37,406 talking about this. About Historical Archives The Historical Archives maintain and make available to the public the documents related to the legislative and political activity of the European Parliament from 1952 until the 6th parliamentary term (2004-2009). Islamic State claims responsibility for the attacks carried out by French and Belgian citizens. Nom EP President Martin Schulz hands over to EC President Jean-Claude Juncker the decision of the EP to elect the new commission. According to Van Zon, the European Coal and Steel Community’s (ECSC) Common Assembly, which later became the European Economic Community’s Common Assembly, already displayed three resilient behavioural attitudes that were instrumental to the development of Parliament’s history. Members of the Parliament represent you, the citizen. Members of the Parliament represent you, the citizen. Earlier, the Parliament supported Jean-Claude Juncker as Commission President. The 2000 intergovernmental conference (IGC) of Nice introduced a new distribution of seats in Parliament, which was applied at the European elections in 2004. More about the 2019 European elections results The British monarch highlights the role of European integration in bringing reconciliation and reinforcing political and economic change throughout Europe. (Terrorism in the EU: terror attacks, deaths and arrests), A memorial to the victims of the attack at the Maelbeek station, © European Union 2016 - European Parliament. The Single European Act enhanced Parliament’s role in certain legislative areas (cooperation procedure), and made accession and association treaties subject to its assent. The rules come into force as of 3 December 2018. In 1941 during Greece’s occupation by Nazi Germany, Glezos was just 18-years-old when he and his friend Apostolos Santas, a 19-year-old law student, climbed onto the Acropolis in the middle of the night and tore down the flag bearing the swastika unnoticed. Stephan Dreischer: Das Europäische Parlament und seine Funktionen. The European Data Protection Supervisor publishes his recommendations to the European co-legislators negotiating the final text of the GDPR in the form of drafting suggestions. After the fourth EU enlargement, the number of MEPs increased to 626, with a fair allocation of seats for the new Member States in line with the resolution mentioned above. All Members thus had a dual mandate. Sep 20, 2012 - Milestones and other important events in the European Parliament's history. The European Youth Parliament was founded by Laurent Grégoire (FR) and Bettina Carr-Allinson (NL), initially as a school project at the Lycée François-Ier in Fontainebleau, to the south of Paris. It now gets the right to reject the Community budget and to grant discharge, ie approval, to the Commission for its management of the budget. The second direct elections were held on 14 and 17 June 1984. A European Council meeting is held in Cologne, Germany. With the second enlargement, 24 Greek Members were added. Europe was not initially created with democracy in mind. The federalist vision in the report inspires future talks on revisions to the founding treaties. This video is gives a short yet comprehensive introduction of the European Parliament. Description. It introduces the codecision procedure giving Parliament an equal say with the Council in some areas of legislation and gives Parliament the power to approve the Commission as a whole. The roaming fees charged by telecom operators on travellers disappear in the EU. With 142 Members, the new assembly met for the first time in Strasbourg on 19 March 1958 as the ‘European Parliamentary Assembly’, changing its name to the ‘European Parliament’ on 30 March 1962. © European Union 2017 - European Parliament. The maximum number of MEPs (previously set at 700) was increased to 732. A woman marches with her child through the border region between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The Dalai Lama is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. With the accession of Croatia on 1 July 2013, the maximum number of seats was temporarily raised to 766, in order to welcome the 12 Croatian MEPs who were elected in April 2013 (in accordance with Article 19 of the Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Republic of Croatia). The European Parliament organised a photo contest to celebrate the end of roaming. The European Parliament is the only directly-elected EU body. The European Parliament has been expanding as the European Union membership has grown. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat speaks in front of the European Parliament about the Middle East peace process and the positive role that Europe could play in bringing about the mutual recognition of Israel and the Palestinians. The replacement of Member State contributions by Community own resources (1.4.1) led to the first extension of Parliament’s budgetary powers under the Treaty of Luxembourg, signed on 22 April 1970. With the third enlargement, the number grew to 518 an… The Parliament is put on an equal decision-making footing with EU governments in all but a few legal areas. UK MEP Condemns the Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners' Human Rights Under Chinese Pressure in France . Our goal is to promote better insight into EU politics by making information on the decision-making process of the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers available in a user-friendly, searchable format. Images from the streets of Egypt, Libya, Syria and Tunisia during the "Arab spring" revolution. 34,551 talking about this. In the months that follow, the group claims credit for more terror attacks in Nice, Berlin, Istanbul and Barcelona. The parliamentary assembly starts calling itself the European Parliament, a name officially sanctioned only in 1987. At the height of the debt crisis engulfing Greece, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras comes to the European Parliament to debate the way out. Finland has 13 representatives in the European Parliament. The closest scheduled around this date are available in the schedule of Thursday, 08 April 2021 and Tuesday, 30 March 2021 .You can also look for specific day by using the calendar feature here above The European Parliament is the only directly-elected EU body. The Parliament has 705 seats and elections to fill these seats are held in all member states every 5 years. Migrants and refugees waiting at Catania port before being identified by Italian authorities and EU border agency Frontex. The European Parliament is the largest and only directly-elected international body in the world. Presidents of the Common Assembly The Summit Conference held in Paris on 9 and 10 December 1974 determined that direct elections ‘should take place in or after 1978’ and asked Parliament to submit new proposals to replace its original draft convention of 1960. The appointment of the President of the Commission was made subject to Parliament’s approval, thus increasing its powers of control over the executive. MEPs elect the European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen. Barbara Zupanc, delegate of the Slovenian assembly, shows the cover of an extra edition of the newspaper "Delo" whose headline reads "Slovenia is independent". EP launches its Facebook page. The Parliament establishes the annual Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to honour people and groups from all over the world fighting for human rights. Margaret Thatcher becomes the first of the presidents in office of the European Council to appear in front of the European Parliament to give an account of the discussions among member state leaders. It further extends the application of codecision, The Convention on the future of Europe meets for the first time in the EP in Brussels. David Stavrou. MEPs As the only confederal group in the European Parliament, our group of 39 Members bring together the different traditions, experiences and political understandings of left forces i Following the establishment of the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), the ECSC Common Assembly was expanded to cover all three communities. Parliament commemorates the victims of the terror attacks in Paris in November 2015. Find out more about all the EP presidents in our special section at the end of the page. The European Parliament organised a photo contest to celebrate the end of roaming. Spain and Portugal join in the "Iberian enlargement". Terrorists stage a series of coordinated attacks at different locations in Paris, opening fire and setting off explosions by detonating suicide vests. Parliament welcomes 18 non-voting observers to represent the new German provinces until elections in 1994. The military rule in Athens collapses and Greece returns to free elections and parliamentary democracy. The aim of this new treaty was to reform the institutional structure of the European Union so that it could withstand the challenges of future enlargement. It is available in all 11 EU languages and is arguably the most multilingual website in the world at the time. As of 1 February, the number of EU member states is 27 and the term of office of UK MEPs ends. Over the following years, it was given a few powers over laws and money and it … MEPs approve an EU ban on disposable plastic items such as plates, cutlery, straws and cotton buds that end up as beach litter or an ever-growing mass of plastics floating in the worldâs seas. Subsequent treaties gave additional powers to the European Parliament, with the latest amendment, the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009, strengthening its financial, legislative, and supervisory powers. The Osmaniye refugee camp in southern Turkey has provided shelter to Syrians fleeing the civil war. An additional 18 observers ("virtual MEPs") were (supposed to be) pre-elected. Over time, the institution, whose members have been directly elected since 1979, has undergone profound changes: evolving from an assembly with appointed members to an elected parliament that is recognised as a political agenda-setter of the European Union. The allocation of seats to the 15 existing Member States was reduced by 91 (from 626 to 535). European Parliament elections are held in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Denmark. In 1979, citizens directly elected a supranational assembly for the first time in history, and this remains a uniquely European political feature3. The city of Strasbourg in France is the official seat of the European Parliament.The institution is legally bound by the decision of Edinburgh European Council of 11 and 12 December 1992 and Article 341 of the TFEU to meet there twelve times a year for a session, each of which usually takes about four days. The centre-right EPP retains its majority, taking about 36% of the seats, followed by the Socialists and Democrats with 25% and Liberals with 11%. Parliament opens a new museum in Brussels, dedicated to the history of Europe. The investigation opens the door to more effective supervision over the work of the Commission and leads to a more ambitious EU public health policy. Eliminating roaming fees has been a major issue for the European Parliament. Picture taken in February 2016 during a visit of MEPs inspecting how EU funds are spent. Historical Archives - material relating to EP's legislative and political activity from 1952 until the 6th parliamentary term (2004-2009). The European Parliament has three places of work being Brussels (Belgium), Luxembourg and Strasbourg (France). Comment down below . A second treaty on the same subject, strengthening Parliament’s powers, was signed in Brussels on 22 July 1975 (1.1.2). Over time, Facebook chats become a popular channel for direct communication between MEPs and people, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits the European Parliament and takes part in a lively debate with young people from across Europe, In order to enhance the transparency of its work and improve public awareness of the law-making process, the European Parliament launches web streaming of committee meetings. The first direct elections for the European Parliament are held, the first international elections in history. The European elections in May 2019 see about 51% of EU voters go to the polls, the highest turnout in 20 years. The European Parliament is the European Union's only institution directly elected by its citizens, with the first ballot held in 1979. Several days later, a deal is reached and Greece avoids default. Most proposed laws must be approved by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to become law. In 2017 US President Donald Trump announces the US, the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases after China, will pull out of the agreement, making it more difficult to mitigate climate change. The Socialists get more seats than anyone else (about 35%). It is the first office outside the EU and reflects the importance of EU-US relations and the will to strengthen dialogue with the US Congress, Parliament exercises its newly gained power to approve or strike down international agreements and rejects an agreement on the transfer of data on EU banking transactions, carried out through the SWIFT payment network, to the US, citing privacy concerns. Since the start of European integration, the history of the European Parliament has fallen between these two extremes. The origins of the European Parliament lie in the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which became the common assembly of the three supranational European communities that existed at the time. Britainâs Winston Churchill is one of the most prominent European leaders calling for European integration. 11 CHAPTERI. 31 January 2020. It shall elect the President of the Commission’. EP presidents have since been able to express the views of the House at the start of summits. World War II ends on the European continent leaving tens of millions of people dead or homeless and Europeâs economies in ruins. In a sense, the European Parliament is the representative body of all Europe. This was done for the first time in 1979 and has been done ever since at five-year intervals. Direct access to language menu (press "Enter"), Direct access to search menu (press "Enter"), The European Parliament: historical background, The European Parliament: organisation and operation, The European Parliament: electoral procedures, European Parliament: relations with the national parliaments, The Court of Justice of the European Union, Competences of the Court of Justice of the European Union, The European Economic and Social Committee. Each member speaks for an area of Europe, for example Paris, Denmark or Sicily.Anyone can be elected, they are elected by all the EU citizens, the people who are citizens of a country in the EU.People have been elected to Parliament since 1979, before that they came from the Parliaments of each country. the European Parliament to adopt legislative acts in conjunction with the Council.