Palestinian case, Chief of IRGC Quds Force wraps up two days of talks in Iraq: Al-Alam, US military poisoning American communities with toxic chemicals, Concerned JCPOA parties react positively to Vienna talks, IRGC Quds Force general: Axis of resistance’s presence in Syria bolstered, Yemen carries out new drone strike on Saudi air base, Vienna hosts talks between Iran, JCPOA parties on future of nuclear deal, Venezuela sets up military unit on volatile border with Colombia, Iran will in no way enter negotiations beyond JCPOA: Shamkhani, UN: Over 40 militants killed in weekend counterattack by peacekeepers, Iran to unveil 133 new nuclear achievements on Nuclear Technology Day: AEOI, France, Germany suspend selling arms to Turkey over Syria operation, Back my deal or friendly no-deal Brexit: UK PM to tell EU, Germany warns EU of refugee wave bigger than 2015 if it fails to take action, Iran lambastes Germany for supporting Israeli crimes, Pres. Iran has censured Germany for supporting the Israeli regime in its crimes in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, calling on Berlin to stop turning a blind eye to the realities of the West Asia region. Home ; News ; Radio ; Call of Islam ; World; Iran; West Asia; Gallery; Products; Podcast; Germany. März versammeln sich in Moskau Vertreter der Nachbarländer China, USA, Pakistan und als Ehrengast und Gastgeber der US-Taliban-Verhandlungen in Doha das Scheichtum Katar. People. Live stream plus station schedule and song playlist. Pars Today. Learn more. Pars Today. See this page in German: Hören Pars Today - Arabic online. pars meaning: 1. a Latin word meaning "part", used in medical names and descriptions 2. a Latin word meaning…. Mobile . IRIB World Service is the official international broadcasting radio network of Iran.. 511 visits. Language: English . Februar feierten die Iraner den Sieg der Islamischen Revolution. See this page in Spanish: Escuchar Pars Today - Swahili en vivo. The Liberation of Paris (French: Libération de Paris) was a military battle that took place during World War II from 19 August 1944 until the German garrison surrendered the French capital on 25 August 1944. Politics and religion in Imam Khomeini's Thought. Home ; News ; Radio ; Call of Islam ; World; Iran; West Asia; Gallery; Products; Podcast; Germany. Banners & Widgets. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will speak to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker by the end of Monday to urge the leaders to support his Brexit deal, according to the Sunday Times. Pars Today - Spanish, Tehran. Politics and religion in Imam Khomeini's Thought. Pars Today. Russia, France, Germany defend JCPOA, support trade with Iran. Pars Today. PARS Logistic GmbH | 54 followers on LinkedIn. Home ; News ; Radio ; Call of Islam ... German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas arrived in the Iranian capital on Sunday night in a trip which was expected to be focused on saving the Iran deal and easing the Iran-US tensions, but the European diplomat apparently seeks to use it for pressuring Tehran into giving up its missile defense program. Pars Today. Wahlen gehören zu den festen Grundlagen für die Verwirklichung einer Staatsordnung, in der die Bürger in politischen und sozialen Angelegenheiten mitbestimmen. The guided missile is manufactured by PARSYS, a joint venture of LFK GmbH (MBDA Deutschland) and Diehl BGT Defence. Hours 11:30 AM - 12:00 AM. Required Cookies & Technologies. English. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See this page in Portuguese: Reproduzir Pars Today - Swahili ao vivo. Das Wahlrecht bildet ein wichtiges Prinzip für die Herstellung einer demokratischen Ordnung. Help / FAQs. Middle Eastern Restaurant. The PARS 3 LR is currently the most capable fire-and-forget guided missile system for combating mobile, armoured targets. English Translation of “pars” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Russia responds to Germany’s ‘groundless’ expulsion of diplomats . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif fires back at his German counterpart over the latter’s call for renegotiation of the 2015 nuclear agreement and claim... Pars Today. Help / FAQs. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Home ; News ; Radio ; Call of Islam ; World; Iran; West Asia; Gallery; Products; Podcast; Zarif tells German FM Maas, E3 to correct own conduct before lecturing Iran. Social structure; Class Association (occupants) Patrician, Senatorial class, Equestrian class, plebeian, freedman,: The Roman villa was a type of domestic building, often luxurious, and found in the countryside and at the seashore, although also in the periphery of urban centers. Paris had been occupied by Nazi Germany since the signing of the Second Compiègne Armistice on 22 June 1940, after which the Wehrmacht occupied northern and western France. Banners & Widgets. Pars Today. 667 Followers, 3 Following, 4,519 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Pars Today German (@parstodaygerman) Language: English . Blog. Current Local Time in Locations in Germany with Links for More Information (573 Locations) Aachen * Thu 11:12 pm: Gorleben * Thu 11:12 pm: Nürtingen * Thu 11:12 pm: Aalen * Thu 11:12 pm: Görlitz * Thu 11:12 pm: Oberhausen * Thu 11:12 pm: Achern * Thu 11:12 pm: Goslar * Thu 11:12 pm: Oberursel (Taunus) * Thu 11:12 pm: Achim * Thu 11:12 pm: Gotha * Thu 11:12 pm: Oberwesel * Thu 11:12 pm: … Dies obwohl die Saudis bis Ende 2020 scharf die Politik Ankaras gegenüber der arabischen Welt kritisiert haben. 10 Tage danach am 10. Help / FAQs. Am ersten des neuen iranischen Sonnenjahres, 1400, zu Beginn des 15. Februar vor 42 Jahren ist Imam Khomeini (r.a.), der Begründer der Islamischen Republik Iran, nach 15 Jahren Verbannung wieder nach Iran zurückgekehrt. PARS Logistic GmbH is an independent private limited company, registered at German Chamber of Industry and Commerce. See this page in German: Hören Pars Today - Dari online. China’s ambassador to Berlin says Beijing has summoned the German envoy to protest a meeting between Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong, warning that the encounter could negatively affect bilateral relations. German Chancellor Angela Merkel says Europe has made its choice regarding the historic 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran — which the United States has been attempting to sabotage — and will honor the agreement. pars pronunciation. Page created - February 28, 2016. See this page in German: Hören Pars Today - Swahili online. Roman villa; The very rich could afford luxurious country estates spread out across many acres. markets. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. See this page in Spanish: Escuchar Pars Today - Dari en vivo Mobile. Learn more. President Hassan Rouhani has roundly dismissed the “unsubstantiated accusations” made by Britain, France and Germany about Tehran’s involvement in the highly disruptive drone attacks on Saudi Aramco petroleum and gas processing plants at Abqaiq and Khurais in the kingdom's Eastern Province. Am 1. See this page in German: Hören Pars Today - English online. Home ; News ; Radio ; Call of Islam World; Iran; West Asia; Gallery; Products; Podcast; Germany. About Us. Six Germans killed, 11 injured in Italy road accident. English. Pars TV. Mobile . US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has discussed Iran with his British, French and German counterparts as they seek to revive the Iran nuclear deal. About Us. Banners & Widgets. Between the two wars, Paris was the capital of modern art and a magnet for intellectuals, writers and artists from around the world. German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer warns that Europe may soon face a refugee crisis “even greater” than the one that hit the continent in 2015 if the European Union fails to develop the “strength” to contain the rising numbers of refugee arrivals. English. See this page in French: Ecouter Pars Today - Dari en ligne. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. German Chancellor Angela Merkel says a return to a 2015 nuclear deal Iran clinched with six world states is the only way to defuse tensions in West Asia. People. Home. Get Directions +49 89 54828827. www.pars-restaurant.de. Am 1. Während vor kurzem fast volle 6 Jahre nach Beginn des Krieges der saudisch angeführten Koalition gegen Jemen vergangen sind hat sich das Regime in Riad, um die Niederlage gegenüber der jemenitischen Regierung zu verhindern, an die Türkei gewandt. Interview Mit Christoph Hörstel - Pars Today by Pars Today German published on 2016-05-12T08:36:32Z. The government of Angela Merkel has extended its ban on all German weapons exports to Saudi Arabia for a further six month-period despite some calls for loosening the restriction. Munich, Germany, 80335. Im Tauziehen um Frieden und Einfluss in Afghanistan deuten sich Fortschritte an: Am Donnerstag, 18. See this page in Spanish: Escuchar Pars Today - Arabic en vivo. France and Germany say they are expected to sign an agreement on removing obstacles on exporting jointly-manufactured weapons to non-European and non-NATO countries. Pars TV is a US based satellite TV channel and was founded in 1987. Pars Today German’s tracks Schiitenbekämpfung Nun Auch In Ostasien - Pars Today by Pars Today German published on 2016-05-20T12:17:36Z. See this page in Portuguese: Reproduzir Pars Today - Dari ao vivo. France and Germany have announced that they are imposing an immediate halt to arms exports to Turkey over Ankara’s continued war on Kurds in northern Syria. Home ; News ; Radio ; Call of Islam ; World; Iran; West Asia; Gallery; Products; Podcast; Archive; iPhone; Download; Frequencies; Zarif in Uzbekistan: Iran can provide transit route to intl. Jahrhunderts laut iranischem Kalender hat Revolutionsoberhaupt Ayatollah Khamenei in einer Fernsehansprache über wichtige aktuelle Fragen gesprochen. Pars Today. Blog. The population reached its historic high of 2.1 million in 1921, but declined for the rest of the century. Blog . Home ; News ; Radio ; Call of Islam ; World; Iran; West Asia; Gallery; Products; Podcast; Germany. Six Germans were killed and 11 others injured when a speeding car ploughed into them in northern Italy on Sunday, Italian media reported. Home ; News ; Radio ; Call of Islam ; World; Iran; West Asia; Gallery; Products; Podcast; Germany. See this page in Portuguese: Reproduzir Pars Today - English ao vivo. See this page in Spanish: Escuchar Pars Today - English en vivo. 352 likes. EU setzt sich dafür ein JCPOA wieder auf Kurs zu bringen, Iran akzeptiert nichts anderes als Aufhebung von US-Sanktionen, Afghanistans Ghani schlägt dreiphasigen Friedens-Fahrplan vor, Economist: Das Dollargewicht könnte sich halbieren, wenn China eine neue Devisenpolitik einführt, Iran: Es gibt Keinen Plan für schrittweise Aufhebung von Sanktionen, Iran verhaftet israelischen Spion in Ost-Azerbaidschan, Terroristen werden aus Syrien in den Jemen versetzt, um saudischen Kräften in Ma'rib zu helfen, Irans Außenminister an seinen französischen Amtskollegen: Heben Sie illegale Sanktionen auf, Russischer Außenminister reist nach Teheran, Vorfall im Roten Meer: Iranisches Schiff auf Mine gelaufen und beschädigt, Russland warnt USA und Großbritannien vor Bau von Raketenstandorten, Nasrallah: Zionistisch-amerikanische Achse versuchen immer noch, Traum vom Nil zum Euphrat zu verwirklichen, Neue US-Sanktionen gegen türkische Verteidigungsindustrie, Abschlusserklärung der 18. Sitzung der Gemeinsamen Kommission von JCPOA / Rückkehr der USA zu dem Deal, WSJ: Biden ordnet teilweisen Abzug von Truppen und Ausrüstungen aus Nahem Osten an, Dutzende Festnahmen in Jordanien nach angeblichem Putschversuch, Syrien lehnt Bericht von Washington ab: USA sind weltweit größter Menschenrechtsverletzer, Das Lebenswerk eines Getreuen der Islamischen Republik, Engel der göttlichen Barmherzigkeit auf Erden, Die Verdienste von Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, Notiz am 11.1.1400: Frühling – Anlass fürs bessere Leben, Notiz am 7.1.1400: Der tiefere Sinn von Noruz, Sudan hebt Sanktionsgesetz gegen Israel auf, Einschränkung des Verkehrs zwischen Iran, Irak und Türkei wegen Corona-Ausbreitung, Iran hat 55 Kg 20-prozentigen Urans produziert, Shamkhani: Iran wird keinesfalls Verhandlungen über JCPOA hinaus aufnehmen, China: USA müssen alle Sanktionen gegen Iran aufheben, Brigadegeneral Qa'ani schließt zweitägige Gespräche im Irak ab, Saudi-Arabien: King Khalid Air Base von jemenitischer Drohne angegriffen, Zarif fordert Ausbau bilateraler Beziehungen zu Kirgisistan, Türkische Kampfflugzeuge greifen Gebiete im Nordirak an, Iran: Nur regionale Länder können Sicherheit in Straße von Hormuz garantieren, Glückwunschbotschaft Ayatollah Khameneis anlässlich des Jahrhundertbeginns, Präsident Rohani nennt iranisch-chinesische Beziehungen "strategische Partnerschaft", Iran und China unterzeichnen Kooperationspaket, Venezuela: Riesige Explosion trifft Gaspipeline bei einem Terroranschlag, Syrische Kinder, Hauptopfer jahrzehntelanger Konflikte, Demonstranten in Yangon werden von der Polizei unter Beschuss genommen, während das Militär in Myanmar den Griff verschärft, Zarif: US-Wirtschaftsterrorismus und Druck konnte eiserne Widerstandsfähigkeit der Iraner nicht brechen, Zarif: Corona und Sanktionen sind im Niedergang begriffen, Iran: Einweihung neuer Marine-Raketenstadt, Der Letzte Prophet in den Augen von Orientalisten. 10 Tage danach am 10. Dec 04, 2019 17:51. See this page in Portuguese: Reproduzir Pars Today - Arabic ao vivo. Pars Today. Page Transparency See More. The radio network started to work in 1956 with the aim of familiarizing different world nations with Iran’s history and culture as well as its different regions and historical sites. Related … Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. English. Home ; News ; Radio ; Call of Islam ; World; Iran; West Asia; Gallery; Products; Podcast; Blinken discusses Iran deal with UK, French, German ministers. The German Army has already authorized series production of 680 PARS 3 LR guided missiles. Munich, Germany, 80335. Articles by Germany site.tag. English. Pars United came to the rescue of Dunfermline after the club had gone into administration. Jan 05, 2020 14:32. About Us. G7 countries oppose fellow-member US’s attempt to label coronavirus as Chinese. Oct 30, 2019 13:29. Germany warns EU of refugee wave bigger than 2015 if it fails to take action. Home. Page Transparency See More. Mar 26, 2020 07:28. 348 likes. Listen to your favorite radio stations at Streema. English. Its main focus is based on informing, knowledge, freedom and human rights, and to promote the institutionalization of democracy and the realization of human rights. Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. Februar vor 42 Jahren ist Imam Khomeini (r.a.), der Begründer der Islamischen Republik Iran, nach 15 Jahren Verbannung wieder nach Iran zurückgekehrt. Open Now. Language: English . Pars Today. Home ; News ; Radio ; Call of Islam ; World; Iran; West Asia; Gallery; Products; Podcast; Germany. See this page in French: Ecouter Pars Today - Swahili en ligne. See this page in French: Ecouter Pars Today - Arabic en ligne. See this page in French: Ecouter Pars Today - English en ligne. Hours 11:30 AM - 12:00 AM. France, Germany step up efforts to build 'sovereign' EU cloud computing. Middle Eastern Restaurant. Pars Today Opens in 15 minutes. How to say pars. English. May 22, 2019 09:00. In the 20th century, Paris suffered bombardment in World War I and German occupation from 1940 until 1944 in World War II. Interview Mit Christoph Hörstel - Pars Today by Pars Today German published on 2016-05-20T12:11:27Z. Dec 05, 2020 07:46 UTC. Get Directions +49 89 54828827. www.pars-restaurant.de. Rouhani rejects E3 statement on Saudi Aramco strikes as 'baseless accusations', Germany, France removing obstacles to export jointly-manufactured weapons, Germany extends ban on arms sales to Saudi for another 6 months, Return to JCPOA only way to de-escalate tensions in West Asia: Merkel, China summons German envoy over Hong Kong activist meeting, Merkel: Europe has chosen to uphold Iran’s nuclear deal. Oct 07, 2019 17:18. Home. Page created - February 28, 2016. English. English. Sylt1 Germany on Parsa TV, Free Live TV Channels HD Quality English.